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研究生(外文):Shih-Lien Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Relationship in Elementary School Children’s Sleep Quality, Negative Emotions and Learning Attitudes
外文關鍵詞:children’s sleepsleep qualitynegative emotionslearning attitude
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研究目的 : 許多研究指出成人睡眠品質好壞,會影響記憶表現成效與負面情緒調適能力,但是兒童這方面的研究則較少;而且結論也不太一致。學習態度對於學童學習成效,具有關鍵的角色,但過去少有研究去探討睡眠品質對於學習情意層面的影響,譬如:學習態度、學習動機或學習情緒。而且也少有研究去探討負面情緒與學習態度之關聯性。因此,本研究主要想瞭解不同性別與年級的國小學童之睡眠品質、負面情緒與學習態度的現況,以及探討睡眠品質、負面情緒與學習態度三者之關聯性,以做為未來探討兒童睡眠品質與學習成效的另一個方向。
研究方法 : 本研究以桃園縣某國小522位三至六年級的學童為研究對象,進行問卷調查。以匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(PSQI)、心理感受量表、學習態度量表,進行研究變項資料蒐集。資料分析及統計方法:(一)以平均數、標準差、百分比描述個人口及研究變項的現況。(二)以二因子(性別與年級)獨立樣本變異數分析,分別比較不同性別、年級的學童在睡眠品質各變項、負面情緒的次因素以及學習態度各面向的差異。(三)以皮爾森積差相關統計分析睡眠品質、負面情緒、學習態度相關性。
研究結果 : 六年級學童上課日睡眠時數顯著較其他學童少且日間功能也較差;而三年級學童及女童假日睡眠時數較多。整體上學童的自覺睡眠品質滿意度平均分數皆小於0.5分,顯示學童自覺睡眠品質滿意度尚佳。兒童自覺睡眠品質滿意度、日間生活功能與整體睡眠品質與負面情緒有負相關;而睡眠潛伏期與睡眠困擾與負面情緒有正相關;兒童上課日睡眠時數、自覺睡眠滿意度、日間功能與學習態度有顯著正相關;而睡眠潛伏期、睡眠困擾、安眠藥使用則與學習態度有顯著負相關。
結論 : 本研究發現學童睡眠品質良窳與負面情緒、學習態度的確有顯著關聯。除了負面情緒因素與學習態度因素之外,未來可深入探討影響睡眠品質與學習成效的其他相關中介變項,以建構更完整的學童睡眠品質影響學習成效的理論模式。

Objective: Numerous studies have indicated that the sleep quality of adults affects their memory performance and negative emotion adaptability. However, studies examining the sleep quality of children are rare and their conclusions vary. Although learning attitudes are crucial to the learning outcomes of school children, few studies have investigated the effects that sleep quality have on the affective domains of learning, such as learning attitudes, motivations, and emotions. Furthermore, studies regarding the correlation between negative emotions and learning attitudes are scarce. Therefore, this study primarily investigates the sleep quality, negative emotions, and learning attitudes of elementary school children of both genders and at various grade levels. We also explore the relationship between sleep quality, negative emotions, and learning attitudes. The results can provide directions for future studies regarding children’s sleep quality and learning outcomes.
Methods: The participants comprised 522 third to sixth grade students at an elementary school in Taoyuan County. A questionnaire survey consisting of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a psychological perception scale, and a learning attitude scale was employed for research variable data collection. The data analysis and statistical methods employed in this study were as follows: (a) Means, standard deviations, and percentages were calculated to describe the demographic and research variables; (b) a 2-way (gender × grade level) analysis of variance for independent samples was conducted to analyze and compare the differing effects that the gender and grade level of school children have on their sleep quality variables, secondary factors of negative emotions, and learning attitude dimensions; and (c) the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was adopted to analyze the relationship between sleep quality, negative emotions, and learning attitudes.
Results: Compared with children at other grade levels, sixth grade students experienced significantly shorter sleep durations on school days, and their daytime functioning was also poorer. By contrast, third grade students and female school children reported longer sleep durations during weekends and holidays. Overall, the average score for perceived sleep quality satisfaction as rated by the participants was less than 0.5, indicating that their perceived sleep quality satisfaction was satisfactory. In addition, we identified a negative correlation between negative emotions and school children’s perceived sleep quality satisfaction, daytime life functioning, and overall sleep quality. Furthermore, sleep latency and sleep disturbance were positively correlated with negative emotions; school children’s sleep duration on school days, perceived sleep quality satisfaction, and daytime functioning showed significantly positive correlations with their learning attitudes; and sleep latency, sleep disturbance, and sleeping pill use exhibited significantly negative correlations with children’s learning attitudes.
Conclusion: We found that the sleep quality of school children is significantly correlated with children’s negative emotions and learning attitudes. In addition to the factors examined in this study (i.e., negative emotions and learning attitudes), future studies can explore other mediators that affect sleep quality and learning outcomes. The information can be used to develop a more comprehensive theoretical model for the effects that sleep quality have on school children’s learning outcomes.

目  錄
摘  要 i
Abstract iii
誌  謝 v
目  錄 vi
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的與問題 2
1.3 研究範圍與限制 2
1.4 重要名詞釋義 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 睡眠結構與品質 5
2.1.1 睡眠性質與功能 5
2.1.2 睡眠品質與測量方式 8
2.2 兒童睡眠型態與問題 8
2.2.1 兒童睡眠型態與現況 9
2.2.2 影響兒童睡眠品質的因素 11
2.3 學童情緒及相關因素 15
2.3.1 情緒的定義及功能 15
2.3.2 影響情緒的性別與年齡因素 17
2.4 學習態度 18
2.4.1 態度的定義 19
2.4.2 學習態度之內涵 20
2.4.3 學習態度分類 22
2.4.4 學習態度與性別 23
2.4.5 學習態度與年級 24
2.5 兒童睡眠品質、負面情緒與學習態度的相關 24
2.5.1 情緒與學習動機或學習態度相關的研究 25
2.5.2 睡眠品質與負面情緒相關研究 26
2.5.3 睡眠品質與學習變項相關研究 27
第三章 研究方法與實施 29
3.1 研究架構 29
3.2 研究對象 30
3.3 研究工具 30
3.4 研究程序 35
3.5 資料分析 36
3.6 研究假設 36
第四章 研究結果 38
4.1 研究對象資料描述性統計 38
4.2 睡眠品質結果及相關背景變項比較分析 38
4.2.1 睡眠時數 39
4.2.2 個人自覺睡眠品質的滿意&;#64001; 42
4.2.3 睡眠潛伏期 44
4.2.4 睡眠困擾 45
4.2.5 安眠藥使用 46
4.2.6 日間功能 47
4.2.7 整體睡眠品質 48
4.3 負面情緒結果及相關背景變項之分析 50
4.3.1 生氣 50
4.3.2 憂鬱 52
4.3.3 整體負面情緒 53
4.3.4 小節總結 54
4.4 學習態度結果及背景變項之比較分析 55
4.4.1 學習方法 55
4.4.2 學習動機 56
4.4.3 環境態度 58
4.4.4 上課態度 59
4.4.5 整體學習態度 60
4.4.6 小結 62
4.5 睡眠品質、負面情緒、與學習態度之相關 62
4.5.1 睡眠品質各項指標與負面情緒的相關分析 63
4.5.2 睡眠品質各項指標與學習態度各項因素的相關分析 64
4.5.3 負面情緒與學習態度各項因素的相關分析 67
第五章 討論與建議 69
5.1 兒童睡眠品質結果分析 69
5.1.1 夜間睡眠時數 69
5.1.2 個人自覺睡眠品質 70
5.1.3 睡眠潛伏期 71
5.1.4 睡眠困擾 71
5.1.5 安眠藥使用 71
5.1.6 日間功能 72
5.1.7 整體睡眠品質 72
5.2 兒童負面情緒的結果分析 72
5.2.1 生氣 72
5.2.2 憂鬱 73
5.2.3 整體負面情緒 73
5.3 兒童學習態度的結果分析 73
5.3.1 年級因素 73
5.3.2 性別因素 74
5.4 睡眠品質、負面情緒與學習態度的相關 74
5.4.1 兒童睡眠品質與負面情緒的相關性 74
5.4.2 學童睡眠品質與學習態度的相關性 75
5.4.3 學童負面情緒與學習態度之相關性 75
5.5 結論與建議 76
5.5.1 結論 76
5.5.2 研究貢獻與限制及對未來研究及教育實務的建議 77
參考文獻 79
附 錄 88
簡 歷 92

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