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研究生(外文):I-Chen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Investigating MBA's Competencies - From The Perspective of Human Resources Managers
指導教授(外文):Pei-Yuan Ting
外文關鍵詞:CompetencyMBABusiness education
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The purpose of MBA education is to foster and educate the future managers. In Taiwan, as the result of the increased number of MBA schools, the supply of MBA is much more than the need now. Nevertheless, many college students still apply for MBA program, because they think the degree will prepare them to be better managers and help them to get better jobs. But the survey found that even though the number of graduate students has been increased to four times than a decade ago, but it does not guarantee the better quality of MBA graduates. Many recruiters argue that the MBA education is not able to prepare its graduate to get the hand of their work more quickly than the college graduates. In other words, there seems to be not so much difference in term of job performance between MBA graduates and college graduates. Therefore, the goal of this research is to analyze the strengths and the weaknesses of the recent MBA graduates comparing with the college graduates. Human resource managers will be interviewed because their jobs involving interviewing, selecting and evaluating employees who include MBA graduates and college graduate. It is believed that their opinion will provide invaluable information regarding the performance of the MBA graduates in comparison with the college graduates.
The results of this study show that there is a higher expectation in MBA graduates from the employers than the college graduates. The MBA’s do demonstrate their strengths in reasoning and intellectual ability. They are quicker in learning and have stronger motivation in pursuing success. But comparing with college graduate, there is not much difference in their professional capabilities, presentation skills, and creativities. On the other hand, comparing with college graduates, the evidences show that they tend to be more proud of themselves because they have higher degree. Also they are less obedient to their employers, because they tend to think they have better options and solutions. Moreover, they also have more problems in emotion management.
The human resource managers suggest that the MBA’s could enhance their strengths by dedicating their efforts in research and writing dissertation, because it is one of the major characteristics of MBA education which can give them the skill of collecting data and reasoning. Also, in order to learn more about real business practice, participating practical trainings, like internship, is encouraged. In addition, they should overcome their weakness by changing their attitude. In other words, they have to learn to be humble and obedient, because the knowledge they have do not equal better performance.

中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 IV
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 3
第二章、文獻探討 4
第一節、MBA教育的目的 4
第二節、管理教育的批評 6
第三節、企業所需求的各項能力 8
第三章、研究設計 12
第一節、研究方法 12
第二節、研究對象 13
第三節、資料蒐集 14
第四章、研究分析 16
第一節、資料分析架構 16
第二節、職場工作者的能力需求 17
第三節、人資主管對MBA期望的能力 24
第四節、MBA與大學生的比較 30
第五節、人資主管給MBA的建議 38
第五章、結論 46
第一節、研究結論 46
第二節、研究發現 52
第三節、研究貢獻與管理實務上的建議 57
第四節、研究限制 60
第五節、未來的建議 61
參考文獻 63
附錄、訪談逐字稿(範例) 67

表2-1:台灣MBA教育目的 4
表3-1:質性研究的特質 12
表3-2:受訪者基本資料 13
表3-3:半結構式訪談的優點 14
表3-4:訪談提綱 14
表4-1:資料分析架構 16
表5-1:MBA教育目的與企業期望對照表 53
表5-2:MBA的職能落差表 54
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