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研究生(外文):Hsing-Yi Huang
論文名稱(外文):Related factors of high-calorie diet feeding behaviors among parents of preschoolers
指導教授(外文):Ruey-Hsia Wang
外文關鍵詞:pre-school childrenparentshigh-calorie dietfddeing behaviorsTheory of Planned Behavior
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The purposes of this study are to investigate (1) the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors in parents of preschool children; (2) the relationships between preschoolers'' demographic characteristics, parents'' demographic characteristics, attitude of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behavior, subjective norm of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behavior, perceived behavioral control of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behavior and the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors; (3) important explanatory factors of the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors in parents of preschool children.
This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlation study. Participants included parents of the pre-school children aged 3-6 years. The study used structured questionnaires and convenient sampling. A total of 231 participants collected from three kindergartens in Kaohsiung. The structured questionnaires included preschoolers'' demographic characteristics, parents'' demographic characteristics, attitude of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, subjective norm of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, perceived behavioral control of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors and the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors. The reliability and validity of the questionnaires were evaluated for internal consistency, test-retest reliability and content validity. Data analysis was performed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.
The results showed: (1)The score index of the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors was 40.2, considered as a low to moderate level;(2)The high-calorie diet feeding behaviors in the Father''s level of education is high school vocational and specialist higher than the University;The high-calorie diet feeding behaviors in the low family socioeconomic status is higher than high family socioeconomic status; (3) The score index of attitude of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors was 68.41, considered as moderate level. The more positive attitude of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, the lower high-calorie diet feeding behaviors; (4)The score index of subjective norm of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors was 57.47, considered as moderate level. The more positive subjective norm of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, the lower high-calorie diet feeding behaviors; (5) The score index of perceived behavioral control of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors was 26.80, considered as low level. The more positive perceived behavioral control of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, the lower high-calorie diet feeding behaviors ;(6) Perceived behavioral control of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors, family socioeconomic status and subjective norm of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors are important explanatory factors of the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors as they accounted for 12.7% of the high-calorie diet feeding behaviors. Perceived behavioral control of avoiding high-calorie diet feeding behaviors factor is the most important explanation factor.

第一章 緒論1
第一節 問題背景及重要性 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻查證與概念架構 6
第一節 父母高熱量飲食餵養行為 6
一、高熱量飲食的概念及與學齡前兒童肥胖之關係 6
二、高熱量飲食餵養行為與學齡前兒童肥胖之關係 11
三、學齡前兒童人口學特性與高熱量飲食餵養行為 15
四、父母人口學特性與高熱量飲食餵養行為 18
第二節 計畫行為理論 22
一、計畫行為理論 22
二、計畫行為理論與高熱量飲食餵養行為 29
第三節 研究架構 36
第四節 研究假設 37
第五節 名詞定義 38
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究設計及研究樣本 41
第二節 研究工具 43
第三節 研究工具之信效度檢測 52
第四節 資料收集過程 55
第五節 研究對象權益維護 57
第六節 資料分析 58
第四章 研究結果 60
第一節 研究變項之描述 60
一、學齡前兒童人口學特性 60
二、父母人口學特性 62
三、避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之態度 64
四、避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之主觀規範 69
五、避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之知覺行為控制 74
六、高熱量飲食餵養行為 79
第二節 各自變項與高熱量飲食餵養行為之關係 81
一、學齡前兒童人口學特性與高熱量飲食餵養行為之關係 81
二、父母人口學特性與高熱量飲食餵養行為之關係 83
三、計畫行為理論變項與高熱量飲食餵養行為之關係 86
第三節 高熱量飲食餵養行為之重要解釋因子 87
第五章 討論 91
第一節 學齡前兒童及父母人口學特性 91
第二節 避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之態度 95
第三節 避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之主觀規範 96
第四節 避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之知覺行為控制 98
第五節 高熱量飲食餵養行為 99
第六節 高熱量飲食餵養行為之相關因素 101
ㄧ、學齡前兒童及父母人口學特性 101
二、避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之態度 103
三、避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之主觀規範 104
四、避免高熱量飲食餵養行為之知覺行為控制 105
第七節 高熱量飲食餵養行為之重要解釋因子 108
第六章 結論與建議 111
第一節 結論 111
第二節 建議 114
第三節 研究限制 118
參考文獻 119
中文文獻 119
英文文獻 125
附錄一 專家效度名單 134
附錄二 正式研究問卷 135
附錄三 受試者同意書 142
附錄四 人體試驗研究同意證明書 144

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