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研究生(外文):Chi-Chou Kao
論文名稱(外文):Exploration on the physiologically active substance Squalene of olive leaf extracted through applying the supercritical carbon dioxide Extract
指導教授(外文):Yen-Lien Hsu
外文關鍵詞:supercritical fluidsqualeneCanarium albu
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  本研究,在橄欖葉經過乾燥後,利用研磨再透過超臨界二氧化碳萃取出,並以氣相色譜火焰離子化檢測器(GC/ FID)分析結果。研究發現是存有生理活性角鯊烯(Squalene)成分。

  In the advent of constant changes found in people’s lives, and in this age of convenient information, the living quality would also rise as well so is the increasingly daily focus on self-health as well as prevention from diseases. Therefore the market demand tends to tilt towards prioritized selection from anything natural and organic. As far as the skin care products and health foods currently on market are concerned, the natural extraction methods are most likely the ones adopt the supercritical fluid methods. Since the extraction technology like supercritical fluid method does not require too high a temperature range or pressure in order to proceed to extraction, and solvent recycling would not raise issues like residues and leftover. Additionally the supercritical fluid can be characterized with gaseous low viscosity, high expansion coefficient, low surface tension, liquid-like high density, solubility; in addition the ability to dissolve can be adjustable along with temperature as well as pressure. Hence the solubility of supercritical fluid is paramount to the adjustments made at pressure and temperature levels so as to acquire the most optimum extraction conditions whereas carbon dioxide is found as the best and optimum material for supercritical fluid.
At current stage, the research on olive in this country primarily relies upon olive oil. Since olive oil is rich with effective components and the major characteristic is that its content is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids i.e. oleic acid. Moreover the active component with most characteristic is found rich in Squalene. Since Squalene possesses extremely expansive effectiveness consequently this research targets to the olive leaf and applies the supercritical carbon dioxide to facilitate the extraction. Other than these, this research also analyzes and explores whether there is any existence of effective material Squalene found in the olive leaf so as to meet the requirement for maximum value that characterizes the overall olive tree.
In this research, after the olive leaves are dried, we use grinding so as to extract them through supercritical carbon dioxide. In addition we use GC with Flame Ionization Detector(GC/ FID)to analyze the performances. Findings indicate that there exists component of physiologically active substance Squalene.

摘要 V
目錄 IX
表目錄 X
圖目錄 XI
壹、緒論 1
貳、文獻探討 2
一、橄欖(Canarium album) 2
二、角鯊烯(Squalene) 7
三、超臨界二氧化碳萃取原理與應用 14
參、研究目的 21
肆、材料與方法 22
一、實驗設計 22
二、實驗材料 23
三、藥品與試劑 23
四、實驗儀器設備 24
五、橄欖葉超臨界二氧化碳萃取實驗步驟 25
六、萃取條件設計 26
七、橄欖葉之氣相色譜火焰離子化檢測器(GC/ FID)分析步驟 26
伍、結果與討論 27
一、角鯊烯標準曲線建立 27
陸、結論 30
參考文獻 31

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