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論文名稱(外文):Characteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions in Various Particle Sizes from Smoldering Mosquito CoilCharacteristics of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions in Various Particle Sizes from Smoldering Mosquito Coil
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Ting Yang
外文關鍵詞:Polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbonsMosquito coilEmission factorsTotal toxic equivalent
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研究結果顯示4種蚊香燃燒所產生總懸浮微粒質量與總多環芳香烴排放因子有顯著的差異,4種蚊香燃燒所產生的總懸浮微粒質量排放因子範圍為31.0– 70.3 mg/g,其所負載的總多環芳香烴排放因子範圍為2791.1 – 7566.4 ng/g。4種蚊香燃煙微粒的幾何平均值為0.21 µm,且隨總微粒質量排放因子的增加,微粒的幾何平均粒徑呈現增加趨勢。微粒負載多環芳香烴的排放率和排放因子,主要分布在小於0.25 µm和0.25 – 0.5 µm的粒徑。另外,在16種多環芳香烴中以3環(Fluoranthene、Phenanthrene和Pyrene)的佔大多數;Benzo[a]pyrene、Benzo[a]anthracene、chrysene和Dibenzo[a,h]anthracene貢獻89.5 – 91.4 %的總多環芳香烴相當於BaP致癌潛力排放因子。
根據蚊香燃燒所產生的不同粒徑微粒負載多環芳香烴排放特性,我們建議使用含0.015 %美特寧的微煙蚊香,可以有效量減少蚊香燃燒所產生的總微粒質量與多環芳香烴排放量,可作為國內製蚊香產業發展低污染拜香的參考。

This study investigates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissionin particles of various sizes generated from smoldering different mosquito coils with different synthetic pyrethroid in a combustion test system. The PAHs content was quantified by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Among the four brands of mosquito coil investigated, yielding the emission factor ranges for total particulate mass and PAHs were 31.0–70.3 mg/g and 2791.1–7566.4 ng/g, respectively. The particle and PAHs emission factors varied significantly, respectively. The average of geometric mean diameter (GMD) of particles for tested mosquito coil smoke was 0.21 µm. Total particle mass emission factors increasing upon increasing the GMD of particles. Total particle PAH and mass emission rates and factors were mainly < 0.25 µm and 0.25–0.5 µm in size. The emissions of three-ring PAHs predominated and the major species among the 16 PAHs were fluoranthene, phenanthrene and pyrene for most incense types. The benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, and dibenzo[a,h]anthracene accounted for 89.5–91.4% of the totaltoxic equivalency emission factor.
Based on information of particle PAH emissions for tested mosquito coils, we suggest that smoldering a very low-smoke mosquito coil with 0.015 % of metofluthrin to minimize production of total PAH emission factors for total particles.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究源起 1
1.2 研究目的 1
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 蚊香的基本組成 3
2.2 蚊香內添加的環境用藥 3
2.3 蚊香燃燒所產生的空氣污染物 3
2.4 蚊香煙霧對健康的危害 4
2.5 多環芳香烴的簡介 4
2.6 多環芳香烴的物化特性 4
2.7 多環芳香烴的健康危害 4
2.8 多環芳香烴的特性比值 5
第三章 研究方法 6
3.1 蚊香燃燒測試系統 6
3.2 選擇蚊香 6
3.3 觀察燃燒速率 6
3.4 採樣蚊香微粒 6
3.5 分析多環芳香烴化學 7
3.6 分析數據處理 10
第四章 結果與討論 26
4.1 多環芳香烴分析品保與品管 26
4.2 蚊香燃燒速率 26
4.3 蚊香燃燒所產生微粒粒徑分布特性 26
4.4 蚊香燃燒產生微粒負載的多環芳香烴特徵比值 27
4.5 蚊香燃燒產生不同粒徑微粒的多環芳香烴濃度 27
4.6 蚊香燃燒產生不同粒徑微粒的多環芳香烴排放率 28
4.7 蚊香燃燒產生不同粒徑微粒的多環芳香烴排放因子 28
4.8 蚊香燃燒產生不同粒徑微粒的多環芳香烴排放相當於
BaP致癌潛力濃度 29
4.9 蚊香燃燒產生不同粒徑微粒的多環芳香烴排放相當於
BaP致癌潛力排放率 30
4.10 蚊香燃燒產生不同粒徑微粒的多環芳香烴排放相當於
BaP致癌潛力排放因子 31
4.11 蚊香燃燒產生微粒相多環芳香烴質量分率 32
第五章 結論與建議 92
第六章 參考文獻 93
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