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研究生(外文):Yi-hsien Chang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Silver Addition on Photoreactive Properties of Bismuth Oxide
指導教授(外文):Chin-yi Chen
外文關鍵詞:Spray pyrolysisThermal decompositionBismuth oxideSilverPhotocatalyst
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  本研究利用硝酸鉍作為先驅物,以熱裂解法與噴霧熱解法製備氧化鉍粉體,並利用不同比例硝酸銀(0.5、1、2、3、4 at%)進行改質,探討在不同銀離子添加量對於粉體特性、光學特性與觸媒活性的影響。
  以熱裂解法所製備之粉體為實心球型顆粒,顆粒均一性較佳,比表面積約2~5 (m2/g);以噴霧熱解法所製備之粉體呈現則為空心球、一次粒徑與二次粒徑結構,粒徑分佈較不平均,比表面積約4~6 (m2/g)。因銀屬微量添加,因此隨著銀的添加,粉體於晶格常數、晶粒大小、顆粒大小與比表面積皆無明顯的變化。
由XPS分析可得知於熱裂解法系統中銀以+1價存在於粉體,β-Bi2O3理論能隙約2.58 eV,Ag2O理論能隙約1.20 eV,因此熱裂解法所製備粉體能隙隨著銀的添加量越多而略減(由2.36 eV減少製2.29 eV)。於噴霧解法系統中,銀則以金屬態Ag0存在,因銀屬導體,因此在添加銀後,能隙也較純氧化鉍能隙小。在光觸媒活性方面,熱裂解法以銀添加量2 at%的觸媒效果最佳,對於甲基橙的降解率可達64 % (純氧化鉍粉體約42 %),而於噴霧熱解法中,在添加銀之後對於甲基橙的降解率皆低於所製備之純氧化鉍粉體。
In the present study, bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) powders were prepared from bismuth nitrate (BiNH) by thermal decomposition (TD) and spray pyrolysis (SP) processes. Subsequently the Bi2O3 powder was doped with various amounts (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 and 4 at%) of silver (Ag) to modify its characteristics, photoreactive and catalytic properties.
The experimental results indicated that the TD-derived Bi2O3 powder possessed solid spherical particle, and the particle uniformity is better than that of SP-derived powder. The surface area is c.a. 25 m2/g. The SP-derived Bi2O3 powder possessed hollow spherical particle, primary and secondary particulate structures; and the surface area is c.a. 46 m2/g. Due to the small amount of silver addition, no obvious change in lattice constant, grain size, particle size and surface area of the resulting Bi2O3 powders can be found with the increase of Ag addition.
The XPS data show that the Ag+ ion can be found in the TD-derived Bi2O3 powder. In UV-Vis tests, the prepared Bi2O3 powder shows a red-shift phenomenon with the dope of silver. This may result from the small theoretical bandgap (1.20 eV) of silver oxide, resulting in the decrease in bandgap (from 2.36 to 2.29 eV) of the Bi2O3 with the silver addition. This trend can also be found in the SP-derived Bi2O3 powder, due to the doped silver exhibits a metallic phase in the Bi2O3 matrix.
The photocatalytic activity of Ag/Bi2O3 powders was evaluated by the photodegradation of the methyl orange under visible light irradiation as a function of Ag content. In the TD system, the photodegradation efficiency of Bi2O3 can be significantly improved from 42% to 64% with the incorporation of 2.0 at% Ag addition. In the SP system, metallic silver may disperse homogeneously in Bi2O3 particles, resulting in the formation of recombination centers. The photocatalytic efficiency of the SP-derived Ag/Bi2O3 powders thus decreases.
中文摘要 III
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XIII
第一章、前言 1
第二章、文獻回顧 2
2.1 光觸媒 2
2.1.1 光觸媒的介紹與原理 2
2.1.2 光觸媒的光催化特性 3
2.1.3 光觸媒材料及改質方法 5
2.1.4 國內研究光觸媒之現況 13
2.2 氧化鉍 15
2.2.1 氧化鉍的結構與特性 15
2.2.2 氧化鉍的製備方法 17
2.2.3 氧化鉍的奈米結構 22
2.2.4氧化鉍受光催化之降解效能 26
2.2.5 國內研究氧化鉍之現況 28
第三章、實驗步驟 29
3.1 實驗動機與目的 29
3.2 觸媒粉體的製備 30
3.2.1 熱裂解法製備氧化鉍粉體 30
3.2.2 噴霧熱解法製備氧化鉍粉體 32
3.3 觸媒材料之特性分析 34
3.3.1 熱重分析 34
3.3.2 X光繞射分析 35
3.3.3 冷場發射掃描式電子顯微鏡表面形態分析 36
3.3.4 穿透式電子顯微鏡粉體結構分析 36
3.3.5 化學分析電子能譜儀 36
3.3.6 可見光-紫外光譜分析儀 37
3.3.7 高解析比表面積分析儀 37
3.4 光催化降解檢測 38
第四章、結果與討論 40
4.1 熱裂解熱處理前粉體之特性分析 40
4.1.1 TGA熱重分析 40
4.2 熱裂解法複合粉體之特性分析 41
4.2.1 XRD結晶結構分析 41
4.2.2 FESEM表面型態分析 43
4.2.3 HR-TEM微結構分析 47
4.2.4 XPS粉體成分分析 49
4.2.5 UV-Visible光學特性分析 55
4.2.6 BET分析 57
4.3 噴霧熱解複合粉體特性分析 58
4.3.1 XRD結晶結構分析 58
4.3.2 FESEM表面結構分析 60
4.3.3 HR-TEM微結構分析 64
4.3.4 XPS粉體成分分析 66
4.3.5 UV-Visible光學特性分析 71
4.3.6 BET分析 73
4.4 觸媒活性測試 74
4.5 製程比較 84
第五章、結論 88
第六章、未來方向 90
參考文獻 91
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