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研究生(外文):Han Min Yang
論文名稱:設計與實作IEEE 802.16m模組於ns-3模擬器
論文名稱(外文):The Design and Implementation of IEEE 802.16m Module for ns-3 Simulator
指導教授(外文):Jenhui Chen
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Network Simulator 3 (ns-3),是其中一種可以反應無線網路環境模擬工具。它提供了強而有力的網路模擬工具以取代network simulator 2 (ns-2)。Ns-3是完全物件導向的程式,其完全放棄了與過時的ns-2的向後兼容性,為了更好維持,更加模組化以及更容易除錯。
我們希望能在ns-3上實作IEEE 802.16m模組以提供未來的研究者使用。因此,在這篇文章,我們程現了802.16m模組的實現以及設計細節。實作完成的模組由介質存取控制 (MAC)層中的基本功能以及簡易的排程機制所組成。我們也在模組中提供不同的服務類型並將通訊中的路徑損耗影響加入模組中,希望能使模擬器更加貼近現實環境。

In both fields of academia and industry, the use of a simulator tools is a cost efficient program that can visualize the effect of a new product or mechanism. The provision of a new simulation module provides a significant milestone, so that researchers can benefit from their study. The ease of use is an important concept within the designing phase for future applicability.
The network simulator 3 (ns-3) is one of those simulation tools that reflects a wireless network scenario. It provides a new and powerful network simulation tool which is a replacement of the network simulator 2 (ns-2). The ns-3 is a completely object-oriented program which completely abandons backward-compatibility with the outdated ns-2 due to the maintenance, more modularity, and ease of debugging.
With this ns-3 simulator, we want to implement an IEEE 802.16m module for future research use. Thus, in this thesis, we present our detailed design and implementation of 802.16m simulation module. The implemented module comprises of fundamental functions of the Medium Access Control (MAC) layer and a simple scheduler are included within this module. We also provide different kinds of traffic type and consider the path loss effect of transmission to make the simulator to a more realistic scenario in this module.

國家圖書館博碩士論文電子檔案上傳授權書 iii
長庚大學博碩士論文著作授權書 iv
Acknowledgements v
中文摘要 vi
Abstract vii
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation of IEEE 802.16m Module Development for ns-3 1
1.2. ns-3 Architecture 2
1.3. Our Approach 3
Chapter 2. The IEEE 802.16m System Architecture 5
2.1. Convergence Sublayer 5
2.2. MAC Common Part Sublayer 5
2.3. Physical Layer 7
2.4. Radio Resource Formation 8
2.4.1. Frame Structure 8
2.4.2. Medium Access Control Layer 8
2.5. 802.16m QoS classes 11
2.5.1. Unsolicited Grant Service 11
2.5.2. Real Time Polling Service 11
2.5.3. Non-real Time Polling Service 12
2.5.4. Best Effort Service 12
Chapter 3. The Implemented IEEE 802.16m Module 13
3.1. NS-3 Simulator Class 13
3.2. Superframe Header 15
3.3. Network Entry Procedure 16
3.4. Service Flow 18
3.5. Bandwidth Request and Allocation Mechanism 19
3.6. Scheduling 22
3.6.1. The UGS class 24
3.6.2. The rtPS class 27
3.6.3. The nrtPS class 27
3.6.4. The BE class 29
3.7. The PHY Layer and Channel Model 29
3.8. Burst 32
Chapter 4. Simulation Results 34
Chapter 5. Conclusion 45
References 46

List of figures
Figure 1: Software organization of ns-3 [5]. 2
Figure 2: The Mac simulation architecture of IEEE 802.16m. 6
Figure 3: The time-division duplex frame structure in IEEE 802.16m. 7
Figure 4: The developed classes of IEEE 802.16m module. 14
Figure 5: Illustration of periodic transmission of S-SFH SPs with example transmission periodicity of 40ms, 80ms, and 160ms for SP1, SP2, and SP3, respectively. 15
Figure 6: State machine for the ABS for initial network entry process. 17
Figure 7: State machine for the AMS for initial network entry process. 18
Figure 8: Five-step bandwidth request procedure. 20
Figure 9: Piggyback bandwidth request for a different connection. 22
Figure 10: The scheduler mechanism. 23
Figure 11: The UGS scheduler processing. 25
Figure 12: The rtPS scheduler processing. 26
Figure 13: The BE scheduler processing. 28
Figure 14: The illustration of PHY layer and channel. 30
Figure 15: A snapshot of the simulation topology. 35
Figure 16: The system throughput versus simulation time in 30 seconds. 36
Figure 17: Transmit bits in 100 ms versus simulation time. 37
Figure 18: Transmit bits per single subframe. 38
Figure 19: The system throughput versus simulation time with difference modulation in 30 secnods. 39
Figure 20: The system throughput versus simulation time with difference service types in 30 seconds. 40
Figure 21: The throughput ration with different service type versus number of AMSs. 41
Figure 22: The average access delay versus different number of AMSs. 42
Figure 23: The MAC delay versus different number of AMSs with different service types. 43
Figure 24: The queuing delay versus different number of AMSs with different service types. 44

List of tables
Table 1: Implementation and not implemented functionality. 4
Table 2: Burst size 31
Table 3: Minimal size index as a function of the allocation size 33
Table 4: Simulation parameters 34
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