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研究生(外文):Ming-Tsung Kao
論文名稱(外文):A Decision-making Mechanism of Automated Virtual Machine Live Migration in Private Clouds
外文關鍵詞:cloud computingprivate cloudlive migrationvirtual machineload balance
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本論文研究與實作在企業應用雲端運算技術建置私有雲(Private Cloud)的應用上,提出一套結合負載平衡與虛擬機器整併的即時遷移機制,除了可充分利用實體機器資源,同時亦可降低電力成本,達到綠能科技的期望。
The electronic applications in the management of business operations is inevitable, due to the increasing number of computer hosts in an enterprise. In order to provide a diversity of services, the enterprises have to increase the procurement cost, maintenance cost and electricity cost.
The cloud computing has brought an opportunity to reduce operating costs. Through the virtualization technology, we are able to deploy multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine to provide multiple services, in order to efficiently use of computing resources and reduce the cost of electricity, during the off-peak hours, we consolidate the virtual servers and close the idle physical machine, while activate more machines at peak times. In addition, through the system resources monitoring, at peak times, system loads are distributed to all physical machines to achieve load balancing.
In this thesis, we apply cloud computing technology to build a private cloud. By integrating the features of both load balancing virtual machine live migration, our proposed system is able to make better use of the physical resources and reduce the cost of power consumption, which leads to the expectation of green technology.
第 1 章 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景與動機 1
1.2. 論文貢獻 1
1.3. 論文架構 2
第 2 章 相關研究 3
2.1. KVM/QEMU 3
2.2. Libvirt 4
2.3. Live Migration 4
2.4. Back Propagation Neural Network (倒傳遞神經網路) 5
2.5. GlusterFS 5
2.6. MongoDB 6
2.7. Zigbee Power Meter 7
第 3 章 決策機制設計 9
3.1. Monitor Module 11
3.2. Load Predication Module 11
3.3. Load Calculation Module 13
3.4. Migration Module 14
3.5. Load Balance Module 15
第 4 章 相關的基礎實驗 17
4.1. 實驗設備與環境 17
4.2. 實體機器基礎實驗 18
4.2.1. 實體機器開關機實驗 18
4.2.2. 實體機器CPU負載耗能實驗 19
4.3. 虛擬機器相關實驗 19
4.3.1. 即時遷移的耗能影響實驗 19
4.3.2. 實驗(1)─大檔案傳輸對即時遷移的效能影響實驗 21
4.3.3. 實驗(2)─網站傳輸對即時遷移的效能影響實驗 23
4.3.4. 實驗(3)─虛擬機器的CPU負載預測實驗 25
第 5 章 系統效益評估 27
5.1. 機器開啟的決策實驗 27
5.2. 機器整併的決策實驗 28
5.3. 實體機器負載平衡的實驗 29
第 6 章 結論與未來展望 31
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