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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Facial Texture Recognition Applications
指導教授(外文):Hao, Shu-Sheng
口試委員(外文):Hao, Shu-ShengChiu, Chung-ChengZhang, Yao-HongLiu, Cheng-Yu
外文關鍵詞:3D imageTexture RecognitionWavelet Phase-only CorrelationHistogram
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身份認證在軍事及日常生活的安全監控中扮演著相當重要的角色。本研究首先針對人臉進行三維影像拍攝及三維人臉模型建立,並將所獲得的影像進行前處理,辨識人臉之前處理是一項重要步驟,其成果會影響後續辨識的結果。本研究方法主要是先將三維立體影像轉成二維紋理影像,最後以小波相位相關 (Wavelet Phase-Only Correlation, WPOC)為從事二維人臉特徵辨識,用此方式來擷取影像中的特徵。為了改善分類與辨識之效果,我們以WPOC之方法,結合直方圖(Histogram)演算法來進行辨識,我們主要的目的仍在研究如何將三維影像轉成二維影像,且轉換之後的二維影像不會受光照及角度微偏影響辨識率。
本研究先以三維立體影像之特性視深值(Z)軸,並透過剖面方式,轉換成二維紋理影像,最後再以小波相位相關(Wavelet Phase-Only Correlation, WPOC)研究方法為先取出每張圖片之相位差再結合直方圖 (Histogram)進行後續的影像處理,每張影像處理後的結果用二維直方圖方式顯示出來,用判斷直方圖中較明顯峰值出現之分佈情形找出正確的影像,最後本研究將針對WPOC方法、POC方法及主成份分析法(Principal Component Analysis, PCA)進行比較,實驗結果顯示本文辨識率及辨識速度皆高於POC方法及PCA方法,本文利用 100張照片來實驗正確率達99%,辨識速度為0.67秒/張,POC之正確率達97%,辨識速度為1.17秒/張,而PCA之正確率為85%,辨識速度為3.98秒/張。

How to recognizing a person from the face has been gain lots of interests in many applications especially in the security system. It is well known that the 2D face recognition score is low when the face is not in the front views direction. In order to solve this inherent problem of 2D facial image recognition, 3D recognition algorithms have been rigorously developed in these years. Although the 3D image can be recognized in different viewing angles but it has an inherent problem with large amount of data. So that the main issue of 3D image recognition is how to use less data points to achieve the goals.
We try to project the 3D image on the depth direction to form a 2D texture image. This 2D image is similar to the contour lines map as in the geography terminology. We will combine the Wavelet Phase-only Correlation (WPOC) algorithm with Histogram Detection to recognize the facial images. We will inspect the peak distributions in the 2D histogram to find the match image.
The simulation results obtained from the proposed WPOC algorithms will be compared with POC and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methods to verify its efficiency. We build our own 3D database from the LT3D face camera. We use totally 100 pictures to test the proposed method. The recognition rate approach 99% with 0.67 second/frame with WPOC. The recognition rate approach 97% with 1.17 second/frame with POC. The recognition rate approach 85% with 3.98 second/frame with PCA.

誌謝 ii
摘要 iii
目錄 v
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
1. 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 文獻探討 3
1.3 研究系統流程 4
1.4 論文架構 6
2. 影像辨識基礎理論 7
2.1 結構光掃描編碼方式 7
2.1.1 空間編碼法(Spatial Neighborhood Coding) 7
2.1.2 指向編碼法(Direct Coding) 10
2.1.3 時間多工編碼法(Time-multiplexing Coding) 11
2.2 三維影像拍攝之結構光儀器介紹 13
2.3 色彩編碼與解碼介紹 14
2.4 三維影像之紋理等高線 15
2.4.1 三維影像之輪廓線 16
2.4.2 三維影像之面部曲線 16
2.5 色彩空間 17
2.6 邊緣偵測 17
2.7 形態學 18
2.7.1 膨脹(Dilation) 19
2.7.2 侵蝕(Erosion) 19
2.7.3 斷開(Opening) 19
2.7.4 閉合(Closing) 20
2.8 標記連通元件 20
3. 研究方法與步驟 24
3.1 三維立體模型拍攝與建立 24
3.2 三維立體模型之轉換 25
3.3 有興趣區域(ROI) 26
3.4 離散小波轉換(Discrete Wavelet Transformation, DWT) 27
3.5 傅立葉轉換(Fourier Transform) 30
3.5.1 一維傅立葉轉換對 30
3.5.2 二維傅立葉轉換對 31
3.6 主成份分析法(Principle Components Analysis, PCA) 之介紹 32
3.7 相位相關(Phase-Only Correlation, POC) 34
3.8 小波相位相關(Wavelet Phase-Only Correlation, WPOC) 34
3.9 特徵比對方法:歐幾里得距離(Euclidean Distance) 35
3.10 直方圖之比較方法 35
4. 實驗流程與結果 41
4.1 實驗處理與ROI區域擷取 41
4.2 PCA實驗結果 53
4.3 POC實驗結果 54
4.4 WPOC實驗結果 58
4.5 實驗辨識結果 78
5. 結論 80
參考文獻 81
自傳 84

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