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研究生(外文):Yu-Hung Huang
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Bioaerosol Characteristics and Public Perception Survey of the Fugitive Dust Potential Area
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本研究在烏溪和濁水溪流域附近選擇鄰近地點進行實地採樣。利用安德森六階生物氣膠採樣器、AGI-30、Biosampler進行生物氣膠採樣,同時利用氣象監測系統測定風速、方向、溫度和濕度。另外,生物氣膠採樣結果也進一步進行菌種鑑定,以了解空氣中細菌和真菌種類。結果顯示:在烏溪方面,秋冬時受到東北季風的影響,因此生物氣膠濃度較高;在濁水溪方面,夏季時受到南風的吹拂,生物氣膠濃度也較高。冬季時則有東北季風及附近農作物休耕影響,使得生物氣膠濃度也相當提高。在細菌菌種鑑定方面,由於每個月的溫度、濕度等環境條件的不同,因此優勢菌種不具特異性;真菌方面則是以Microsporum canis var為主。而綜合菌種鑑定結果,在細菌方面:發現革蘭氏陽性菌佔總採樣種類之比例94 %(33/35);而生物安全等級比例中,第二級以上細菌佔31 %(9/29)。在真菌方面:皆為生物安全等級第二級以上100 %(10/10)。因此揚塵盛行區域所採集之生物氣膠中,真菌所潛在之暴露危害較劇烈。在統計結果中,在烏溪方面,當風速大於4 m/s以上達顯著現象;在濁水溪方面,當風速大於3 m/s以上達顯著現象。另一方面,在10~12月份間兩地生物氣膠濃度有明顯高於其他月份。

Taiwan falls within the Asian monsoon region. Owing to the influence of the monsoon, there is a lot of rainfall in the western Taiwan, particularly during the summer. In winter, due to the separation by the Central Mountain Range, the moisture carried by the northeast monsoon cannot reach western Taiwan, causing rivers to dry up. The difference in water volume of river band between high and low water season can be significant. As the riverbeds are broad, the silt often forms huge amounts of seasonal fugitive dust and bioaerosol in the autumn each year because of the influential northeast monsoon, seriously affecting the work and life of local residents. The main river sources of fugitive dust in Changhua region include Wu River and Zhuoshui River. Wu River spans across the north end of Changhua County, and Zhuoshui River at the south end.

The objective of this study was to carry out field sampling of bioaerosols from chosen sites close to the Wu and Zhuoshui Rivers. The study utilized Andersen 6-stage bioaerosol sampler, AGI-30 and Biosampler to take samples, and used a meteorological monitoring system to determine wind speed and direction, temperature and humidity. In addition, strain identification was carried out on the bioaerosol sampling results, in order to understand the characteristics of the bacteria and fungus in the air in fugitive dust-prone areas. The study results show that the bioaerosol concentration of Wu River was much higher in autumn and winter due to the northeast monsoon. For Zhuoshui River, the bioaerosol concentration was higher in summer due to the south wind, but in winter, owing to the influence of the northeast monsoon and the unplanted period of the crops on the riverbeds, the concentration also increased. Concerning bacterial strain identification, there was no specific dominant bacterial strain as the temperature, humidity and other environmental conditions in each month were different, while fungus was dominated by Microsporum canis var. In the bacteria indentification, 94 % of bacteria were found as Gram positive strain; moreover, in the classification of biological safety level (BSL), the bacteria bioaerosol was found 31 % in BSL 2, and was 100 % as BSL 2 in fungal bioaerosol. The founded fungal bioaerosols revealed more hazard potential than bacteria in the fugitive dust flourishing area. The statistical results showed significant agreement when wind speed was greater than 4 m / s in Wu River and 3 m / s in Zhuoshui River, respectively. On the other hand, bioaerosol concentrations between October to December was significantly higher than other months.

第一章 前言 7
1.1研究緣起 7
1.2研究目的 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1烏溪 9
2.2 濁水溪 12
2.3懸浮微粒之特性 16
2.4懸浮微粒對人體之影響 21
2.5氣象因素、河川揚塵對空氣品質的影響 24
2.6生物氣膠之來源與健康影響 28
2.7 真菌 30
2.8 細菌 33
2.9 細菌暴露的生物安全等級 34
第三章 研究方法 36
3.1生物氣膠採樣 36
3.1.1安德森六階 36
3.1.2 Biosampler 衝擊瓶 37
3.1.3 AGI-30 38
3.1.4 培養基 38
3.1.5試藥 39
3.1.6 BD Phoenix自動微生物系統 40
3.1.7統計分析方法 42
3.2採樣步驟 43
3.3採樣地點 44
3.4民眾訪查作業 47
第四章 結果與討論 48
4.1烏溪生物氣膠TSA採樣 48
4.2烏溪生物氣膠MEA採樣 55
4.3濁水溪生物氣膠TSA採樣 62
4.4濁水溪生物氣膠MEA採樣 69
4.5安德森六階、AGI-30、Biosampler採樣結果 76
4.6 環境因子及月份對細菌、真菌的影響 80
4.7 菌種類別及菌種等級 84
4.8 民眾問券訪查結果 86
第五章 結論及建議 127
參考文獻 129

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