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研究生(外文):Yu Chi Shen
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Map Design on Spatial Cognition
指導教授(外文):C. H. Lo
外文關鍵詞:Service DesignSpatial CognitionCognitive MapEye trackingSpatial memory
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視覺資訊呈現,為整體服務系統中一項重要元素。如使用服務者可藉由有效的視覺設計得到服務系統資訊,或可減少服務人力配置及工作量。地圖是傳達尋路知識的一項重要媒介,當人們初次置身於陌生場域中,可透過地圖此項視覺服務工具了解空間環境配置。過往設計及製作呈現地圖方式多使用2D 平面地圖,以透視方式呈現的3D單點透視地圖則較不普遍,也較少研究著眼於2D 平面地圖或3D 單點透視地圖對「空間認知」的影響。本研究採用「服務設計」觀點並以醫療場域地圖設計為例,探究其地圖呈現方式對於使用者「視覺動線及空間記憶」的影響。以科學實證方法,擷取使用者解讀地圖之經驗,作為現有地圖創新設計基礎。本研究使用眼動儀及空間記憶測驗,作為觀察與評估工具。眼動儀紀錄結果顯示:以2D 平面方式所呈現之地圖,會引發近似閱讀文件之視覺動線;而以3D 單點透視方式所呈現之地圖,則引發近似瀏覽立體空間之視覺動線。空間記憶測驗結果顯示:於透視角度方面,受試者觀看3D45°單點透視地圖之記憶表現,顯著比2D 平面及2.5D 透視地圖佳。於渲染擬真度方面,受試者觀看線稿地圖之記憶表現,顯著比低擬真地圖佳。但透視角度與渲染擬真度,兩者間無交互作用影響。
Presenting visual information is a key task in designing a good service system. If service users can obtain the required information from visual elements such as signs or displays, the work load and numbers of manpowers needed may be reduced. In this paper, we propose the idea of “Visual Service Design” to specify the design issues of visual media used in a service delivery system. We demonstrate how one can scientifically evaluate a user’s viewing experience of a particular visual design for service purposes. Common service systems such as hospitals usually
provide maps to support the patients and visitors in finding their ways around the environments. There seem to be a dominant use of 2D map in this regard, which may be adapted from the original CAD diagrams for designing and building the interiors. Using the map design as an example, we firstly carried out an eye-tracking experiment to investigate a user’s viewing patterns on the maps illustrating a hospital floor. We then used spatial memory tasks to evaluate the users’ performances on reading the maps. The maps were presented to the participants with different designs, including the traditional 2D diagrammatic approach and the 3D rendered scenes with varied levels of fidelity. The results from the eye movement analysis indicate that there may be a fundamental difference between
viewing the maps designed as 2D diagrams and those designed as 3D rendered scenes. For the 2D maps, the participants exhibit a viewing pattern similar to reading texts or documents (i.e. top to bottom, left to right). For the maps drawn in 3D, however, the participants generally move their eyes from bottom to top, which means “from the near to the far sides of the scene” in the 3D perspective. The results from the spatial memory tasks are also in favour of the 3D maps. In addition, no interactional effect has been observed between the dimensional factor and
rendering fidelities.
指導教授推薦書 ..........................................................................................
口試委員會審定書 ......................................................................................
國家圖書館授權書 .................................................................................. iii
長庚大學授權書 ....................................................................................... iv
誌謝 ............................................................................................................ v
摘要 ........................................................................................................... vi
Abstract .................................................................................................... vii
目錄 ........................................................................................................... ix
圖目錄 ..................................................................................................... xii
表目錄 ..................................................................................................... xiv
第一章 緒論 .............................................................................................. 1
1-1 研究背景 ......................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究目的與研究假設 ..................................................................... 6
1-3 論文架構 ......................................................................................... 7
第二章 文獻探討 ...................................................................................... 9
2-1 服務科學 ......................................................................................... 9
2-2 服務設計 ....................................................................................... 10
2-3 知覺與認知 ................................................................................... 17
2-4 認知地圖 ....................................................................................... 20
2-5 眼動儀 ........................................................................................... 26
2-6 空間記憶 ....................................................................................... 30
第三章 研究方法 .................................................................................... 34
3-1 醫療場域實地觀察 ....................................................................... 34
3-2 實驗地圖設計 ............................................................................... 35
3-3 觀看地圖之視覺動線實驗 ........................................................... 41
3-4 觀看地圖之空間記憶測驗 ........................................................... 43
第四章 結果與分析 ................................................................................ 45
4-1 視線焦點展示圖 ........................................................................... 45
4-2 視覺動線分析圖 ........................................................................... 45
4-3 觀看模式分析表 ........................................................................... 48
4-4 透視角度與渲染擬真度之空間記憶效應項檢定 ....................... 49
4-5 透視角度之空間記憶Post Hoc 檢定 ........................................... 50
4-6 透視角度變化與空間記憶表現之直條圖 ................................... 50
4-7 渲染擬真度變化與空間記憶表現之直條圖 ............................... 52
4-8 地圖呈現方式與性別空間記憶表現之直條圖 ........................... 53
4-9 討論 ............................................................................................... 54
第五章 結論與未來建議 ........................................................................ 58
5-1 結論 ............................................................................................... 58
5-2 未來研究方向 ............................................................................... 60
參考文獻 .................................................................................................. 61
附錄 .......................................................................................................... 72
(附錄一)醫療場域實地觀察之個案 ............................................... 72
(附錄二)視覺動線分析圖 ............................................................... 73

圖1-1 論文架構 ...................................................................................... 8
圖2-1 傳統生產過程 ............................................................................ 11
圖2-2 服務生產過程 ............................................................................ 11
圖2-3 大眾運輸系統圖原型 ................................................................ 13
圖2-4 顧客旅程中之服務互動接觸點 ................................................ 14
圖2-5 視覺知覺表現方式 .................................................................... 18
圖2-6 EyeLink II 眼動儀 ..................................................................... 27
圖2-7 利用攝影機計算瞳孔位置 ........................................................ 27
圖2-8 凝視位置校正程序 .................................................................... 28
圖2-9 九點校正程序 ............................................................................ 28
圖2-10 克羅斯積木點選作業 .............................................................. 32
圖3-1 醫療場域提供之地圖 ................................................................ 34
圖3-2 2D 平面線稿地圖 ....................................................................... 36
圖3-3 2.5D 透視地圖 ............................................................................ 37
圖3-4 3D 30°單點透視地圖 ............................................................... 38
圖3-5 3D 45°單點透視地圖 ............................................................... 39
圖3-6 3D 60°單點透視地圖 ............................................................... 40
圖3-7 受試者配戴眼動儀樣貌 ............................................................ 42
圖3-8 進行凝視位置校正程序 ............................................................ 42
圖3-9 空間記憶測驗題觀看 ................................................................ 44
圖3-10 空間記憶測驗題答題 .............................................................. 44
圖3-11 空間記憶測驗評分方式 .......................................................... 44
圖4-1 視線焦點展示圖 ........................................................................ 46
圖4-2 視覺動線分析圖 ........................................................................ 47
圖4-3 透視角度空間記憶之直條圖與標準差 .................................... 51
圖4-4 渲染擬真度之空間記憶直條圖與標準差 ................................ 52
圖4-5 地圖呈現方式之性別空間記憶直條圖與標準差 .................... 54
圖4-6 3D 單點透視地圖設計建議樣本 ............................................... 55
圖4-7 空間記憶測驗之地圖建議樣本 ................................................ 57

表4-1 觀看模式分析表 ........................................................................ 49
表4-2 透視角度與渲染擬真度之空間記憶效應項檢定 .................... 50
表4-3 透視角度之空間記憶Post Hoc 檢定 ....................................... 50
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汪建鈞(民101)。服務設計 激盪中小企業軟實力。台北產經,10,23-30。
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