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研究生(外文):Chien Yi Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Analysts’ Forecast in the Pre-crisis and Post-crisis-IPO Firms in America
指導教授(外文):S. Y. WenX. J. Yu
外文關鍵詞:IPOanalysts’ forecastfinancial crisisrating
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In this study, we examine the analysts’ behavior in the pre-crisis and post-crisis period for IPO firms in America from 2005 to 2011. The control variables are the firm size, underpricing, the number of the IPO firms in the same year and whether the company is listed on NYSE or DASDAQ which previous literatures have proved those variables would affect the analyst following. Because we analyze the difference between pre-crisis period and post-crisis period, we use the debt ratio and the rating of firms which are thought as the factors related to the global financial crisis. The other variable in regression is the prior-year earning change, which is the variable examines the analysts behavior in previous study about Asian crisis. We separate the forecast error to three parts, high, normal and low. These three parts represent the different level of optimistic analysts, and we can compare the behavior for different analysts during two periods.
The result shows that all of analysts in our sample are optimistic, and they would become more optimistic after financial crisis. The result is consistent with previous study of Asian crisis. Besides, this study provides conservative analysts would use variables related to IPO to make their predictions before financial crisis but only consider the prior-year earning change after financial crisis. For optimistic analysts, they just notice whether the company is listed on NYSE or DASDAQ before crisis but consider the debt ratio, firm size and the number of IPO firms into their recommendations. Finally, the result also shows that the rating of the company is not a factor conservative and optimistic analysts would consider but general analysts would no matter in the pre-crisis or post-crisis period.
授權書 iii
誌謝 iv
摘要 v
Abstract vi
Contents vii
List of Tables ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 5
2.1 Analyst Following and Optimism 5
2.2 Analysts’ Forecasts under Uncertainty 7
2.3 The Global Financial Crisis in 2008 7
2.4 Anomalies of IPO Firms 8
Chapter 3 Data sources and Methodology 12
3.1 Initial Public Offering samples 12
3.2 Analyst Following 12
3.3 Rating Information 12
3.4 Opitimism in Forecasts 13
3.5 Regression model 14
3.6 Hypothesis 16
Chapter 4 Empirical Results and analysis 19
4.1 Descriptive statistics and correlation analysis 19
4.2 Optimism in Forecasts 26
4.3 Regression in Forecasted Change 28
4.4 Regression on Forecast Error 29
Chapter 5 Conclusion 37
References 40

List of Tables
Table 1. Numerical value of rating note 18
Table 2. Distribution of Initial Public Offering (IPOs) Over Time 20
Table 3. Sample Distribution 23
Table 4. Correlation Analysis 25
Table 5. Forecast Errors by Year 27
Table 6. Regression of Actual Earning Change on Forecast Change 28
Table 7. Forecast Error Regression 34
Table 8. Forecast Error Regression in Pre-crisis Sample Period 35
Table 9. Forecast Error Regression in Post-crisis Sample Period 36
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