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研究生(外文):Ping OuYang
論文名稱(外文):Reinforced Concrete Beam of Mechanical Properties and Failure after Fire Damage
外文關鍵詞:Fire DamageFDSReinforces Concrete Beam
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近年來,人口不斷增加使得建築物不斷增建,建築物一旦發生火災往往造成財物損失、人員傷亡等等,而鋼筋混凝土為現今相當廣泛之建築材料,鋼筋混凝土在結構上會大量使用樑、柱、樓板或牆壁,而樑在結構系統中主要是承受撓曲彎矩及剪力之構件。本研究為探討鋼筋混凝土樑受火害後之力學性質變化,其力學性質包括混凝土抗壓強度、彈性模數、鋼筋降伏強度等等,這些力學性質會因火場中高溫侵蝕而導致鋼筋混凝土內部強度之折減,強度折減至一定的程度時混凝土將發生破壞。為了精確分析鋼筋混凝土樑受火害後高溫傳至內部之情形,本研究使用FDS(Fire Dynamics Simulation)火場熱流分析軟體模擬火災中之熱流場,將其模擬結果之溫度邊界套入PHOENICS計算流力分析軟體進行樑內部溫度與力學性質計算,並與文獻做驗證以符合模擬之精確性,最後將計算樑之破壞模式,以評估樑受火害後其結構強度,以及能否繼續使用。
In recent years, the population continues to increase make the building continue to build more buildings. When building fire happened, it usually caused properties loss, casualties and so on. Reinforced concrete nowadays is a generally of building materials. Reinforced concrete structure will be a large number of beams, columns, floor or wall. Beam structural system to withstand the bending moment and shear component. Therefore, this research is investigation of reinforced concrete beams by the mechanical properties change after fire damage. The mechanical properties include concrete compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, steel yield strength and so on. These mechanical properties due to fire and high temperature erosion cause by the internal strength reduction of reinforced concrete. Strength reduced to a certain extent so that the reinforced concrete will induce destruction. For accurate analysis of reinforced concrete beams after the fire and the situation of high temperature transmitted to internal. This research used the FDS (Fire Dynamics Simulation) which is fire heat flow analysis software simulation heat flow field in the fire. The FDS simulation result of temperature boundary set into PHOENICS which is computational fluid dynamics software for analysis beams internal temperature and mechanical properties, then validation with the literature to conform simulation accuracy. Finally, compute the failure mode of beams to assessment structural strength after fire, and whether it can continue to use.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
符號說明 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 研究流程規劃 5
第二章 火災數值模擬軟體之介紹 6
2.1 FDS火災模擬軟體 6
2.2 PHOENICS數值模擬軟體 8
第三章 火害對鋼筋混凝土性質之影響 11
3.1 鋼筋混凝土之性質 11
3.2 鋼筋混凝土之優點與缺點 14
3.3 溫度對鋼筋混凝土造成之影響 15
3.4 樑之力學性質 24
3.5 樑之破壞模式【48】 27
3.6 火場區間建構 32
3.7 模擬CASE規劃表 35
3.8 樑受熱的分析情形 36
3.9 火災CASE參數設計分析 37
3.10 樑受火害後內部性質驗證 37
第四章 結果與討論 40
4.1 火源熱釋放率大小之影響 40
4.2 鋼筋主筋直徑大小之影響 43
4.2.1 鋼筋主筋直徑大小之溫度變化 44
4.2.2 鋼筋主筋直徑大小之混凝土抗壓強度變化 47
4.2.3 鋼筋主筋直徑大小之鋼筋降伏強度變化 49
4.2.4 鋼筋主筋直徑大小之破壞 51
4.3 混凝土保護層厚度大小之影響 52
4.3.1 混凝土保護層厚度大小之溫度變化 52
4.3.2 混凝土保護層厚度大小之混凝土抗壓強度變化 54
4.3.3 混凝土保護層厚度大小之鋼筋降伏強度變化 56
4.3.4 混凝土保護層厚度大小之破壞 57
第五章 結論與建議 83
5.1 結論 83
5.2 建議 84
參考文獻 85
附錄 標稱彎矩之計算 88
口試委員問題澄覆與建議 90
作者簡歷 91
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