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研究生(外文):Fu-Shan Tseng
論文名稱:Co-opetition Dynamics: Antecedents and Its Impacts on Service Innovation
論文名稱(外文):Co-opetition Dynamics: Antecedents and Its Impacts on Service Innovation
外文關鍵詞:Service-Dominant LogicService InnovationResource Based ViewCo-opetition
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透過問卷的發放及回收,本研究從綜合旅行社及甲種旅行社的角度探討競合動態的研究及其對服務創新之影響,並使用Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS)及Partial Least Squares (PLS)分析其研究結果。結果顯示,競合動態對服務創新、創新績效及公司績效皆有正面的影響,且創新績效具有其中介效果。競爭強度及互補性皆為競合動態之前因,並於本文中提出與競爭者形成合作關係,維持及平衡其關係,將有助於服務創新。本研究對旅遊業的研究貢獻,主要在於選擇良好的競爭夥伴,透過彼此間互補的能力及資源,將有助於公司績效的提升。
According to our study, the wholesale of travel agency in Taiwan will be our target. This research focus on co-opetition dynamics had a positive effect on service innovation, and influence on innovation performance and firm performance also. We proposed several antecedents as our variables and based on service-dominant logic (SDL), service innovation, resource based view, co-opetition theory and we came up with several hypotheses. According to questionnaire we distributed, the result showed that co-opetition dynamics had a positive effect on service innovation, innovation performance and firm performance. Innovation performance played a mediating role between service innovation and firm performance. There are two antecedents should be considered including competitive intensity and complementarities, affecting the formation and evolution of co-opetition relationship. In the end of this study, we will provide some contributions and implications that will be delivered to this industry.
Inside Cover i
Chinese Abstract ii
English Abstract iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables vii
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research background and motivation 1
1.2 Research objectives 6
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Hypotheses 7
2.1 Service-dominant logic (SDL) 7
2.2 Service innovation 9
2.3 Resource based view (RBV) 11
2.4 Co-opetition 14
2.4.1 The value net 16
2.4.2 Co-opetition dynamics 17
2.5 Research model 20
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 27
3.1 Instrument development 27
3.2 Operational definitions of variables 27
3.3 Sampling 33
3.4 Data collection process 33
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results 38
4.1 Sample demographics 38
4.2 Test of measurement model 40
4.3 The result of the structural model 45
4.3.1 The results for direct effects 45
4.3.2 The result for the mediating effect 47
4.3.3 The result for the moderating effect 49
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusion 51
5.1 Discussion 51
5.1.1 Co-opetition dynamics and service innovation 51
5.1.2 Competitive intensity and complementarities on co-opetition dynamics 52
5.1.3 Cost and co-opetition dynamics 52
5.1.4 Service innovation, innovation performance, firm performance 52
5.1.5 Mindset and co-opetition dynamics 53
5.1.6 Control variables 53
5.2 Contributions 54
5.3 Implications for practice 55
5.4 Implications for research 56
5.5 Limitation and future research 57
Reference 59
Appendix 65
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