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研究生(外文):Yi-Ru Su
論文名稱(外文):Distribution of Stock Ratings and Analysts’ Adjustment Decisions
中文關鍵詞:NASD Rule 2711股票評等分配市場反應
外文關鍵詞:NASD Rule 2711Distribution of Stock RatingsMarket Reaction
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美國證券交易委員會於2002年通過NASD Rule 2711法規的施行,此法規要求每家證券經紀公司必須在其所發佈的分析報告中,公佈股票推薦評等的比例分配。本研究以分析師的角度,探討其股票買進推薦評等比例與調降股票推薦評等或停止發佈評等報告的可能性之關係。
With the implementation of NASD Rule 2711 in 2002, it requires each brokerage firm to publicly disseminate the distribution of stock ratings in each research report. Hence, we want to investigate the relationship between the percentage of buy recommendations and probability of deciding to downgrade or drop coverage of stocks.
Our findings suggest that the percentage of buy recommendations can enhance the probability of deciding to downgrade stock ratings and drop coverage of stocks. Furthermore, we find that analysts tend to revise the recommendations downward to hold instead of an unfavorable level. In addition, we find market tend to believe downgrade decisions of analysts with a higher percentage of buy ratings.
Table of Contents
Inside Cover i
Chinese Abstract ii
English Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vi
I.Introduction 1
II.Related Literature and Research Hypotheses 4
III.Data, Sample Selection and Related Descriptive Statistics 7
IV.Research Design 10
IV.1 A Logit Analysis of Analysts’ Recommendation Revisions 10
IV.2 A Logit Analysis of Analysts’ Recommendation Revisions with an Interaction Item 12
IV.3 Detailed Explanation of the Variables 12
IV.4 The Stock Market Reaction to Analysts’Stock Recommendation Revisions 14
V.Empirical Results 15
V.1 Results for Analysts’ Recommendation Revisions 15
V.2 Regression Results of Analysts’ Recommendation Revisions with an Interaction Item 16
V.3 Results for Market Reaction 16
VI.Robust Test 17
VI.1 Results for analysts’ recommendation revisions in different sub-periods 17
VI.2 Results for analysts’ recommendation revisions with an interaction item in different sub-periods 18
VI.3 Results for Fama-MacBeth-style logit regressions of stock recommendation revisions 18
VI.4 Results for Fama-MacBeth-style logit regressions of stock recommendation revisions with an interaction item 18
VI.5 Results for Fama-MacBeth regressions of cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) 19
VII.Conclusion 19
Reference 21
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