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研究生(外文):Chih-Chien Hung
論文名稱(外文):Molecular mimicking of tea phenolic compounds as umami ligands
指導教授(外文):Feng-Yin Li
外文關鍵詞:tea phenolic compoundsumami
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眾所周知茶的酚類化合物是具有保健作用,且同時可引起類似鮮味的複雜味覺。相較原型鮮味化合物,味精(monosodium glutamate, MSG),誘發中國餐館綜合症,而這些茶酚類物質,可以作為味精的健康替代品。根據上述考量,我們採用分子對接模擬(molecular docking simulation)尋找在茶飲品中可能的具有鮮味的酚類物質。為研究方便起見,鮮味受體如T1R1,利用同源建模(homology modeling)方法建構。對接結果顯示,確實有些茶酚類化合物可以作為鮮味配體而且某些酚類化合物可做為增強劑來協同增強鮮味。這些具鮮味的茶酚類化合物可以引發鮮味感覺的分子機制與味精和其增強劑是相同。然而任何主要茶葉的酚類化合物,如EGCG,並不能引起相同的鮮味感覺。無論誘導健身,鮮味的茶酚類化合物和受體分子之間的細部的相互作用與誘導附合(induced fitness)昰與原型的鮮味的化合物和受體間的作用有明顯差異。由此可見,茶酚類化合物可作為食品調味劑和同時亦可作為抗氧化劑。

The phenolic compounds of tea are known to responsible to both the healthy effects and complex umami-like taste sensation. Compared to the prototypical umami compound, monosodium glutamate (MSG), with notorious Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, these tea phenolics can act as a healthy substitute. With the above consideration, we performed a molecular docking simulation to search the possible umami phenolics in tea beverages. To facilitate the investigation, umami receptor, such as T1R1, was constructed through homology modeling. The docking results suggested that several tea phenolic compounds can act as umami ligands and some other phenolic compounds can synergistically augmented the umami taste as enhancers. These tea phenolic compounds can trigger the umami sensation through the same molecular mechanism by MSG and its enhancers. However the umami sensation can not be equivalently replaced with any of the major tea phenolic compounds, such as Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Regardless the induced fitness, the detailed molecular interactions between the tea umami phenolic compounds and the receptor were drastically different from those of prototypical umami compounds and the receptor. It seems that the tea phenolic compounds may be developed as a food-flavoring agents and antioxidants at the same time.

謝誌 i
中文摘要 iii
Abstract iv
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
Chapter 2 5
2.1 Homology modeling 5
2.1.1 Introduction of homology modeling 5
2.2 Computation method 7
2.2.1 Molecular modeling 7
2.2.2 Molecular docking procedure 15
Chapter 3 16
Results and Discussions 16
3.1 Molecular docking of L-glutamate and IMP 16
3.1.1 The orientation and interaction pattern of the ligand and enhancer inside the docking domain 17
3.1.2. Molecular docking with theogallin and gallic acid as enhancers 20
3.2 Molecular modeling of putative umami compounds in tea fusion 21
3.2.2 Key residues for umami receptor activity 26
3.2.3 Flexibility in Docking of ligand and enhancer pair to the umami receptor 30
3.3 Docking of catechins to the umami receptor 32
3.4 Docking of tea flavonol compounds to the umami receptor 35
Chapter 4 38
Conclusion 38
Reference 39

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