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研究生(外文):Chung-Che Lu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Inductive Power Transfer Ultrasonic Vibration Assisted Spindle With Resonance Frequency Tracking
指導教授(外文):Jenq-Shyong Chen
口試委員(外文):Chia-Che WuShao-Hsien ChenChing-Hung LeeShang-Teh Wu
外文關鍵詞:Resonance frequency tracking systemthe resonant frequency driftultrasonic vibration assisted spindleinductive power transfer
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最後在有線電能傳輸實驗結果顯示,供應電壓為166 V_rms(輸入功率達10 W),其刀具前端可產生最大振幅約16 um、共振頻率為26030 Hz,與設計目標28000 Hz,其誤差為7.1 %;而在感應電能傳輸系統,氣隙設計為0.2 mm,利用加工過的罐型鐵芯及線料選用線徑0.5 mm和50匝,感應電能傳輸效率僅達27.9 %(次級側接受功率達7.51 W)且刀把振幅約15 um、共振頻率26040 Hz。而加入補償電路與諧振電路感應電能傳輸效率可達35 %(次級側接受功率達8 W)且刀把振幅約16 um、共振頻率26030 Hz;由實驗得知,在兩線圈相同時,分別為20匝、30匝、40匝、50匝和60匝,隨著不同氣隙下作電能傳輸,匝數越多時不會隨著氣隙不同而較不易造成共振頻率漂移,對於共振頻率追蹤技術,可減少共振頻率漂移現象。
本論文受限於鐵芯圓槽尺寸,最多僅能放置50匝,但用在0.1 mm~0.2 mm氣隙是足夠的。如果氣隙必須加大時,則增加線圈匝數即有相同的刀把振幅。另外線圈匝數從20匝到60匝,隨著氣隙越大時,匝數越大可防止共振頻率變化的能力越強。提昇電能傳輸效率方法,透過實驗驗證,有補償電路、線圈匝數越多以及線徑越小三種方法皆能提昇其傳輸效率。刀把振幅與供應電壓趨於線性關係,未來的控制器內可增加振幅控制模組,因而達到振幅選擇機制,在未來為改善目標。本文的補償電路針對單一工作頻率,未來必須搭配控制器所產生的頻率,因而調節相對應的初級側阻抗值,使得控制系統更加完善且更準確。
In this paper, we developed a resonant tracking frequency system to solve the resonance frequency drift phenomenon . Due to the inductive power transmission of ultrasonic vibration aided spindle, tool abrasion , cutting feed and inductive power transfer system overheat, all of these will make the resonance frequency drift shift, it might affect the tool amplitude doesn't stay at the optimal cutting state will affect the machining quality and tool life and so on.
In ultrasonic vibration aided spindle design use the finite element analysis for simulate to get tool holder of ultrasonic vibration aided spindle and the best inductive structure. This paper we proposed the compensation circuit which can compensate the inductive power leakage generated by transmission phenomenon. In the system design, the feedback voltage was get from resonant circuit, at the last feedback voltage and feedback current has been entered to phase comparator for phase comparison.
By the voltage and current feedback phase comparator compare, when phase difference was zero with the current signal is the maximum value, the signal will sent into Labview for judging to pre-procedure frequency scanning module and dynamic frequency tracking module. Dynamic frequency tracking make the pre-procedure frequency scanning resonance frequency as reference. When the phase difference from 0° to 180° will activate the increasing the frequency scanning program.When the phase difference from 180° to 360°, will activate the decreasing the frequency scanning program until the processed stopped.Power amplifier and Labview generated by the frequency through the external voltage amplification, then enter the primary side circuit to achieve closed loop control.
In wire power transmission experimental results has shown when the voltage provided at 166 V_rms (input power up to 10 W), which can produce the maximum amplitude of the tool front about 16 um with resonance frequencies 26030 Hz. Compared with the ideal designed of resonance frequencies 28000 Hz the error was 7.1%. In inductive power transfer experiment, the air gap was 0.2 mm, the processed pot-type core and wire diameter 0.5 mm with 50 turns are selected for inductive power transfer system. The result had shown that Inductive power transfer efficiency is only reached 27.9% (secondary side has received power about 7.51 W) and the tool amplitude reached about 15 um with the resonance frequency 26040 Hz. When added the compensation circuit and the resonant circuit the inductive power transfer efficiency improvement to 35% (secondary side received power up to 8 W) and reached about 16 um of the tool amplitude with the resonance frequency 26030 Hz; From the experimental results has shown, when the both coils are without difference, more turns will reduce the resonance frequency drift generated by the air gap ,this effect can reduce the resonance frequency drift.
Our research was limited by the core circular groove dimensions, just only can place up to 50 turns, If the air gap have to increase in future as the bigger gap can be place more coil turn. With the bigger gap, will improve preventing the ability of resonant frequency change.Through from the experimental verification, to enhance the efficiency of power transmission methods was compensation circuit, more number of turns and the smaller diameter, all of these are the way to enhance transmission efficiency. Farther from the experiment verification and found tool and provided voltage amplitude has a linear relation, in the future we can design a controller for control the amplitude by control module, so as to achieve the optional of amplitudes tool. In this thesis the compensation circuit only for compensate a single frequency, in future will be Collocation with a frequency which generated by controller, thereby regulating the primary side of the corresponding impedance values, let the control system was more completed and more accurate.
摘要 I
誌謝 V
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究動機 1
1.2. 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1. 超音波輔助加工技術 3
1.2.2. 感應電能傳輸技術 4
1.2.3. 頻率追蹤電路技術 7
1.3. 專利文獻回顧 21
1.3.1 專利地圖 21
1.3.2 國內專利檢索 24
1.3.3 國外專利檢索 27
1.4. 本研究的傳承與創新之處 29
1.5. 研究目的 30
1.6. 論文架構 31
第二章 超音波刀具原理與設計方法 32
2.1. 超音波刀具驅動原理 32
2.1.1. 蘭杰文(LANGEVIN)螺栓鎖緊壓電塊形式 32
2.2. 超音波變幅桿設計原理與分析 33
2.2.1. 何謂超音波變幅桿 33
2.2.2. 超音波變幅桿種類 34
2.3. 超音波變幅桿設計與驗證 35
2.4. 有線電能傳輸之超音波刀把振幅量測 39
2.4.1. 超音波刀具振幅量測 40
2.4.2. 長時間振動量測 41
第三章 感應電能傳輸原理與設計方法 43
3.1. 感應電能傳輸技術概述 43
3.2. 感應電能傳輸原理 44
3.2.1. 前言 44
3.2.2. 電磁感應定律 44
3.2.3. 安培迴路定律 45
3.2.4. 感應電能傳輸工作原理 46
3.2.5. 磁性材料之特性 47
3.2.6. 感應結構設計與分析 48集膚效應 48近接效應 50感應結構外型種類 51
3.2.7. 感應電能傳輸之等效模型分析 52初級側與次級側線圈之自感值量測 55初級側與次級側線圈耦合之互感值量測 55
第四章 共振頻率追蹤之軟硬體規劃與設計 56
4.1. 前言 56
4.2. 軟硬體整體架構 56
4.3. 硬體電路設計與製作 57
4.3.1. 功率放大器(POWER AMPLIFILER) 57
4.3.2. 初級側與次級側之補償電路 58補償電路原理 58串並聯補償電路 59
4.3.3. 串聯諧振電路 62
4.3.4. 諧振電路之感應耦合效率分析 65
4.3.5. 相位比較器電路 67
4.4. 軟體設計與製作 73
4.4.1. 前言 73
4.4.2. 前置頻率掃描模組 73
4.4.3. 動態頻率追蹤模組 74
4.4.4. LABVIEW圖控程式 76
4.5. 整體系統設計流程 77
第五章 系統開發與系統驗證 79
5.1. 前言 79
5.2. 感應電能傳輸超音波振動輔助主軸 79
5.2.1. BT30刀把與超音波刀具結合設計 79
5.2.2. 感應電能傳輸之耦合結構設計 81
5.3. 硬體電路製作 86
5.4. 量測感應電能傳輸效率實驗 87
5.4.1. 不加補償電路與諧振電路之傳輸效率實驗 89
5.4.2. 加入補償電路之傳輸效率實驗 93
5.5. 不同線徑下傳輸效率量測實驗 94
5.6. 供應電壓與刀具振幅之關係 98
5.7. 感應電能傳輸之長期振動實驗 101
5.8. 相位比較器電路測試 102
第六章 結論與未來展望 104
6.1. 結論 104
6.2. 未來展望 106
參考文獻 107
附錄 112
自介 131
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