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研究生(外文):Te-Chin Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The Analysis on Efficiency of Taiwanese Commercial Banks by Using Data Envelopment Analysis
指導教授(外文):Po-Sheng Ko
外文關鍵詞:Data Envelopment AnalysisOperational Efficiency
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本研究建構以資料包絡分析法,以2009 年至2011 年期間台灣地區33 家本國銀行業之經營概況指標投入產出資料進行分析,以資本額、存款餘額、營業費用、自動化服務機器為投入項;以放款及貼現、利息及手續費淨收益作為產出項,進行多維度之包絡分析,以瞭解各公司在各年度之相對效率及效率變動情形;運用多期 DEA之CCR及BCC模式求解,對銀行產業之營運效率進行探討分析其整體效率與規模報酬率,藉以衡量各年度之整體效率、技術效率與規模效率,並透過2009年至2011年跨期間效率改變率之衡量,以了解各年度效率變動情形,對相對不具效率之銀行,建議各項因子之差額變量,以作為改善效率之參考,並依據規模報酬情形對其營運規模應否擴增或縮減以提升效率提出建議。

In the process of national economic development, the banking industry plays a critical role, as its operation is closely associated with stable growth of national economy. With economic trend, change of financial environment, coming of micro-profit era and Domino Effect of international financial tsunami in 2008, operation of financial industry became difficult. Thus, in an intense competition of banking industry, it is important for managers to adjust and review the strategies at any time.
Based on the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), this study analyzed input and output of operational indicators in 33 banks in Taiwan from 2009 to 2011. Capital, bank balance, business premium and automatic service machine are input items, while lending and discounts, interest and net profit of charges are output items for multi-dimensional envelopment analysis in order to recognize relative efficiency and change of efficiency of the banks in different years. Solution is obtained by CCR and BCC of multiple-period DEA. This study analyzed the overall efficiency and return to scale regarding operational efficiency of banking industry in order to measure overall efficiency, technical efficiency and scale efficiency of different years. By the measurement on change of efficiency from 2009 to 2011, this study attempted to recognize change of efficiency in different years. For the relatively inefficient banks, this study proposed the difference variables of the factors as the reference to improve efficiency. According to return to scale, this study suggested the expansion or reduction of the operational scale of banks to enhance efficiency.
According to research findings, from 2009 to 2011, average overall efficiency, pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of the banks in Taiwan were lower than 1. Generally speaking, banks in Taiwan should enhance operational efficiency. As to change of productivity of total production element in 2009-2011, it was more than 1 in 26 banks in Taiwan, such as Land Bank. This means that productivity of most of banks is enhanced. The other 7 banks remained the same or the productivity was lower. Thus, they should enhance production techniques or properly adjust production scale in order to enhance overall efficiency.

中文摘要 2
英文摘要 4
誌 謝 6
目 錄 7
表 目 錄 9
圖 目 錄 10
一、緒論 11
1.1 研究背景與動機 11
1.2 研究目的 12
二、文獻探討 14
2.1 生產力之定義及銀行經營效率衡量 14
2.2 資料包絡分析法 17
2.2.1 CCR 模式 19
2.2.2 BCC 模式 21
2.2.3 Malmquist 指標 22
三、研究方法與研究流程 24
3.1 研究對象 24
3.2 研究設計 26
3.2.1 投入與產出因素之選擇 26
3.2.2 投入與產出因素之迴歸分析 27
3.2.3 模式之選擇 35
3.2.4 DEA結果分析方法 37
3.3 研究流程 39
3.4 模式應用程序 41
3.4.1 DEA 應用程序 41
四、資料分析 42
4.1 2011年效率分析 42
4.1.1 2011年各銀行相對效率及規模報酬分析 42
4.1.2 2011年本國銀行業差額變量分析 46
4.1.3 2011年各本國銀行參考集合分析 51
4.2 2010年效率分析 53
4.2.1 2010年各銀行相對效率及規模報酬分析 53
4.2.2 2010年本國銀行業差額變量分析 58
4.2.3 2010年各本國銀行參考集合分析 62
4.3 2009年效率分析 64
4.3.1 2009年各銀行相對效率及規模報酬分析 64
4.3.2 2009年本國銀行業差額變量分析 69
4.3.3 2009年各本國銀行參考集合分析 74
4.4 2009-2011年本國銀行效率改變率分析 76
4.4.1 2009年前後年度本國銀行效率變化分析 76
4.4.2 2010年前後年度本國銀行效率變化分析 78
4.4.3 2011年前後年度本國銀行效率變化分析 80
4.4.4 2009-2011年本國銀行效率改變率分析 82
五、研究結論與建議 85
5.1 研究結論 85
5.2 研究建議 88
參考文獻 90

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