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研究生(外文):Kai-Xun Zhuang
論文名稱(外文):Study on a CMP Machine’s Shifting Production Problem within a Finite Planning Horizon
指導教授(外文):Dah-Chuan Gong
外文關鍵詞:finite planning horizonimperfect production processeconomic production quantitysemiconductorchemical mechanical polishing
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Regarding semiconductor manufacturing of the integrated circuit, technologies tend toward miniaturization, where integrated circuits are developed with a focus on high-density, high-volume, and high-performance. State causes the surfaces of integrated circuits to be uneven, which results in other problems of process. Therefore, this research selects the chemical mechanical polishing machine, which can prevent the uneven problem from occurring frequently, and is a phased technology to render the surface to achieve global planarization. The technological requirement of miniaturization can be satisfied to solve the uneven surface problem of integrated circuits. Contrarily, the quality of the chemical mechanical polishing machine is very important. Based on the main polishing rate, chemical mechanical polishing is done by two unreliable key modules, the pressure control module, and the rotation control module. A production problem is determined in the process of the chemical mechanical polishing machine, and during a production run, the two unreliable key modules will shift from an in-control state to an out-of-control state. A portion of the items that the chemical mechanical polishing machine produces is defective, and such defectives are discarded. However, the chemical mechanical polishing machine must produce a fixed number of products to satisfy demand over a finite planning horizon. This study discusses chemical mechanical polishing machine production problems. According to the chemical mechanical polishing process, the two key modules may shift to an out-of-control state due to different production situations, where both key modules are in-control, one key module is out-of-control, and both key modules are out-of-control. Once a key module shifts to an out-of-control state, certain amount of defects will be generated. The Economic Production Quantity model is proposed by this study, and its objective is to determine the optimal number of production runs over a finite planning horizon to minimize expected total costs. Finally, a numerical example is provided to illustrate the model. Meanwhile, sensitivity analysis is performed to provide suggestions that improve the number of production runs or production uptime in production planning.

摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與範疇 4
1.3 研究方法 6
1.4 研究架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 化學機械研磨 9
2.2 傳統經濟生產批量模式 11
2.3不完美製程之經濟生產批量模式 12
2.4檢驗之經濟生產批量模式 14
2.5生產期限之經濟生產批量模式 15
第三章 經濟生產批量模式建構 17
3.1 問題描述 17
3.2 假設條件 19
3.3 符號設定 21
3.4 模式建構 22
3.5 凸函數性質驗證與求解 31
3.6 使用MacLaurin Series 36
3.7 Special Case 38
第四章 數值範例求解與分析 40
4.1 探討MacLaurin Series 40
4.2 參數之敏感度分析 43
4.2.1 生產期限(H) 47
4.2.2 設置成本(k) 48
4.2.3 檢驗成本(v) 49
4.2.4 生產率(p)與需求率(d) 50
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 53
5.1 結論 53
5.2 未來研究方向 54
參考文獻 55

圖1.1 全球與台灣IC的產值 2
圖1.2 2012年全球半導體應用市場規模 3
圖1.3 未經過平坦化處理之表面 4
圖1.4 研究架構流程圖 8
圖2.1 化學機械研磨機 9
圖2.2 經濟生產批量模式 12
圖3.1 雙關建模組之生產狀態變化圖 23
圖3.2 雙關鍵模組與實際生產時間之關係圖 23
圖3.3 生產存貨關係圖 26
圖4.1 各種成本圖 45
圖4.2 各參數與總生產成本之關係圖 46
圖4.3 生產期限之總生產期望成本變化圖 47
圖4.4 設置成本之總生產期望成本變化圖 49
圖4.5 檢驗成本之總生產期望成本變化圖 50
圖4.6 生產率之總生產期望成本變化圖 51

表1.1 全球半導體市場規模(產品別) 2
表1.2 全球半導體市場規模(應用別) 2
表1.3台灣IC產業產值 3
表1.4 各種平坦化方法的程度與範圍 5
表2.1 關鍵模組之相關文獻 10
表4.1 第1至50組之 和 數值表 40
表4.2 第51至100組之 和 數值表 41
表4.3求得最佳生產週期的期數、總生產期望成本和誤差一覽表(No.1~No.50) 41
表4.4求得最佳生產週期的期數、總生產期望成本和誤差一覽表(No.51~No.100) 42
表4.5 參數值一覽表 44
表4.6 各參數值權重變化一覽表 45
表4.7 各參數值相對應之n*與Z(n*)一覽表 46
表4.8 生產期限之各項成本一覽表 47
表4.9 生產率之各項成本一覽表 51

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