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研究生(外文):Ke-Yuan Wu
論文名稱(外文):Development of an Intelligent Bed Mattress with Stop-snoring Function for use in the Home Environment
外文關鍵詞:Sleep qualitySleep monitoringSnoring monitoringHead-lift mechanism
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Sleeping quality is an important indication for a person’s health. Snoring is the most common diseases in sleep. In clinical practice, the use of polysomnographic (PSG) recording is a standard procedure to assess sleep. However, PSG is not suitable for long term monitoring in the home environment. With the rapid advance of sensing technologies, non-invasive and unrestrained sensing techniques have been developed for the monitoring of sleep quality in a home environment.

This research presents the development of an intelligent bed mattress with stop-snoring function for use in a home environment. The snoring detector is able to detect snores and record the data. When snores are detected, a head-lift mechanism is activated to raise the head position to about 30 degrees in order to stop snoring. Working with a bed manufacturer, this intelligent bed mattress uses the material and manufacturing process of commercial bed mattresses. Functional tests and preliminary user evaluation are also conducted, getting ready for future commercialization.
書名頁 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 研究背景與目的 1
1.1睡眠打鼾問題 1
1.2打鼾的監測 2
1.3打鼾的改善 5
1.4本研究目的 8
第二章 具止鼾功能之智慧型床墊設計概念 10
2.1使用情境 10
第三章 鼾聲監測裝置之設計與建置 14
3.1鼾聲時域特徵分析 14
3.2鼾聲監測裝置之設計與建置 18
3.3鼾聲監測裝置軟體設計 23
第四章 頭部抬升機構設計與分析 28
4.1頭部抬升機構之設計 28
4.2頭部抬升機構控制模組設計 32
4.3硬體組裝 35
第五章 具止鼾功能之智慧型床墊的測試實驗 37
5.1實驗設計與步驟 37
5.2實驗數據與統計分析 40
第六章 結論與未來工作 44
參考文獻 46

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