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研究生(外文):Feng-Pin Lee
論文名稱(外文):Development of Innovative SEPIC Converter of LED Lighting Driver
指導教授(外文):Shr-Shiung Tu
外文關鍵詞:LED LightingSEPIC converterSEPIC-Buck converterEnergy StarElectrolyte capacitor AvoidancePower Factor Correction
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本論文提出一種新型SEPIC(Single-Ended Primary Inductance Converter)拓撲結構來驅動LED照明。研製輸入電壓100~240Vac,輸出20瓦的新型SEPIC轉換器,符合LED燈能源之星標準與IEC61000-3-2 Class C電流諧波規範,並且具有壽命長、高功率因數、高效率、低成本的發光二極管照明應用。

在本論文中,分析傳統SEPI PFC轉換器工作原理,並對其進行改進,進而提出了一種新型SEPIC-Buck轉換器,此轉換器大大降低電容值,達到可消除輸出電解電容,增加驅動器壽命。在本文中詳細描述新型SEPIC-Buck轉換器工作原理,分析和設計方法。最後研製一20瓦LED照明轉換器,以驗證該方案的可行性。

1. 提高可靠度:此轉換器降低輸出二極體及的電壓應力,進一步減少輸出二極體雜訊。
2. 提升LED驅動電路壽命: 此轉換器降低電解電容值,增加驅動器壽命。
3. 降低成本與優化設計空間:新型SEPIC轉換器,單級式架構並且降低電解電容使用,節省成本並優化驅動器設計空間。


The thesis proposes an innovative SEPIC (Single-Ended Primary Inductance Converter) topological structure to drive LED lighting. The innovative SEPIC converter with 100~240Vac input voltage and 20W output power is developed, which meets the LED lamp Energy Star Criteria and IEC 61000-3-2 Class C current harmonic regulations, and has long life, high power factor, high efficiency and low cost to be suitable for LED lighting application.

In the thesis, the operation principle of the conventional SEPI PFC (Power Factor Correction) converter is analyzed and modified to propose an innovative SEPIC-Buck converter, which can not only reduce the voltage stress of diode, but also reduce capacitance significantly. Therefore, it may reduce output electrolyte capacitor and increase the life of driver. In the thesis, the operation principle, analysis and design methods of the innovative SEPIC converter are described in detail. At last, a 20W LED lighting converter is developed to verify the possibility of the project.

The major contributions of this paper are as below:
1. Improvement of reliability: this converter reduces the voltage stress of the output diode, and further reduces the noise of the output diode.
2. Increase of SED driving circuit life: this converter eliminates output electrolyte capacitor and increases the life of the driver.
3. Cost-down and design space optimization: innovative SEPIC converter, sing-stage structure and reduction of the use of electrolyte capacitor save cost and optimize driver design space.

中文摘要 ............................................................................................................ I
Abstract ............................................................................................................. II
誌 謝 ............................................................................................................... III
Contents ........................................................................................................... IV
List of Figures ................................................................................................... V
List of Tables .................................................................................................. VII
Chapter 1 Introduction ....................................................................................... 1
1-1 Research Motivations and Objectives ................................................ 1
1-2 Purpose of the study .......................................................................... 3
1-3 Organization of this Thesis ................................................................ 4
Chapter 2 Power Factor Correction and SEPIC Power Converter Introduction .. 5
2-1 Power Factor Correction .................................................................... 5
2-2 PFC Power Converter ...................................................................... 18
2-3 Introduction to SEPIC Driver of LED Lighting ............................... 22
Chapter 3 Analysis for Design and Operation Principle of New SEPIC Driver 30
3-1 Introduction to SEPIC-Buck Power Converter Structure ................. 30
3-2 SEPIC-Buck Power Converter Operation Principle ......................... 33
3-3 Design of SEPIC-Buck Converter Topology ................................... 38
3-4 Simulation and Experimental Result Waveform of SEPIC-Buck
Converter Circuit ....................................................................................... 45
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future Work ........................................................... 58
4-1 Conclusions ..................................................................................... 58
4-2 Future Work .................................................................................... 59
References ........................................................................................................ 60

List of Figures
Figure 1- 1 Lighting Efficiency of Lighting Lamp Sources [4] ........................... 2
Figure 1- 2 Two-Stage Series Power Converter .................................................. 3
Figure 1- 3 SEPIC-Buck derived block diagram ................................................. 4
Figure 2- 1 Bridge Rectification AC/DC Conversion ......................................... 6
Figure 2- 2 Waveform Relationship for Inductive Load ..................................... 7
Figure 2- 3 Waveform Relationship for Capacitive Load ................................... 7
Figure 2- 4 Passive L type PFC .......................................................................... 9
Figure 2- 5 Passive LC type PFC ..................................................................... 10
Figure 2- 6 Passive π type PFC ........................................................................ 10
Figure 2- 7 Multiplier Control Method ............................................................. 11
Figure 2- 8 Peak Current Control Circuit Diagram ........................................... 12
Figure 2- 9 Peak Current Control Waveform .................................................... 13
Figure 2- 10 Circuit Diagram of Average Current Control ............................... 14
Figure 2- 11 Waveform of Average Current Control ........................................ 14
Figure 2- 12 Circuit Diagram of Hysteresis Current Control ............................ 15
Figure 2- 13 Waveform Diagram of Hysteresis Current Control ...................... 16
Figure 2- 14 Circuit Diagram of Voltage Coupling Control .............................. 17
Figure 2- 15 Waveform of Voltage Coupling Control ...................................... 18
Figure 2- 16 Single-Stage Power Converter ..................................................... 19
Figure 2- 17 Buck............................................................................................. 20
Figure 2- 18 Boost ............................................................................................ 20
Figure 2- 19 Buck-Boost .................................................................................. 21
Figure 2- 20 Fly-back ....................................................................................... 22
Figure 2- 21 Basic Structure of SEPIC Converter ............................................. 23
Figure 2- 22 Related Current Waveforms in DCM mode (L1>L2) ..................... 24
Figure 2- 23 DCM D1TS Equivalent Circuit ...................................................... 25
Figure 2- 24 DCM D2T2 Equivalent Circuit ...................................................... 25
Figure 2- 25 DCM D3T3 Equivalent Circuit ...................................................... 26
Figure 2- 26 Related Current Waveforms in CCM mode (L1<<L2) .................. 28
Figure 2- 27 CCM D3T3 Equivalent Circuit ...................................................... 29
Figure 3- 1 Driving Lighting SEPIC-Buck Converter Structure ....................... 31
Figure 3- 2 Evolution of SEPIC-Buck Driving Lighting Converter Circuit ...... 32
Figure 3- 3 Switching Period Ts Timing Related Current Waveforms of
SEPIC-Buck Converter .............................................................................. 33
Figure 3- 4 Switching Cycle TS Timing Related Voltage Waveforms of
SEPIC-Buck Converter .............................................................................. 34
Figure 3- 5 D1TS Equivalent Circuit of SEPIC-Buck Converter ........................ 35
Figure 3- 6 D2TS Equivalent Circuit of SEPIC-Buck Converter ........................ 36
Figure 3- 7 D3TS Equivalent Circuit of SEPIC-Buck Converter ........................ 37
Figure 3- 8 SEPIC-Buck Driver Structure ........................................................ 38
Figure 3- 9 Current of Capacitor Co .................................................................. 43
Figure 3- 10 Circuit of Simulation Software PSIM ........................................... 45
Figure 3- 11 Waveforms for Control Signal Vgs of Power Switch and Input
Inductor Current IL1 as Input Voltage is 110Vac/240Vac ........................... 46
Figure 3- 12 Waveforms for Control Signal Vgs of Power Switch and inductor
current IL2 .................................................................................................. 47
Figure 3- 13 Waveforms for Control Signal Vgs of Power Switch and Output
Diode Current ILb ....................................................................................... 48
Figure 3- 14 Waveforms for Control Signal Vgs of Power Switch and Output
Diode Current IDS ....................................................................................... 49
Figure 3- 15 Waveforms for Input Voltage and Current as Input Voltage is
100Vac ...................................................................................................... 50
Figure 3- 16 Waveforms for Input Voltage and Current as Input Voltage is
240Vac ...................................................................................................... 51
Figure 3- 17 Waveforms for Output Voltage and Current ................................. 52

List of Tables
Table 3- 1 Driver Specification Adopted in the Paper ...................................... 38

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