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研究生(外文):You-Ren Liang
論文名稱(外文):A Self-Powered Respiratory Monitor
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Lun Tsai
外文關鍵詞:respiratory airflowwind turbineelectrical power generator
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此研究的目的是利用呼吸氣流吹動風輪葉片以帶動微型電磁發電機的轉子來發出電力。此研究以覆蓋住口鼻的口罩收集呼吸氣流,設計流道與其進出氣口位置使呼吸時吸吐氣的雙向氣流均能以同一 方向推動葉片,而葉片輪轂經改良後能加速氣流使葉片轉速提升,發電機則改由齒輪帶動來優化線圈纏繞區域,提升輸出電壓。
Electronic medical devices have become smaller, lighter, cheaper and more portable. The working time of these devices are mostly limited by the capacity of batteries. If we were able to harvest electrical energy from human body, their usability can be extended to some emergency situations when public electricity supply and batteries are not available.
The purpose of this study is to build a miniature electric generator powered by the air flow of breathing. The breathing air push a turbine blade to rotate a strong permanent radial magnet. This induces a voltage on coils wound around the rotating magnet as described by Faraday’s Law of induction. The turbine blade is enclosed in an airflow chamber with a shape like a tropical storm symbol. Since breathing air flow changes its direction repeatedly with the cycle of inhalation and exhalation, this chamber is specially designed to keep on pushing the blade in the same direction. To elevate the generating voltage, the coil bobbin is designed to have coils wound over the rotating center of magnet which increases the change of magnet flux. The rotation of radial magnet is driven by the turbine shaft using gears.
When the turbine blade was pushed by nitrogen at a constant flow rate of 15 L/s, the rotational speed of turbine reached 2400 rpm. This generated an 11V of open circuit output voltage. The output voltage dropped to 5.51V when a 6000W resistance was added as an electrical load. The output current was 0.92mA, and the output power was 5.06mW. When the turbine was driven by a piston pump to simulate the breathing cycle, the output with 6000W of load became 1.13V and 0.19mA. This provided a output power of 0.21mW.
摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖索引 VI
表索引 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1- 1研究動機與背景 1
1- 2研究目的 2
第二章 理論基礎 5
2- 1人體基礎代謝率計算 5
2- 2呼吸氣流動能計算 6
2- 3電磁發電 7
2- 4轉動慣量的計算 9
第三章 研究設備及方法 10
3- 1風輪機構 11
3- 2發電機構 14
3- 3發電機輸出電壓測量 18
3- 4單向氣流的葉片轉速測量 18
3- 5穩定氣流的發電量測量 20
3- 6產生雙向氣流的氣磊泵浦 20
3- 7雙向氣流的發電量測量 24
第四章 結果 24
4- 1發電機輸出電壓測量結果 24
4- 2葉片轉速測量結果 25
4- 3發電機II固定轉速的發電量測量結果 28
4- 4單向氣流的發電量測量結果 30
4- 5單向氣流實驗與計算結果比對 32
4- 6雙向氣流的發電量測量結果 34
第五章 討論 37
第六章 結論與未來展望 40
參考文獻 41

圖2- 1、在睡眠時所測得的呼吸流率與氣壓變化波形[10] 7
圖2- 2發電機與負載的等效電路 9
圖3- 1夕字型流道與不同葉片形狀設計:(a)葉片I與(b)葉片I 14
圖3- 2葉片三視圖:(a)葉片I與(b)葉片II 14
圖3- 3 (a)夕字型流道底座、(b)上蓋與(c)轉接頭 15
圖3- 4線圈纏繞兩側的(a)發電機I與包覆住磁鐵的(b)發電機II 16
圖3- 5發電機底座、上蓋與發電機構的組合圖 17
圖3- 6呼吸氣流發電機構圖 17
圖3- 7 用於測量轉速的感應線圈與(a)葉片I及(b)葉片II的相對位置 20
圖3- 8 使用發電機II(圖中未繪出線圈)比較(a)葉片I與(b)葉片II的發電效率。 20
圖3- 9泵浦組合圖 23
圖3- 10泵浦運轉示意圖 24
圖4- 1 (a)發電機I與(b)發電機II 25
圖4- 2 兩種發電機在不同轉速下的開路峰值電壓E 26
圖4- 3呼吸發電機實體圖 27
圖4- 4兩種葉片未連結上發電機II時的轉速比較圖 27
圖4- 5兩種葉片連結上發電機II後的轉速比較圖 28
圖4- 6轉速固定為1500轉時發電機II的負載曲線 30
圖4- 7流率為每分鐘15公升時發電機II的負載曲線,顯示各元件上的電壓電流與消耗功率值隨負載而改變的情形,電壓與電流都為均方根值, 32
圖4- 8比較馬達與葉片II帶動發電機II,在不同負載下的輸出電壓 34
圖4- 9模擬計算負載電阻在不同線圈電感量(Henry)下的輸出電壓變化曲線,紅粗實線為使用葉片帶動發電機的實驗量測值。 35
圖4- 10葉片II加上發電機II在雙向氣流時的發電量 36
圖4- 11在一個呼吸週期內,負載電阻為6000歐姆時的電壓輸出波形 36
圖4- 12人體配戴呼吸發電機之示意圖 37

表3- 1轉動慣量計算 17
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