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研究生(外文):Wei-Fan Chu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Direct Sale Channel with Lead Time Sensitive Demand
外文關鍵詞:PricingLead TimeDirect Sale ChannelMaximum total profit
  • 被引用被引用:3
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To many consumers, the direct sales channel is more convenient than the retail channel. Customers are also more willing to shop through web sites and TV because of the lower price and variety of products. One major factor that affects service quality of the direct sales channel is the delivery lead time. Therefore, this research constructs a direct sales channel model where customer demand is sensitive to both sales price and delivery lead time.
The aim of this research is to probe into the sales price and the sales duration decisions with the objective of maximizing total profit. By utilizing the developed model, numerical experiment and sensitivity analysis are conducted and we are able to gain insight into the behavior pattern of the direct sales channel. Our results reveal that when the sales price is set closer to be basic price level, the optimal sales duration is longer and the total profit higher. However, if the product is to be sold for shorter periods of time, then it is more beneficial to set lower sales prices. The outcome of the sensitivity analysis shows how various factors influence decision making and profits. Our findings may serve as a practical reference to decision makers in practice.
摘要 i
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 3
1.3研究方法與架構 4
第二章 文獻探討與回顧 6
2.1銷售通道 6
2.1.1銷售通道之定義 6
2.1.2銷售通道之結構 7
2.2直接銷售通道 9
2.3雙銷售通道 10
2.4前置時間 13
2.5小結 15
第三章 系統模型介紹與建構 16
3.1直銷通道系統介紹 16
3.2符號定義與研究假設限制 19
3.2.1符號定義與說明 19
3.2.2基本假設與限制 20
3.3數學模式建構 21
3.3.1直銷通道相關公式建立 21
3.3.2直銷通道需求與交貨前置時間公式設定 22
3.3.3直銷通道模型運作流程 24
3.3.4直銷通道模型製造商相關成本 25
3.3.5直銷通道模型每期製造商總相關成本與單期利潤 26
3.4公式推導 26
3.5案例測試 37
3.5.1基礎價格 37
3.5.2實驗與分析 37
3.6小結: 46
第四章 實驗設計與分析 47
4.1基本例題與實驗設計 47
4.1.1基本例題參數設定 47
4.1.2實驗設計 48
4.2產品訂價策略相關分析 49
4.3各項參數敏感度分析 60
4.3.1前置時間敏感度分析 60
4.3.2價格敏感度分析 71
4.3.3基礎需求敏感度分析 81
4.3.4單位缺貨成本敏感度分析 90
4.3.5單位製造成本敏感度分析 97
4.4總結 104
第五章 結論與建議 107
5.1研究結論 107
5.2未來研究建議 109
參考文獻 110
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