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研究生(外文):Jie-Yi Jheng
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating The Performance of Taiwan's Solar Cell Industry
指導教授(外文):Hao-En Chueh
外文關鍵詞:Solar CellPerformance EvaluationTwo-stage Data Envelopment AnalysisSlack Variable Analysis
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  人類大量使用化石燃料,世界各國目前都面臨了化石能源耗盡與溫室效應全球暖化等問題,因此各國政府為了確保本身能源獨立和實現溫室氣體減排目標,均投入了大量的人力、物力來發展再生能源,其中太陽能源由於使用上不受地域限制,並且具有可持續利用的特性,各國政府都紛紛優先投入太陽能源使用上的研發與製造。台灣的太陽能源產業發展由於產業上游受制於矽晶原料的缺乏,且下游系統製造發展尚未健全,因此目前產業發展仍集中在電池與模組的研發製造與生產上。目前台灣的太陽能源產業發展,以中游的電池廠商在全球擁有一定的市佔率,為了與國際大廠競爭,保有台灣廠商的產業競爭力,瞭解目前台灣太陽能電池廠商的經營績效,就成了一個很重要的課題。本研究針對台灣九家太陽能電池廠商,在2009年至2011年間經營的財報資料進行績效評估,研究方法採用二階段資料包絡分析法,以投入導向與產出導向 BCC 模型分別衡量台灣太陽能電池廠商之營運效率與獲利效能,並從中選出標竿企業,對於評估出績效不佳的公司,以差額變數分析作為績效改善之參考依據,提出其改善經營績效之方向建言。實證結果歸納如下幾點:1. 檢視評估結果,達到營運效率之受評單位數目七個,達到獲利效能之受評單位數目七個。營運效率中以昱晶2010、太陽光2010表現最好;但其在獲利效能上並不是表現得最好,反而是旺能2009表現最好,此現象表示具營運效率之廠商不代表其獲利效能也表現較佳。2. 根據差額變數分析結果顯示,以二階段方式評估廠商經營績效,若欲提升營運效率,則必需針對投入變數項做適當的縮減避免成本浪費;而若欲改善獲利效能,則必須在既有營業收入淨額固定下,提高營業毛利與股東權益總額之值。台灣太陽能電池產業要具備跟國際大廠相比較的競爭力,則必須兼具營運效率與獲利效能,依據太極2009與茂迪2010此兩家廠商的投入、產出配置情形,在經營上同具營運效率與獲利效能,可作為標竿企業,提供其他績效不彰的廠商當作學習的楷模。
The massive recent increase in the human use of fossil fuels has meant that many countries around the world are increasingly faced with fossil energy depletion, the greenhouse effect, global warming and other issues. In order to ensure energy independence and achieve greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, governments have been investing substantial human and material resources in the development of renewable energy, including solar energy, which has no geographic restrictions to its usage and has the benefit of sustainability. Consequently, governments need to give priority to investment in research and development and manufacturing of solar energy devices and products.At present, the growth of the solar energy industry in Taiwan is restricted by the lack of silicon raw materials, and the fact that the downstream manufacturing system is not yet fully evolved. As a result, industrial development is still concentrated on cell and module innovation, together with manufacturing and production.The middle range of solar cell manufacturers in Taiwan, on the whole, has a certain market share in the current solar power industry development. However, in order to compete with larger international companies, and to maintain the production and competitiveness of Taiwan manufacturers, understanding the current operational performance of solar power companies has become a very important issue.In this study, a performance evaluation of nine solar cell manufacturers operating in Taiwan during the 2009-2011 financial report has been conducted. The research methods were based on two-stage data envelopment analysis using the input-oriented and output-oriented BCC model to measure the operational efficiency and profitability performance of solar-cell manufacturers in Taiwan, and a benchmark company was then selected. For companies that displayed a poor performance during the evaluation, a slack variable analysis is used as a reference for performance improvement, and suggestions given for the direction that should be taken to improve business performance. The empirical results are summarized as follows: 1. After examining the results of the evaluation, seven units were assessed to have achieved operational efficiency, and seven units were assessed to have achieved a profitable performance. The best achievers for operational efficiency were Gintech Energy in 2010 and Big Sun in 2010, but this is not reflected in their profitability performance, the best for which was achieved by Delsolar in 2009. This phenomenon indicates that operational efficiency does not necessarily translate into profitability. 2. Based on the results of the slack variable analysis, using a two-stage assessment to evaluate the operating performance of the manufacturers, in order to enhance the operational efficiency, it is necessary to implement an appropriate reduction in the input variable items so as to avoid the cost of waste; and those wishing to improve profit performance, the net operating income should be fixed, and the operating margins and total shareholders' equity value must be improved. Taiwan's solar cell industry must become competitive compared with international companies, both in operating efficiency and profitability performance. According to the results for Tainergy Tech in 2009 and Motech in 2010, both can be considered as benchmark companies based on their operational efficiency and profitability performance, and can be viewed as role models for those companies who have not yet met these two criteria.
誌謝 I
摘 要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒  論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 3
1.3 研究目的 4
1.4 研究範圍與對象 5
1.5 研究流程 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 太陽能電池產業概況 7
2.1.1 太陽能源使用的崛起 7
2.1.2 太陽能電池種類與發展 8
2.1.3 太陽能電池產業特性與競爭力分析 14
2.2 太陽能產業相關研究 18
2.3 績效評估方法之探討 19
第三章 研究方法 27
3.1 研究架構 27
3.2 資料包絡分析法 29
3.2.1 DEA之基本理論 29
3.2.2 Farrell 模型 31
3.2.3 BCC 績效評估模型 36
3.2.4 DEA 運用上之投入與產出變數負值處理 39
3.3 二階段 BCC 績效評估模型之建立 41
第四章 實證分析 47
4.1 投入導向 BCC 模型營運效率分析 47
4.2 產出導向 BCC 模型獲利效能分析 56
4.3 差額變數分析 62
4.4 績效評估後之標竿學習對象 71
第五章 結論與建議 73
5.1 研究結論 73
5.2 未來研究方向 76
參考文獻 77

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