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研究生(外文):Jhong-Wun Shih
論文名稱(外文):The Professionals and Skilled Migration from the Philippines
指導教授(外文):Ching-lung Tsay
外文關鍵詞:ProfessionalsSkilled workersInternational MigrationReturn Migrationthe Philippines
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As the fourth largest labor-export country, Filipino workers have extremely open-minded attitude to working overseas. Also, more and more workers are forced to move abroad to working due to the unstable political-economic environment and awful labor-market problem.
Especially since the early 19th century, because of its colonization by America, a lot of Filipino professionals moved to the United State. However, in the last two decades, high demands for blue-collar workers from Middle-East and East Asia have led to the structure of OFWs change. It was not dominated by professionals and high-skilled workers but the semi-skilled or low-skilled workers. Nevertheless, professionals and high-skilled workers still have a strong effect on the contribution of remittances and skills return.
This paper tries to explore the professionals and skilled migration from the Philippines by several economic indicators and case studies. This paper was divided into three parts: supply of the Professionals and Skilled workers, the factors of international skills migration, and their contributions to the Philippines.
With the objective of popularizing higher education and the expectation for jobs, more and more students have receiving higher education and training programs. There are three main factors combine to cause the professionals and skilled migration. Which are the push-pull factors, bilateral agreements, and the culture of migration. Skilled migrants tend to have higher average remittance than per OFW remitted. In addition, the Philippines published a return migration program in 2011, which may help the Philippines’ development foundation solider.


表1- 1:2010年新僱用與再僱用的海外勞工數按所在國家分6
表1- 2:2004-2010年海外就業勞工新僱用人數按職業分7
表1- 3:2007-2010年海外勞工匯回平均金額按職業分8
表2- 1:1950-2010年東南亞主要國家的年平均GDP成長率(%)26
表2- 2:與他國之營業成本指標比較30
表2- 3:1970-2010年三產業部門佔GDP比率及就業人口比率(%)31
表2- 4:2000年、2005年及2010年人口概況 35
表2- 5:1980-2010年15歲以上人口、勞動力及參與率 37
表2- 6:1998-2010年勞動力人數(千人)按教育程度分 39
表2- 7:1987-2010年就業人口(千人)及其比率(%)按性別分40
表2- 8:1998-2010年就業人口的教育程度與比率(%)40
表2- 9:2006-2010年就業人口(千人)及其比率(%)按教育程度、性別分41
表2- 10:2004-10年,國內就業人口中的職業類別比率(%)43
表2- 11:2006-10年男女就業人口中的職業類別比率44
表2- 12:1987-2011年失業率、未充分就業率與勞動力未充分利用率47
表2- 13:1990-2010年失業率(%)按年齡群組分49
表2- 14:2007~2010年失業率按教育程度分 49
表3- 1:1975-1995年專業技術人才的移民型態比率53
表3- 2:1996-2010年專業技術人才的移民型態比率54
表3- 3:菲律賓大學(大專)按區域與公私立類別分59
表3- 4:1990-2009年菲律賓大學畢業生按科系分60
表3- 5:2005年TVET技能訓練分類61
表4- 1:2009年第一季菲律賓海內外缺工統計64
表4- 2:菲律賓專業技術就業之國內外平均薪資差異66
表4- 3:菲律賓所簽署之勞動協議按國別分 67
表4- 4:日本與菲律賓經濟夥伴協定:護士與看護工的許可程序73
表4- 5:菲律賓海外就業計畫76
表4- 6:1999-2009年大學及更高學歷畢業生人數按科系分80
表4- 7:2000-05年申請技職訓練及已取得證書者按技術類別分81
表5- 1:1990至2010年菲律賓的海外匯款比率按匯出區域分84

圖1- 1:1990-2000年亞洲四小虎GDP成長率比較圖3
圖1- 2:研究架構21
圖2- 1:1970-2010年每人平均GDP28
圖2- 2:1960-2010年人口數及成長率32
圖2- 3:2010年人口金字塔圖33
圖2- 4:1987-2010年勞動力人數比率按年齡群組分38
圖2- 5:1987-2010年就業人口按就業身份分48
圖2- 6:1980-2010年男女失業率比較圖48
圖3- 1:菲律賓1965年至2010年公私立大學數量60
圖5- 1:1995至2010年的海外現金匯款金額與成長率 83
圖5- 2:1995至2010年海外專業技術人才人數與匯款金額所佔比率86
圖5- 3:1995至2010年海外專技人才、海外勞工的平均匯款金額及

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ADB, Asian Development Bank.

BSP, The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

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DOLE, Department of Labor and Employment

Doing Business

ILO, International Labor Organization.

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The Migration Information Source.

TESDA, The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

UNCTAD, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

UNDP, United Nations Development Programme.

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