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研究生(外文):Brandon DuBreuil
論文名稱:Electronic Word-of-Mouth: An Observational Study of Interpersonal Online Communication
論文名稱(外文):Electronic Word-of-Mouth: An Observational Study of Interpersonal Online Communication
中文關鍵詞:Electronic word-of-mouthattribution theorydialectical thinking theoryhedonic and utilitarian productsonline thread development
外文關鍵詞:online thread developmentElectronic word-of-mouthattribution theorydialectical thinking theoryhedonic and utilitarian products
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The internet today is dominated by interpersonal interactions. This has led to electronic word-of-mouth becoming an influential source of information to the modern consumer. This study adds to the knowledge of interpersonal online communication behavior. A research framework consisting of the attribution theory and the dialectical thinking theory was developed. Threads from a popular food forum were then analyzed using netnography. The results show that individuals use positive and negative attributions towards oneself or another to help strengthen statements made online. In addition, dialectical posts elicit more conversation than do non-dialectical posts.
The internet today is dominated by interpersonal interactions. This has led to electronic word-of-mouth becoming an influential source of information to the modern consumer. This study adds to the knowledge of interpersonal online communication behavior. A research framework consisting of the attribution theory and the dialectical thinking theory was developed. Threads from a popular food forum were then analyzed using netnography. The results show that individuals use positive and negative attributions towards oneself or another to help strengthen statements made online. In addition, dialectical posts elicit more conversation than do non-dialectical posts.
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Motivation 4
1.3 Research Objectives and Questions 6
2.1 Electronic Word-of-Mouth 7
2.2 Attribution Theory 9
2.3 Dialectical Thinking 12
2.4 Personal Influence 14
2.5 Hedonic and Utilitarian Products 17
3.1 Research Framework 20
3.2 Analytical Questions 23
3.3 Netnography 24
3.4 Analytical Methods 29
3.5 Forum Selection Criteria 30
Chapter 4 RESULTS 34
4.1 Comparing Hedonic and Utilitarian Products 35
4.2 Attributions 37
4.3 Research Framework Results 39
4.3.1 Cell 1 – Dialectical Thinkers and Attributions 42
4.3.2 Cell 2 – Non-Dialectical Thinkers and Attributions 45
4.3.3 Cell 3 – Dialectical Thinkers without Attributions 50
4.3.4 Cell 4 – Non-Dialectical Thinkers without Attributions 55
4.4 Overall Findings 61
4.4.1 Coding Differences 61
4.4.2 Comparing Attributions to No Attributions 62
4.4.3 Why use Attributions? 64
4.4.4 Development of Conversations 66
4.5 Discussion 70
Chapter 5 CONCLUSION 71
5.1 General Discussion 71
5.2 Contributions 74
5.3 Managerial Implications 75
5.4 Limitations and Future Research 77
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