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研究生(外文):Huang BoLing
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of the Home Security Monitoring System with Identification Authentication Function in the Hadoop Cloud Computing Platform
指導教授(外文):Cheng ChaoJungWang WenYen
口試委員(外文):Chen TsungShi
外文關鍵詞:HadoopCloud ComputingAuthenticationChaotic SystemImage Hiding
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現代社會的居家失竊率一直居高不下,很多住家也都裝設有居家安全監控系統,但其配置通常太過複雜且價格昂貴。因此,本論文乃以成本與資訊安全為出發點,提出一種基於雲端運算之居家安全監控系統,主要以Hadoop雲端運算平台為基礎,使用混沌影像隱藏技術與QR Code二維條碼身分認證方式,並結合行動裝置以達成即時且成本低廉的居家安全監控系統,實現降低居家失竊率的目標。
The home theft rates are always high enough in the modern society of today. Although there are many security monitoring systems have been mounted around the house, they are too expensive as well as with a complicated configuration. Therefore, in view of cost and information security, the motivation of this thesis is to propose a home security monitoring system based on chaotic images hiding technology with QR Code authentication function in the Hadoop cloud computing platform. The mobile device is also combined in the system to implement an immediate and cheap home security monitoring system. Thus, the goal of reducing the home theft rates is achieved.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 --------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
一、 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景--------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究動機與目的------------------------------------------------ 2
1.3 論文架構--------------------------------------------------------- 2
二、 相關研究--------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1 雲端運算簡介--------------------------------------------------- 3
2.2 影像隱藏技術--------------------------------------------------- 4
2.2.1 語言式藏密法------------------------------------------ 5
2.2.2 技術式藏密法------------------------------------------ 6
三、 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------- 9
3.1 系統架構--------------------------------------------------------- 9
3.1.1 雲端居家安全監控流程------------------------------ 10
3.1.2 使用者登入主控端流程------------------------------ 12
3.1.3 主控端存取流程--------------------------------------- 12
3.2 混沌影像隱藏技術--------------------------------------------- 13
3.2.1 混沌加解密--------------------------------------------- 13
3.2.2 JPEG影像壓縮技術----------------------------------- 14
3.2.3 二維條碼之編碼與解碼------------------------------ 22
3.2.4 秘密圖片嵌入與取出演算法------------------------ 26
3.2.5 影像隱藏品質評估------------------------------------ 29
3.3 Hadoop雲端運算平台實作---------------------------------- 29
3.3.1 Hadoop雲端運算技術-------------------------------- 29
3.3.2 Hadoop私有雲建置步驟----------------------------- 35
3.3.3 國網中心Hadoop公有雲叢集---------------------- 40
3.3.4 範例說明------------------------------------------------ 43
3.4 實驗規劃--------------------------------------------------------- 47
3.4.1 影像隱藏技術實作及品質評估--------------------- 47
3.4.2 不同Hadoop叢集環境之系統測試---------------- 52
3.4.3 實作具身份認證功能之居家安全監控系統------ 52
四、 系統實現-------------------------------------------------------- 53
4.1 雲端居家安全監控系統之應用程式架構----------------- 53
4.1.1 各子系統之應用程式架構--------------------------- 53
4.1.2 主控端介面--------------------------------------------- 57
4.1.3 使用者端介面------------------------------------------ 57
4.2 實驗結果與分析------------------------------------------------ 57
4.2.1 影像隱藏技術實作及品質評估之測試結果與分析--------------------------------------------------------- 58
4.2.2 不同Hadoop叢集環境之系統測試結果與分析- 60
4.2.3 居家安全監控系統測試結果與分析--------------- 60
4.3 相關研究成果之比較------------------------------------------ 62
五、 結論與建議------------------------------------------------------ 63
5.1 結論--------------------------------------------------------------- 63
5.2 未來研究方向--------------------------------------------------- 63
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 64

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