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研究生(外文):Shao-Chieh Lu
論文名稱(外文):The Designs to Simultaneously Reduce the PAPR Values of Multiple Symbols Using Cross-layer Coding and Hierarchical Modulation
外文關鍵詞:PAPRfountain codesSLMPTS
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Recently, fountain codes have been attracted much attention. Fountain codes as packet-level codes to reduce PAPR for OFDM systems have been proposed. However, the PAPR can not be achieved as well as the SLM-type scheme when a encoded packet is carried over multiple OFDM symbols. In this thesis, a cross layer design for PAPR reduction by using fountain codes and hierarchical modulation. Due to existing versatile applications in networks, proper resource management which help solve the problem is discovered. We also proposed another cross layer design for PAPR reduction by using a fountain code and a convolutional code. We fragment a convolutional codeword into several segments and apply the PTS concept to reduce PAPR values in the Single/Multi user case. However, the transmission of the side information about the rotations can be avoided through calculating increasing rate of the minimal path metrics in a Viterbi decoder. Both designs provide good PAPR performance through analyses and simulations in this thesis.
書名頁 i
論文口試審定書 ii
授權書 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
圖目錄 ix

第一章 序論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2

第二章 基本概念 3
2.1刪除性通道 3
2.2 湧泉碼(Fountain Codes) 4
2.2.1隨機線性湧泉碼(Random Linear Fountain Codes) 5
2.3 正交分頻多工系統之峰均值功率比 6
2.3.1峰均值功率比機率統計描述 7
2.3.2 選擇性映射(Selective Mapping) 8
2.3.3 部分傳輸序列(Partial Transmit Sequence) 9
2.4 結合隨機線性湧泉碼及選擇性映射以降低峰均值功率比之方法(SLM-type) 10

第三章 結合湧泉碼及階層調變以同時降低多符元之峰均值功率比的設計 12
3.1 包含多符元正交分頻多工系統之湧泉碼封包的峰均值功率比表現 12
3.2 階層調變結合湧泉碼以同時降低多符元正交分頻多工系統之峰均值功率比的技術 14
3.2.1 以選擇性映射及階層調變結合具有高優先性之短封包以改善峰均值功率比之方法(SLM-Scheme A ) 16
3.2.2 以選擇性映射及階層調變結合具有高優先性之長封包以改善PAPR之方法(SLM-Scheme B) 23
3.2.3 非均等階層調變結合湧泉碼改善峰均值功率比之技術 26
3.2.4以選擇性映射結合具有相同優先性之短封包以改善峰均值功率比之方法 30

第四章 結合跨層編碼以同時降低多符元正交分頻多工系統之峰均值功率比的設計 31
4.1結合跨層編碼以降低單符元正交分頻多工系統之峰均值功率比的技術(PTS-Scheme A) 32
4.2結合跨層編碼以同時降低多符元正交分頻多工系統之峰均值功率比的技術(PTS-Scheme B) 41

第五章 結論 43

參考文獻 45
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