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研究生(外文):Chao-Huang Li
論文名稱(外文):The Comparison of Medical Utilization of Acute Hospitalization of Schizophrenic Patients in Mental Hospitals and General Hospitals under the Effect of Global Budget
指導教授(外文):Yong-Yuan Chang
外文關鍵詞:medical utilizationhealth care resourcesschizophreniamental hospitalgeneral hospitalglobal budget payment system
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台灣自1995年實施全民健保制度以來,醫療費用逐年上升,為控制其成長幅度,健保總額預算制度於2002年7月全面實施。若以重大傷病住院醫療費用來分析,慢性精神病位居第三高,而其中精神分裂症則占據最主要的醫療資源利用。由於在台灣有兩種截然不同的醫療機構型態提供患者醫療照護,亦即精神專科醫院與綜合科醫院,所以本研究的目的為探討:(1) 精神分裂症患者人口學特質、疾病特質、精神醫療機構型態、總額支付制度之實施與急性住院醫療利用之相關性;(2)在精神專科醫院與綜合科醫院間,精神分裂症患者急性住院在醫療資源利用存在之比較;(3)了解健保總額制度實施前後,精神分裂症患者急性住院在精神專科醫院與綜合科醫院醫療利用之比較。
本研究採用回溯性研究(Retrospective study)方式,並且採集全民健保資料庫之次級資料進行分析。研究時間為1996年1 月1日至2010年12月31日,共計15年間之住院病患資料,研究樣本選取的方式為選擇第一主要診斷代碼為295之精神分裂症病患共7,122人,由於健保總額支付制度於2002年7月全面實施,故研究將以此作為制度介入前後的時間點:1996年1月1日至2002年6月30日為制度實施前,而2002年7月1 日至2010年12月31日為制度實施後。醫療費用以醫院向健保局申報點數,使用1點=新台幣1元為表示,且依行政院主計處公布,2010年為基準年度之消費者物價指數(CPI),作為通貨膨脹率之調整。統計上以SPSS 18.0統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計,以及利用卡方檢定,複迴歸分析、獨立樣本t檢定,與重複量數變異數分析,進行研究假說之驗證。

Since 1995 we began to have the implementation of universal health insurance system, and medical expenses increased year by year; in order to control its growth rate, total health care global budget system was fully implemented in July 2002. In terms of catastrophic illness to analyze the cost of hospitalization, chronic mental illness ranked third highest, which will occupy most of schizophrenia medical resource utilization.
As in Taiwan, there are two distinct types of medical institutions to provide medical care of psychiatric patients, i.e. , integrated psychiatric hospitals and general hospitals, so the purpose of this study was to : (1) determine patients with schizophrenia demographics, disease characteristics, mental health institutions patterns, and acute inpatient care utilization correlation; (2) compare medical utilization of acute hospitalization of schizophrenia in mental hospitals and general ones; (3)compare medical utilization of acute hospitalization of schizophrenia in mental hospitals and general ones before and after the implementation of the global budget.

This study is a retrospective study, and captures the NHI database. Duration of study time is 1 January 1996 to 31 December 2010, a total of 15 years of inpatient data, with research sample selection approach including the first principal diagnosis code of 295, i.e., patients with schizophrenia. There were 7,122 patients. Since the global budget payment system was nationally applied in July 2002, our research will serve as the point in time after the intervention system: January 1, 1996 to June 30, 2002 before the implementation of the system in 2002 July 1 date to December 31, 2010 as the system is implemented. Medical expenses to the hospital to BNHI points, 1 point = NT $ 1 is expressed and released by DGBAS, 2010 as the base year consumer price index (CPI), inflation adjustments .
SPSS 18.0 statistical software packages was used of descriptive statistics, chi-square test and multiple regression analysis, independent sample t test, and repeated measures ANOVA, to verify our research hypotheses.

The results showed that the total medical costs, the total number of hospital stay, other physical complications, psychiatric hospital and age to predict the variables, and gender and the presence or absence of catastrophic illness cards no significant difference. The total number of hospital stay per additional day will increase the total medical costs 1,244 NTD, those who had other physical complications increased by 66,323 NTD than those who have not , psychiatric hospitals increased 66,536 NTD than in general hospitals, more than a year old of age decreased 559 NTD. Cost per man-day, all variables showed a statistically significant difference: those who had catastrophic illness cards expenses less by 238 NTD per person per day, males more than females by 67 NTD, psychiatric hospitals increased by 94 NTD, those who had other physical complications increased more than 57 NTD, and one year old of age increased 1.29 NTD. General hospital had longer total number of inpatient stay; average length of stay is 52.97 and psychiatric hospitals is 44.81 days (P <0.0005); total medical expenses the two are not statistically significant differences , but the average cost per day is higher in psychiatric hospital with 2,019 NTD than 1,958 NTD in general ones . The implementation of the global budget payment system, different mental health institutions and patterns of interaction between the two were associated with significant different in total medical expenses and medical expenses per person per day; total medical expenses and per person day medical expenses were significantly high after the implementation of the system, and also higher in the psychiatric hospitals. The impact of global budget payment system for enhancing the total medical expenses and medical expenses per day on the psychiatric hospitals is significantly higher than the general ones.

Conclusion and Suggestion:
As the results described in our research, acute hospitalization of patients with schizophrenia in psychiatric hospitals and general hospitals had significantly different health care utilization; in the total number of inpatient days general hospitals is greater than psychiatric hospital, but the average length of stay and the average daily cost in the latter is greater than the former. Total medical expenses and medical expenses per day were growing after payment systemwas implemented, and also higher than in the psychiatric hospitas. The impact of global budget payment system for enhancing the total medical expenses and medical expenses per day on the psychiatric hospitals is significantly higher than the general ones.
This study suggests that mental health institutions should develop according to their different treatment modalities appropriate clinical treatment guidelines and specifications, use of health care resources, and to strengthen the quality of health care maintenance and advancement of the limited medical resources for the most efficient use.

Abstract ...................................................V
第一章 緒論.................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機...................................1
第二節 研究目的.........................................6
第三節 研究重要性.......................................7
第二章 文獻探討.............................................9
第一節 精神分裂症疾病研究...............................9
第二節 精神醫療利用之相關研究..........................15
第三節 精神醫療機構之醫療利用與影響因子................22
第四節 總額支付制度與精神醫療利用相關研究..............26
第三章 材料與方法..........................................31
第一節 研究設計與研究架構..............................31
第二節 研究假說........................................34
第三節 資料來源與研究樣本..............................36
第四節 研究變項與定義 ................................39
第五節 統計分析........................................43
第四章 研究結果............................................45
第一節 研究樣本變項資料與醫療利用之描述性統計..........45
第二節 精神分裂症患者人口學特質、疾病特質、精神醫療機構
第三節 精神分裂症急性住院於精神專科醫院與綜合科醫院之醫療
第四節 健保總額支付制度的實施對精神分裂症患者急性住院在精
第五章 討論................................................74
第一節 精神分裂症急性住院醫療利用之影響因子探討........74
第二節 精神專科醫院與綜合科醫院醫療利用之差異比較......76
第三節 總額支付制度對精神專科醫院與綜合科醫院醫療利用差異
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向..........................78
第六章 結論與建議..........................................80

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