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研究生(外文):Kuo-Tai Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Information Collaborative Platform on Characteristics of Project and Project Performance in Electric and Machinery Construction
指導教授(外文):Chung-Fah Huang
口試委員(外文):Sung-Lins HsuehYun-Wu Wu
外文關鍵詞:information coordination platformproject characteristicsproject performancehierarchical regression analysiselectromechanical industry
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一、 經因素分析將資訊協同平台構面分為「資訊整合」及「進度協調」二個因素;專案工作特性構面分為「工作程序」及「人員配置」二個因素;專案績效構面分為「品質績效」、「安衛績效」、「時程績效」及「成本績效」四個因素,其累積解釋變異量均達六成以上。
二、 藉由階層迴歸分析得知,發現分析結果符合驗證中介之條件,亦即專案工作特性之高低是透過資訊協同平台之增進而間接影響專案績效。說明專案工作特性由於資訊協同平台之影響,促使其對專案績效有相當程度之轉變,故建議機電公司企業於執行於專案工作時,可依其專案之特性善用資訊平台,針對不同專案特性進行平台建置,以減少成本及提升專案績效。

During the recent years, the construction industry has seen rapid changes in the operation conditions and environments. So has the electromechanical industry, which is closely related to the construction industry. How to stabilize and sustain companies’ values and maintain the strengths of the industry as a whole is an urgent priority for the electromechanical industry. Due to the characteristics of this industry, the level of information technology (IT) applications is a very important factor in deciding the engineering project performance. The past studies on electromechanical engineering mostly focused on the internal personnel training and technology/product innovation of electromechanical companies. Few of them explored the influences of the characteristics of electromechanical engineering and IT applications on project performance. In other words, there is a lack of research on the latent attributes of the electromechanical industry. In this research, a questionnaire survey was conducted on practitioners in Taiwan’s electromechanical engineering. Totally 200 questionnaires were sent and 158 valid samples were returned. The returned samples were statistically analyzed using SPSS. According to the analysis results, the following findings and suggestions were reached in this study:
一、 According to the factor analysis results, the dimension of the information coordination platform was divided into two factors of “information integration” and “progress coordination”. The dimension of project attributes was divided into two factors of “work procedure” and “personnel allocation”. The dimension of project performance was divided four factors of “quality”, “safety and health”, “time efficiency” and “cost efficiency”. All the accumulative explained variance ratios reached over 60%.
二、 The hierachical agression analysis results indicatd the levels of the characteristics of electromechnical egineering projects had an indirect influence on project peroformance via the improvement of the informaton coordination platform. This finding supported the hypothesis in this study about the project characteristics as a mediator. Therefore, it is suggested that, when implementing electromechnical engineering projects, companies should factor in the characteristics of the projects in order to deploy the most suitable platforms for different kinds of projects. By doing so, they will be able to not only cut costs but aslo improve project performance.

摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究步驟及流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 資訊協同平台 5
2.1.1 資訊科技之定義 5
2.1.2 資訊科技之效能 7
2.1.3 協同平台 8
2.2 專案工作特性 11
2.2.1 專案工作特性與定義 11
2.2.2 大型多重專案 14
2.3 專案績效 17
2.3.1 專案之定義 17
2.3.2 專案之目的 18
2.3.3 專案績效之衡量方式 19
2.4 相關理論探討 21
第三章 研究設計 26
3.1 研究架構與假設 26
3.2 問卷對象與抽樣 27
3.3 研究問卷設計與變數定義 27
3.4 資料分析方法 30
3.5 研究量表信度檢驗 33
3.6 小結 35
第四章 研究分析與討論 36
4.1 樣本結構分析 36
4.1.1 受測者專案基本資料分析 36
4.1.2 受測者個人基本資料分析 36
4.1.3 問卷構面資料分析 38
4.2 資訊協同平台、專案工作特性與專案績效之因素分析 42
4.2.1 資訊協同平台量表因素分析 42
4.2.2 專案工作特性量表因素分析 43
4.2.3 專案績效量表因素分析 44
4.3 研究構面之差異性分析 45
4.4 研究構面之相關分析 47
4.5 階層迴歸分析 48
4.5.1 資訊協同平台與專案工作特性對專案績效之階層迴歸分析 48
4.5.2 專案績效之中介效果驗證 49
4.6 小結 50
第五章 結論與建議 54
5.1 結論 54
5.2 建議 55
5.3 對後續研究之建議 56
參考文獻 57
附錄一 研究問卷 i

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