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研究生(外文):Zong-Han Lu
論文名稱(外文):Increased Nerve Regeneration by Intramuscular Injection of Human Amniotic Fluid Mesenchymal Stem Cells in a Muscle Denervation Model
指導教授(外文):Hung-Chuan Pan
口試委員(外文):Meei-Ling Sheu
外文關鍵詞:neurotrophic factorsnerve regenerationmuscle denervationamniotic fluid mesenchymal cells
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結果:睫狀神經營養因子(CNTF)、腦源性神經滋養因子(BDNF)、神經滋養因子3(NT-3)和神經膠質細胞神經營養因子(GDNF)在羊水幹細胞中顯著的表達。肌肉內注射的羊水幹細胞,顯著表達一些神經營養因子,在神經和受神經支配的肌肉中。羊水幹細胞造成失去神經支配的肌肉,增加B-細胞淋巴瘤基因2(Bcl-2)的表現量,並減少Bcl-2相關死亡促進蛋白(Bad)和Bcl-2相關X蛋白(Bax)的表現量。羊水幹細胞能協助維持肌肉的形態,與之相匹配的標的是結蛋白(Desmin)及乙醯膽鹼受體(acetylcholine receptor)的高表現量。羊水幹細胞注射後,神經功能得到顯著改善如CatWalk步態分析,以及神經傳導速率(Latency) 和複合肌肉動作電位波(compound muscle action potential)。有效的改善前角細胞和增加神經的髓鞘及下游的肌肉形態。
Purpose: Neurotrophic factors provide the basis for neurotrophic signaling within muscle compartments essential for muscle regeneration in muscle denervation. It is well known that human amniotic fluid mesenchymal cells (AFS) have the potential to secrete various neurotrophic factors mandatory for nerve regeneration. In this study, we assess the outcome of nerve regeneration by intramuscular injection of AFS in a muscle denervation and nerve anastomosis model.
Materials and methods: Sprague-Dawley rats weighting 200-250 gm were enrolled in this study. Muscle denervation was conducted by transverse resection of sciatic nerve with proximal end sutured into the gluteal muscle. The nerve anastomosis model was performed by transverse resection of sciatic nerve followed by 4 stitches suture. AFS with 5x106 cells were intramuscularly injected to gastrocnemius muscle with infusion pump.
Results: CNTF, BDNF, NT-3 and GDNF were remarkably expressed in AFS cells. Intra-muscular injection of AFS exerted significantly expression of several neurotrophic factors over nerve and innervated muscle. AFS caused high expression of Bcl-2 in denervated muscle with reciprocal decrease of Bad and Bax. AFS preserved the muscle morphology paralleling with high expression of desmin and acetylocholine receptors. AFS injection produced the significant improvement in neurobehavior such as CatWalk gait analysis as well as nerve conduction latency and CMAP. Significant perseveration of anterior horn cell and increased nerve myelination was line with muscle morphology.
Conclusion: Intramuscular injection of AFS protects muscle apoptosis by the secretion of various neurotrophic factors. This
protection furthermore improves the nerve regeneration in long
term nerve anastmosis model.
1 序論..............................................................1
1.1 周邊神經損傷後骨骼肌萎縮的機制與再生作用.....................1
1.1.1 骨骼肌萎縮的機制..........................................1
1.1.2 骨骼肌的再生作用..........................................1
1.2 幹細胞的應用.................................................2
1.2.1 幹細胞治療................................................2
1.2.2 羊水幹細胞................................................3
1.3 神經與肌肉再生的評估.........................................3
1.3.1 免疫螢光染色..............................................3
1.3.2 西方點墨法(Western blot)....................................4
1.3.3 電生理....................................................4
1.3.4 CatWalk-步態分析...........................................4
1.3.5 逆行神經示踪..............................................4
1.4 研究動機.....................................................5
2 材料方法..........................................................6
2.1 羊水幹細胞的培養.............................................6
2.2 神經縫合手術.................................................6
2.3 冷凍切片.....................................................8
2.4 免疫螢光染色.................................................8
2.5 西方點墨法...................................................9
2.6 電生理......................................................10
2.7 CatWalk-步態分析.............................................10
2.8 逆行神經示踪................................................10
3 實驗設計.........................................................11
3.1 第一組實驗設計..............................................12
3.2 第二組實驗設計..............................................12
4 實驗結果.........................................................13
4.1 羊水幹細胞在體外及體內蛋白質的表現..........................13
4.2 肌肉完全去神經化的動物模式中肌肉的再生狀況..................14
4.3 神經縫合的動物模式中神經與肌肉的恢復情形....................15
4.4 神經縫合的動物模式中老鼠的運動功能恢復程度..................16
4.5 結論........................................................17
5 討論.............................................................18
6 參考文獻.........................................................22
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