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研究生(外文):Chang Shang-Lang
論文名稱(外文):Size distribution and the concentrations of heavy metals in welding particles
指導教授(外文):Chen Hsiu-Ling
外文關鍵詞:welding fumesheavy metalsparticle size distributionremoval efficiency
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研究結果顯示健身器材製造廠各區域粉塵濃度為粉體區(15.58mg/m3)>自動銲接區(0.66 mg/m3)>手動銲接區(0.53mg/m3)>沖床區(0.18 mg/m3)>裁切區(0.16 mg/m3)。粉體區濃度已超過美國政府工業衛生師協會(American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, ACGIH)、美國職業安全衛生研究所(The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH)以及我國「勞工作業環境空氣中有害物容許標準」所規定之標準值(5mg/m3)。健身器材製造廠中粗顆粒氣動質量中位數粒徑為9.65µm~9.93µm,細顆粒為0.67µm ~1.20µm,從事銲接作業區與在細顆氣動質量中位數粒徑低於其他非銲接區,各區域粒徑呈現雙峰分佈。

In this study, the industry manufacturing fitness equipments in Chang-hua county was selected for measuring the exposure hazards of welding fume. IOM and Marple for inhalable and particle size distribution sampling were processed respectively. Meanwhile, an exposure chamber experiment to explore the removal efficiency for welding fume by using alternative masks to remove inhalable dust and heavy metals, which were analyzed by ICP-OES.
The results showed that the concentrations of inhalable welding fume were in powder coating area (15.58mg/m3)> automatic welding area (0.66 mg/m3)> manual welding area (0.53mg/m3)> punch area (0.18 mg/m3)> Cutting area (0.16 mg/m3). The mass level of powder coating area is higher than the occupational exposure limit (5mg/m3) set by ACGIH, NIOSH and permissible exposure level (PEL) of Taiwan workplace standard. The mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) of coarse particles ranged from 9.65μm~9.93μm, fine particles: 0.66μm~1.2μm, which showed bimodal distribution in manufacturing fitness equipments. The welding operation area in fine aerodynamic mass median diameter is less than other areas without welding works.
Aluminum is one of major heavy metal in power coating area inside the fitness equipments industry; iron is in welding operation area; iron and aluminum in punch and in cutting area. In the exposure chamber experiments, chromium, nickel are the major sampling inside exposure chamber while using stainless steel electrode.
The removal efficiency test for welding fume by using the different masks barrier, the removal efficiency was as the following: N95 (64.42%)> R95 (52.42%)> FFP1 (48.75%)> activated carbon (45.0%)> cotton (37.5%), and N95 masks barrier was the excellent one. While the assessments were classed as coarse particles (PM21 ~ PM10) and fine particles (PM10 ~ PM1), the removal efficiency of FFP1 masks were 76.3% and 91.1%, respectively. In the fine particles (<PM1), N95 masks showed the best removal for 85.1%. Over 70% of the fumes in the exposure chamber experiments with the particulate diameter was 1μm or less, therefore, using of N95 masks was recommend to remove this kind of welding fumes.
Key word:welding fumes, heavy metals, particle size distribution, removal efficiency

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 XI
第一章 前言 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究目的 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2-1銲接介紹 6
2-2銲接作業產生的危害因子 8
2-3銲接重金屬 13
2-4銲接燻煙探討 18
2-4-1銲接燻煙形成機制來源 18
2-4-2銲接燻煙粒徑分佈 20
2-5粒徑大小及粉塵對人體的影響 21
第三章 研究方法 26
3-1 研究架構 26
3-2採樣策略 28
3-3空氣採樣 32
3-3-1 健身器材製造廠空氣粉塵採集 32
3-4樣品分析 34
3-4-1空氣粉塵分析 34
3-4-2數據分析 34
3-5暴露腔口罩實驗 37
3-6粉塵重金屬分析 39
3-6-1粉塵消化前處理 39
3-6-2儀器分析 40
3-6-3品質保證與品質控制 40
第四章 結果與討論 46
4-1健身器材製造廠可吸入性粉塵濃度 47
4-2健身器材製造廠可吸入性、胸腔性、呼吸性粉塵濃度 49
4-3健身器材製造廠不同呼吸區之濃度 51
4-4健身器材製造廠粒徑分佈情形 53
4-5健身器材製造廠各區域之粒徑分佈 56
4-6健身器材製造廠各區域之累積分佈 61
4-7健身器材製造廠各區域重金屬 68
4-8不同口罩阻隔效果 75
4-9經不同濾材過濾後微粒濃度之累積分佈 76
4-10經不同濾材過濾後不同粒徑之粉塵濃度分佈 77
4-11 不同濾材之重金屬濃度 84
4-12 不同濾材之重金屬阻隔情形 86
第五章 結論與建議 87
5-1結論 87
5-2建議 89
參考文獻 90

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