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研究生(外文):Yu-Chieh Chen
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the availability and mobility of copper and zinc in agricultural soils applied with different vermicomposts
口試委員(外文):Dar-Yuan Lee
外文關鍵詞:VermicompostHeavy metal pollutionAvailabilities of Cu and ZnMobilityFractions of heavy metal
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農地土壤之重金屬污染問題,近年來已成為重要的課題。土壤酸洗法及翻土稀釋法常被用來改良該等土壤,惟會造成土壤肥力的降低。因此,添加有機資材至土壤中,使土壤重金屬有效性降低並增進土壤肥力,為目前改良重金屬污染土壤的重要方法之一。本研究利用培育試驗評估不同原料製成之蚓糞堆肥施用至銅和鋅含量高於監測值之農地土壤後,對土壤中銅和鋅之有效性和型態的影響,並利用管柱淋洗試驗,評估其對土壤剖面中銅和鋅型態及移動性,處理包括:(1) 對照組 (CK); (2) 菇包蚓糞堆肥處理組 (MW);(3) 牛糞蚓糞堆肥處理組 (CC);(4) 食品污泥蚓糞堆肥處理組 (FC);其中,蚓糞堆肥係以 2% (w/w) 之劑量施至土壤中。培育試驗結果顯示,以牛糞蚓糞堆肥處理對降低土壤中銅和鋅之有效性較佳,且難移動性之殘留態銅的增加程度為所有處理中最顯著者。管柱淋洗試驗結果顯示,土壤pH之高低對銅之有效性及移動性確有影響,以牛糞蚓糞堆肥處理降低銅之有效性及移動性效果最佳;而土壤剖面中可交換態鋅含量,則以菇包蚓糞堆肥處理較高,三種蚓糞堆肥添加後,均可增加土壤中碳酸鹽鍵結態鋅之含量。綜合以上結果可知,不同原料製成之蚓糞堆肥雖均可降低銅地土壤中銅和鋅之有效性及造成各型態銅和鋅含量的消長,但蚓糞堆肥的成分特性確可影響銅和鋅有效性之改變。在供試的淋洗條件下,總銅和總鋅仍局限在表層,惟 0.1 N 鹽酸可萃出性銅和鋅可因蚓糞堆肥的添加而往下層移動,但移動的程度會因蚓糞堆肥的成分特性的不同而異。
Agricultural soils polluted by heavy metal has become an important issue. The practices of acid washing and turnover and attenuation are suggested to ameliorate these soils, however, the fertilities of the soils was found to decrease with these practices applied. Therefore, adding organic materials is one of the important ways to reduce heavy metals in contaminated soils and improve their soil fertilities. The incubation study was used to evaluate the fractions and availabilities of Cu and Zn in agricultural soil with high contents of Cu and Zn by application with different vermicomposts derived from different raw materials. In addition, column leaching test was used to examine the change of fractions and mobilities of Cu and Zn along soil profile. Treatments including: (1) control (CK); (2) vermicomposted mushroom wasted (MW); (3) vermicomposted cow manure (CC); (4) vermicomposted food waste sludge (FC). 2% (w/w) of the vermicomposts was applied within the soil. The results showed that the treatment of CC was better in reducing Cu and Zn mobilities in the soil and increasing the residual-Cu fraction which is difficult to mobile than other treatments. Column leaching test results showed that the change of soil pH actually affected the availability and mobility of Cu. Among the treatments, the reduction of availability and improvement mobility of Cu was found in the treatment of CC, and the content of exchangeable-Zn in soil profile was the highest in MW treatment. All vermicomposts used can increase the content of carbonated-bound Zn. Based on the above results, the vermicompost application could reduce the availabilities and increase the mobilities of Cu and Zn in contaminated soils with high contents of Cu and Zn. In the situation of this study, total contents of Cu and Zn mainly accumulated in soil surface, but the content of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid extractable Cu and Zn might move down along soil profile due to the application of vermicomposts, however, the degree of movement varied with the characteristics of vermicompost used.

(一) 翻土混合稀釋法-----3
(二) 土壤酸洗法-----3
(一) 銅-----5
(二) 鋅-----6
(一) 有機廢棄物堆肥化-----9
(二) 蚓糞督肥施用對土壤性質之影響-----10
(一) 對污染土壤pH與有機質含量的影響-----23
(二) 對污染土壤銅和鋅有效性的影響-----28
(三) 土壤中其他離子對銅和鋅有效性之影響-----40
(一) 土壤剖面pH之變化-----43
(二) 土壤剖面中有機質含量變化-----44
(三) 蚓糞堆肥添加對銅和鋅在土壤剖面中移動的影響-----48





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