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研究生(外文):Ching-Yi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Growth Mechanisms of Zirconia Sol Prepared from Hydrothermal Synthesis
外文關鍵詞:coagulation.ZirconiaHydrothermal SynthesisGrowth Mechanismsself-assembly
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The objectives of this study are to investigate the growth mechanisms of hydrothermally prepared zirconia sols. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) was used to obtain the growth curves for four different precursor solutions. FE-SEM micrographs of sampled particles at different reflux time along the curve were used to perform intra-particle analysis on sampled particles. An S-shaped growth curve revealed the growth rate (slope) varies notably from one stage to the other. Intra-particle analysis revealed subunit addition rate as fast as one per hour at first half of the constant growth period in all cases. In subsequent growth, the decrease in the slope was due to a much slower subunit addition rate. For both precursor concentrations, 0.05M and 0.2M zirconium oxychloride solutions, the subunit size are 6-8nm initially, they grow larger with time to 6-10nm and 6-20nm, respectively. That is, the growth rate is a function of both the rate of subunit addition and the subunit size. Detailed growth models for both precursor concentrations are proposed.
Key word:Zirconia、Hydrothermal Synthesis、Growth Mechanisms、self-assembly、coagulation.
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures VI
List of Tables XII
List of Symbols XIII
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Preface 1
1.2 Purpose of This Study 2
Chapter 2 Literature Review 3
2.0 Basic Properties and Applications of Zirconia 3
2.1 Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zirconia Sols 5
2.2 Hydrothermal synthesis of zirconia sols 7
2.3 Chemistry of aqueous zirconyl salt solutions 7
2.4 Primary and secondary particle formation 12
2.5 Growth Mechanism of zirconium oxychloride solutions 19
2.6 Field-Emission Transmission Electron Microscopy 20
Chapter 3 Experimental 23
3.0 Materials 23
3.1 Sampling System 24
3.2 Labview Programming 24
3.3 Software Architecture 25
3.4 Monitoring sol particle size by DLS 26
3.5 Particle Characterization by FE-SEM 28
3.6 Particle Separate by High-speed Refrigerated Centrifuge 28
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 29
4.0 Introduction 29
4.1 DLS Growth Curves 29
4.1.1 DLS Growth Curves of 0.05M ZC and 0.05M ZC* 29
4.1.2 DLS Growth Curves and Histograms of 0.2M ZC and 0.2M ZC* 31
4.2 Growth of Zirconia Sols from 0.05M ZC 32
4.2.1 DLS Analysis 32
4.2.2 FESEM Analysis 38
4.2.3 Intra-particle Growth in D-direction 47
4.2.4 Intra-particle Growth in L-Direction 52
4.2.5 Proposed Intraparticle Growth Model for 0.05M ZC 62
4.3 Growth of Zirconia Sols from 0.05M ZC* 62
4.3.1 DLS Analysis 62
4.3.2 FESEM Analysis 66
4.3.3 Intra-particle Growth in D-Direction 73
4.3.4 Intra-particle Growth in L-Direction 76
4.3.5 Proposed Intraparticle Growth Model for 0.05M ZC* 81
4.4 Growth of Zirconia sols prepared from 0.2M ZC 82
4.4.1 DLS Growth Curves 82
4.4.2 FE-SEM Analysis 86
4.4.3 Intra-particle Growth in D-Direction 86
4.4.4 Intra-particle Growth in L-Direction 96
4.4.5 Proposed Intraparticle Growth Model for 0.2M ZC 96
4.5 Growth of Zirconia Sols from 0.2M ZC* 102
4.5.1 DLS Analysis 102
4.5.2 FE-SEM Analysis 105
4.5.3 Intra-particle Growth in D-Direction 105
4.5.4 Intraparticle Growth in L-Direction 114
4.5.5 Proposed Intraparticle Growth Model for 0.2M ZC* 119
4.6 Summary 120
4.6.1 Growth Mechanism for 0.05M ZC and 0.05M ZC* 121
4.6.2 Growth Mechanisms for 0.2M ZC and 0.2M ZC* 123
Chapter 5 CONCLUSIONS 125
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