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研究生(外文):Min- Sun Tasi
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Cognition, Opinion and Expected Benefits of the Elements of Magnet Hospital among Nurses within Different Regional Hospitals
指導教授(外文):Yung-Yu Su
外文關鍵詞:magnet hospitalevidence-based managementnursing administration
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本研究採橫斷性研究設計(Cross-sectional research design),應用一份自擬之「探討護理人員對磁吸醫院要素之認知、看法與預期效益」結構性問卷,針對某醫療體系所屬三家區域級醫院護理人員進行『無記名(anonymous)』評估研究調查。從2012年9月至同年12月,共計四個月的時間進行資料收集工作。本研究運用描述性統計(平均數、百分比、次數分配、標準差)以及推論性統計(信度分析、效度分析、項目分析、相關分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、路徑路分析)等統計分析方法進行假說驗證。

本研究有效樣本為1,066份問卷,信度、效度、項目分析與相關分析結果顯示,本研究擬定之研究工具可用來收集假說驗證所需相關資料。獨立樣本T檢定與單因子變異數分析結果得知:研究樣本之「服務醫院別」、「服務科別」、「年齡」、「婚姻」、「職級」、「職稱」、「教育程度」與「服務年資」會影響其對磁吸醫院要素之認知、看法與對組織預期效益之看法;其次,研究亦發現年齡越高且工作年資越資深,工作滿意度越高,對護理工作有更正向的看法。路徑分析結果顯示,下列假設(H9, H11, H12, H13, H14)在三家醫院皆全部成立:(1)「病患照護品質」會受到「實證的品質」的影響;(2)「護理人員職場滿意度」會受到「病患照護品質」的影響;(3)「組織效益」會受到「病患照護品質」與「護理人員職場滿意度」的影響。路徑分析結果亦顯示,不同醫院護理人員,對推行磁吸醫院之看法、認知與對組織之預期效益卻實存有不同看法。


Backgrounds and purposes
The main purpose of promoting “Magnet Hospital” in hospitals is going to enhance nurses’ satisfaction of working environments, to identify their recognition of their organizations and to improve their clinical quality and professional autonomy of nursing professionals. Therefore, there are four research goals in this study: (1) to realize the opinions, cognitions and expect benefits of “Magnet Hospital” among nurses within sample hospitals; (2) to realize what kinds of demographic variables will affect nurses’ opinions, cognitions and expect benefits of “Magnet Hospital“ within sample hospitals; (3) to explore what are the most important elements of “Magnet Hospital“ should be included based on nurses’ viewpoints within sample hospitals; (4) to recognize whether there are differences opinions, cognitions and expect benefits of Magnet Hospital“ among nurses between sample hospitals within a health care system.

Methods and materials
This research applied a cross-sectional research design and a structured questionnaire to investigate nurses’ opinions, cognitions and expect benefits of “Magnet Hospital” within sample hospitals. In this study, research participants were recruited from three regional hospitals within a health care system, who had been worked there more than three months and were glad to participate in this research were invited as research samples. For data collection, all participants had to fill a questionnaire anonymous since September to December 2012. Both descriptive statistics (mean value, percentage, frequency distribution, standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Reliability analysis, Factor analysis, Item analysis, Correlation analysis, Independent T-test, One-Way ANOVA analysis, Path analysis) techniques were used to verify research hypothesis.

Results of the research
There were 1,066 valid samples (questionnaires) were be used to verifying research hypothesis. Based on the results of Reliability analysis, Factor analysis, Item analysis and Correlation analysis, all results displayed that the research questionnaire could be used to collect the essential information for examining research hypothesis. In addition, the results of Independent T-test and One-Way ANOVA analysis revealed that a nurse’s opinions, cognitions and expect benefits of “Magnet Hospital” will be affected by the variables of working hospitals, departments, age, marital status, Job grade, position, educational status and seniority. Moreover, results of this study also found that the older age and longer seniority of a nurse will lead her to have a higher satisfaction and a more positive attitude to her nursing works. The results of Path analysis, furthermore, showed the following hypotheses (H9, H11, H12, H13, H14) were all accepted in three sample hospitals: (1) “quality of patient care” will be affected by “quality of evidence”; (2) “working satisfaction of nurses” will be affected by “quality of patient care”; (3) “organizational benefits” will be affected by “quality of patient care” and “working satisfaction of nurses”. The results of path analysis also displayed that nurses are indeed to have different opinions, cognitions and expect benefits of Magnet Hospital in different hospitals.

Conclusion and suggestions
Firstly, the results of this study provided an evidence-based result for management, it displayed that nurses consider promoting the program of “Magnet Hospital” will help a hospital to create a high quality working environment, so they were agreed to accept and promote the program of “Magnet Hospital”. Secondary, the research questionnaire which was developed by this research were appropriated and suitable for understanding a nurses’ attitude and their acceptance of promoting the program of “Magnet Hospital”. Thirdly, nurses were indeed to have different opinions, cognitions and expect benefits of Magnet Hospital in different hospitals. It is because that there are still seldom literatures for recognizing nurses’ attitude of promoting the program of “Magnet Hospital principal elements”; this study suggests that further research could be focused on the following issues: (1) to realize the actual reasons of the difference viewpoint between nurses in different hospitals for promoting the program of “Magnet Hospital principal elements” based on the opinion of organizational behaviors; (2) to realize how to establish related strategies and to perform the program of “Magnet Hospital” based on nurses’ opinion by applying the method of deeply interview; (3) to establish an appropriate model of promoting the program of “Magnet Hospital” in Taiwan based on the research design of both quantity and quality approach by applying the technique of mixed-mode method.

目錄………………………………..………………………………………… i
表目錄…………………………………………………………..…………… ii
圖目錄………………………………………….…………………………… iii

第一章 緒論……………………………………………………………... 1
第一節 研究背景與動機……………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………… 4

第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………………..……………... 5
第一節 護理工作環境及法規………………………………… 5
一、 護理法規………………………………………… 5
二、台灣護理工作環境………………………………… 5
三、護理人力配置標準………………………………………… 7
第二節 護理工作特質……………………………………………… 8
一、護理工作負荷……………………………………………… 8
二、不健康工作環境的危險…………………………………… 9


四、工作滿意與留任意願相關性…………………………… 10
第三節 區域醫院經營的困境……………………… 17
一、全民健康保險與總額預算制度…………………………… 17

二、全民健保實施後的台灣醫院產業………………………… 19
三、區域醫院經營管理之因應………………………………… 20
第四節 磁吸醫院對醫療環境之影響…………………………22
一、美國現況…………………………………………………… 22
第五節 推動磁吸醫院之預期成效益………………………..27
ㄧ、磁力醫院五大構面………………………...……………… 28
(ㄧ)、領導決策與管理層面………………………………….. 29
(二)、結構式賦權…………………………………………… 29
(三)、專業照護模式及團隊照護關係……………………….. 32
(四)、新知、創新及改進………………………………….. 33
(五)、實證的品質……………………………………………. 34
第六節 認知態度、行為理論模式…………………………………..39
ㄧ、認知態度、行為模式…………………………………….. 39
二、認知影響因素………………………...……………………. 41

第七節 樣本醫院所屬經營體系簡介…………………………………..46
ㄧ、樣本醫院經營體系及工作現況簡介…………………………... 46

第三章 研究方法...………………………....………………49
一、 研究架構...………………....………………....……49
第二節 研究變項概念型定義、操作型定義………………………… 50
第三節 研究工具.............................. 57
第四節 研究步驟...............................63
第五節 研究設計、研究對象與施測方式..............64
第六節 資料處理與分析..........................65
第七節 倫理考量................................67

第四章 研究結果...………………....………………....……68
第一節 研究樣本醫院之人口學資料……………....……………68
第二節 項目鑑別度t檢定……………....………………....…76
第三節 問卷之建構信度分析...………………....……………81
第四節 問卷之建構效度分析..………………....……………87
第五節 問卷相關性分析……………………………………………..94
第六節 單因子變異數分析…………………………………………..99
第七節 路徑分析…………………………………………………….251

第五章 討論……………………………………………………………268

第六章 結論與建議……………………………………………………285
第一節 結論……………………………………………………………285
第二節 研究限制與建議…………………………………………….289



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1. 陳國瑚、陳麗如、蘇喜. (2006) .護理人員對護理工作認知與離職傾向之探討臺灣公共衛生雜誌, 25(3), 177-188.。[Exploring the Attitudes of Nursing Staffs toward Job Perception and Turnover Intention.]
2. 蘇勳璧,彭朱如, 鄧振華(2001).不同等級醫院其資源優勢、策略優勢與績之關係. 醫務管理期刊,2(1), 93-109.。[The Relationship between Resource Advantage, Strategic Advantage,and Performance under the Department of Health.]
3. 藺寶珍. (2006) .護理之家護理人員留任意願及其相關因素之探討-以台南地區為例.長期照護雜誌,, 10(4), 363-378.。[Intent to Stay among Nurses at Nursing Homes: An Example in Southern of Taiwan.]
4. 蕭伃伶、劉淑娟、黃金蓮、謝佑珊、徐姍姍、黃嗣棻、蕭淑代 (2005).台北市護理人員離職狀況及其相關因素之探討.領導護理, 6(2),11-19.。[Nurses' Turnover and Its Related Factors in Taipei.]
5. 詹恩愉 (2005) .磁力醫院的建構與成效.領導護理, 6(2), 1-10..
6. 郭雪敏、林貞秀、李秀現、張美珍、范聖心、張瑩如. (2011)營造實證實務組織文化-實證護理與能力進階制度結合之經驗.護理雜誌,58(2), 68-74.。[Building an Evidence-Based Practice Culture: Incorporating Evidence-Based Nursing in the Clinical Ladder System.]
7. 梁亞文、黃立琪、尹裕君、陳文意、莊家綾、李卓倫(2010).護理人力對病患結果影響之文獻探討護理雜誌,.57(5),77-82.。.[Effect of Nurse Staffing on Patient Outcomes: A Review of the Literature].
8. 黃珊、王秀紅(2006).護理人員賦權感受及其相關因素之探討.志為護理5:5, 93-104. [The Relationships Between the Perception of Empowerment and its Related Factors in the Nurses. ]
9. 張薰榕、史麗珠、邱孟君、沈昱名、林雪蓉. (2012) .台灣健保總額預算期間臨床護理人員的工作感受及工作壓力.中華職業醫學雜誌,19(1), 18-30.。[Work Perception and Job Stress among Clinical Nurses while Implantation of Global Budget Payment System in Taiwan.]
10. 張育嘉、黎伊帆、汪芳國、鄭守夏 (2006).全民健保實施總額預算制度之初步影響評估:以牙醫與西醫基層為例,臺灣公共衛生雜誌, 25(2), 152-162. [The Impact of Global Budgeting of National Health Insurance: A Preliminary Study on Dental and Primary Care Facilities.]
11. 高靖秋 (2011).台灣護理人力面面觀.澄清醫護管理雜誌,7(3), 41-46.。[Multi-aspects of Nursing Manpower in Taiwan.]
12. 胡玉英、李碧霞、張媚、孫吉珍 (2007).護理人員的激勵與工作滿意度之相關性研究. 長庚護理, 18(3), 341-351.。[A Study of Correlation between Motivation and Job Satisfaction among Nurses in a Hospital.]
13. 邱文達、蔡宛真、黃寶萱、張英睿 (2007).建構以病人爲中心之醫療品質服務系統.醫療品質雜誌 1(4), 20-26.。
14. 林秋芬、盧美秀、鍾春枝 (2007).護理品質指標之建構 .長庚護理,18(4), 465-474.。[The Development of Nursing Quality Indicators.]
15. 林月桂、孫吉珍、周明慧 (2007).護理師護士公會願景策略調查.北市醫學雜誌, 4(6),480-489。[Vision, Strategies, and Goals of a Nurses' Association.]