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研究生(外文):Guan-Yi Wu
論文名稱(外文):Application of artificial neural network on forecasting reservoir water quality
指導教授(外文):Min-Der Lin
外文關鍵詞:artificial neural networkCE-QUAL-W2water qualityeutrophicationFeitsui Reservoir
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台灣水庫多位於地勢陡峭之山區,當颱風豪雨過後,水庫集水區總會有土壤沖蝕或土石崩塌之情形,導致人為活動產生之污染物及營養鹽隨著降雨逕流和泥砂沖刷一起進入水庫庫區內造成水質惡化,可能讓水庫呈現優養化之狀態造成水庫庫容減少並縮短水庫的壽命。本研究以翡翠水庫為例,利用CE-QUAL-W2水理水質模式模擬水庫內營養鹽及藻類生長情形,最後利用類神經網路(artificial neural network, ANN)取代複雜的CE-QUAL-W2水庫模式,較簡便地推估水庫營養鹽產量及藻類生長情形,作為水庫管理單位之參考。建立之類神經網路有總磷、溶氧及葉綠素a模式,研究結果顯示總磷、葉綠素a及溶氧模式之MAE分別為2.60μg/L 、1.18μg/L及0.59mg/L,且大致接可掌握到水庫水質的變動趨勢。可見類神經網路具備取代傳統水庫水質模式的潛力。

Eutrophication has been one of the major water quality problems in lakes and reservoirs in many parts of the world. However, most of the reservoir water quality simulation models require users be well-trained and experienced, so the users need to spend a significant amount of time to get familiar with the parameters, coefficients, grids, and input data of the models. The purpose of thesis is to develop an artificial neural network (ANN) which is much easier for users to predict the water qualities, such as total phosphorus (TP), dissolved oxygen (DO) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), in the reservoirs.
In this study, CE-QUAL-W2 (W2) model was used to simulate water quality of Feitsui Reservoir, the studied case of this work. W2 model simulation was performed by using the monitored hydraulic data of Feitsui Reservoir in 2011 as the basis of calibration for the model’s parameters, and used the measurement in 2010 for the verification of the model’s prediction. Due to the lack of monitored water quality data of Feitsui Reservoir, the simulated data by W2 were used to build up an ANN model to predict the water quality of Feitsui reservoir. ANN was trained and verified with W2 simulated data in 2011 and 2010, respectively. The mean absolute errors (MAE) of ANN’s predictions of TP, DO and Chl-a were 2.60μg/L, 0.59mg/L and 1.18μg/L, respectively. Furthermore, the predictions of ANN are able to forecast the trends of water quality variations. The results indicate that ANN has the potential to replace the traditional reservoir water quality simulation models.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 前言 1
1.1. 研究緣起 1
1.2. 研究目的 2
1.3. 研究方法與流程 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1. 水庫優養化 4
2.2. 水質模式之相關研究 4
2.3. 類神經網路之相關研究 6
第三章 研究方法 8
3.1. 研究區域 8
3.1.1. 水庫介紹 8
3.1.2. 水文與氣象 9
3.1.3. 水質監測 11
3.2. CE-QUAL-W2水理水質模式 13
3.2.1. CE-QUAL-W2模式簡介 13
3.2.2. W2模式理論背景 14 水理模式基本控制方程式 14 水質傳輸模式 17 熱交換模式 18 水力擴散模式 20 生化反應模式 21
3.3. 類神經網路 35
3.3.1. 類神經網路簡介 35
3.3.2. 倒傳遞類神經網路架構 36 人工神經元功能 37 層功能 39 網路功能 40
3.3.3. 倒傳遞類神經網路演算法 40
3.4.1. W2水庫網格的劃分 46
3.4.2. W2模式之輸入資料 49
3.4.3. 模式輸入檔 50
3.5. 類神經網路水質預測模式 51
3.5.1. ANN模式架構 51
3.6. 模式效能評估 55
第四章 結果與討論 57
4.1. CE-QUAL-W2模擬結果 57
4.1.1. W2水理模擬結果 58
4..1.1.1. W2水位模擬結果 58 W2水溫模擬結果 60
4.1.2. 水質模擬結果 68
4.2. 類神經網路預測結果 76
4.2.1. 總磷模式 77
4.2.2. 溶氧模式 78
4.2.3. 葉綠素a模式 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
5.1. 結論 82
5.2. 建議 82
參考文獻 83


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