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研究生(外文):David Yi-ting Liu
論文名稱:重新檢驗《多利安‧格雷的畫像》中的雙重性元素: 社會心理面之探究
論文名稱(外文):Revisiting the Double in The Picture of Dorian Gray: A Psychosocial Consideration
指導教授(外文):Wenjia You
口試委員(外文):Shao-ming KungHenk Vynckier
外文關鍵詞:Oscar WildeThe Picture of Dorian Graythe doublethe abjectadolescent identity formationErik EriksonJulia Kristeva
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有關奧斯卡‧王爾德(Oscar Wilde)《多利安‧格雷的畫像》(The Picture of Dorian Gray)之研究大抵環繞著主角心理的探討及故事中雙重性 (the double) 的主題。評論家檢視這部小說時,雙重性是討論的主要議題,尤其在其與多利安畫像之間的關連和對於這位青年心理狀態所造成之影響方面。亦即,許多評論者以探討雙重性對於多利安心理運作與感受之影響來切入分析雙重性的議題。
然而,在研究中筆者發現,故事中雙重性的元素及其對多利安心理的影響仍然有研究空間。尤其,在多利安自我身分認同(identity)的心理發展與其精神上的煎熬上,尚未有系統化或以雙重性為主題的研究。因此,此篇論文旨在為多利安的自我身分認同之形成,以及雙重性的因素如何導致其心理上的折磨,提供一個更詳盡的闡述。此論文分為三個章節。第一章探討王爾德在生活中所崇尚,並在其小說中闡述的個人主義(individualism)和矛盾雙重性。王爾德對於雙重性和自我自由發展之想法是我分析多利安心理的依據。第二章主要談論多利安自我身分認同之社會心理發展,以艾瑞克‧艾瑞克遜(Erik Erikson)的青少年自我身分認同形成理論(adolescents’ identity formation)為基礎此章節主要分析多利安自我身分之形塑過程和最終結構。第三章著重在多利安精神折磨之原因。在第二章中筆者分析多利安自我身分認同及內心界限的建構,而此章則探討多利安畫像的破壞雙重性如何打破界限,威脅多利安的自我身分結構,並造成他精神上的痛苦。筆者援用茱莉亞‧克莉絲娃(Julia Kristeva)的賤斥理論(the abject),探討多利安肖像的賤斥作用和雙重性,此雙重性正是多利安恐懼、焦慮和著迷的最終來源。
整體來說,此三章節為多利安的心理運作和潛在的精神折磨原因提出新的闡釋。筆者探討的兩項主題包括 (1)多利安自我身分認同的社會心理發展和最終結構,以及 (2) 多利安因肖像轉變過程中的雙重性所承受之精神煎熬。

The studies on Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray generally revolve around the protagonist’s psychology and the motif of duality in the story. When critics scrutinize the novel, the double is the most discussed subject, especially in terms of its connection to Dorian’s portrait and the impact it has on the young man’s mental state. That is, many have approached the question of the double with respect to its influence on Dorian’s mental workings and feelings.
However, in my research, I found that the element of duality and its effects on Dorian’s mind have not been studied comprehensively. In particular, the interrelated issues of Dorian’s psychological development of identity and mental sufferings are not investigated systematically or in terms of the double. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide a better investigation of Dorian’s identity development and examine how the factor of doubleness causes the young man mental anguish. I separate my thesis into three chapters. Chapter One reviews the individualism and paradoxical doubles Wilde upholds for life and illustrates in his novel. The author’s notions of the double and unrestrained development of self lay the groundwork for my analysis of Dorian’s psychology. Chapter Two deals with the psychosocial development of Dorian’s identity. Based on Erik Erikson’s theory of adolescents’ identity formation, this chapter analyzes the forming process and the ultimate structure of Dorian’s identity. Chapter Three focuses on the cause of Dorian’s mental sufferings. While the establishment of Dorian’s identity and inner boundary is explained in the second chapter, this chapter examines how the boundary-breaking doubleness of Dorian’s portrait threatens to destroy the unity of his identity and makes him suffer mentally. Drawing upon Julia Kristeva’s theory of the abject, I will investigate the duality of the abject-like picture, which is ultimately the source of Dorian’s fear, anxiety, and obsession.
On the whole, the three chapters shed new light on Dorian’s mental workings and the underlying cause of his inner sufferings. I have tackled two main subjects: (1) the psychosocial development and ultimate structure of Dorian’s identity; and, (2) the mental sufferings Dorian endures due to the doubleness of his transforming portrait.

Table of Contents

Introduction ……………………………………………………… 1

Chapter One
Individualism and Doubleness …………………………………. 8

Chapter Two
The Psychosocial Formation of Dorian’s Identity …………….. 24

Chapter Three
The Doubleness of the Picture and Its Psychological Impact … 49

Conclusion ……………………………………………………….. 79

Works Cited ……………………………………………………... 85

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