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研究生(外文):Chien-Ping Chou
論文名稱(外文):Syntactic Matching of Continuous-Query on XML Streams
中文關鍵詞:XMLXML streamsContinuous queryTwig query matchingSyntactic pattern recognition
外文關鍵詞:XMLXML streamsContinuous queryTwig query matchingSyntactic pattern recognition
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當大量XML串流資料連續不斷地產生的時候,如何能快速地查詢XML串流成為一項具有挑戰性的工作。本論文著重於探討在XML串流中,非限定分支順序型之分支查詢處理。其目標是在僅能讀取串流資料一遍的限制下,從XML串流裡即刻取出所有符合分支查詢的結果。本論文提出兩種基於語法剖析的XML查詢方法,稱為STQM與GCQ。STQM方法針對每個使用者的查詢去產生一個上下文無關文法(context-free grammar);然後使用常見的編譯器工具(例如YACC)產生一個剖析器(parser);利用這個剖析器,STQM方法就能完成XML串流資料查詢的工作。另一方面,GCQ方法將多個查詢轉換成單一上下文無關文法;此轉換演算法支援新增查詢,並保證新增後,該文法仍為上下文無關文法。因此,GCQ能用單一剖析器,在XML串流上進行多查詢處理。我們證明此語法剖析式查詢方法具有正確性與明確性(unambiguity),並且兩種方法之文法產生與查詢比對演算法皆屬於多項式時間複雜度(polynomial time complexity)。我們經由多個角度進行各項模擬實驗,以呈現所提出的方法之效率與延展性。實驗結果顯示STQM與GCQ方法皆優於所比較的對象。因此,本論文所提出的語法剖析式查詢方法將有助於建立高效率之XML串流資料查詢系統。
Ensuring querying efficiency in query matching on Extensible Markup Language (XML) streams is challenging work when the amount of queried stream data is huge and the data can be streamed in continuously. This dissertation addresses the unordered twig-query matching problem on the XML stream. The goal is to immediately and efficiently extract all XML data that match twig queries from the XML stream under the constraint of scanning the stream only once. In this dissertation, two syntactic query matching methods, namely Syntactic Twig-Query Matching (STQM) and Grammar-Based Continuous Query Matching (GCQ), are proposed. The STQM method generates a context-free grammar according to the query being processed, and then produces a parser capable of parsing the grammar by using a compiler tool, such as YACC. With the parser, STQM matches a query from the XML stream. In contrast, the GCQ method is developed to convert multiple twig queries into one context-free grammar. The converting process guarantees that the grammar remains context-free while new queries are incorporated. GCQ can match multiple queries concurrently from the XML stream by using only one parser. We have proven the unambiguity of the grammars, as well as the correctness of the syntactic query matching method. Both of the algorithms for grammar generation and query matching have polynomial time complexity. Several experiments were conducted in various aspects to show the efficiency and scalability of the proposed methods, and the experimental results show that both STQM and GCQ outperform their counterparts. Consequently, the proposed methods will prove beneficial for building efficient query systems on stream information.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. XML Query 2
1.2. Querying on XML Streams 3
1.3. Contributions 3
1.4. Organization of the Dissertation 4
Chapter 2. Related Work 5
2.1. Stack-Based Approach 5
2.2. Automata-Based Approach 5
2.3. Sequence-Based Approach 6
2.4. Grammar-Based Approach 7
2.5. Continuous Query Matching 7
Chapter 3. Problem Description 9
3.1. Preliminaries 9
3.2. Problem Statement 10
Chapter 4. Syntactic Query Matching on XML Data 11
4.1. Overview of SQMX Technique 11
4.2. Lexical Analysis 12
4.3. Nested-Structure Recognition 14
4.4. Properties of SQMX 18
Chapter 5. Syntactic Twig-Query Matching 21
5.1. Overview of STQM 21
5.2. Syntactic Query Processing 22
5.2.1. Functions in Semantic Actions 23
5.2.2. Grammar Generation of STQM 25
5.2.3. Example of Syntactic Twig Query Matching 27
5.3. Complexity Analysis of STQM 29
5.4. Comparison of STQM, YFilter and TransformX 30
5.4.1. Architecture 31
5.4.2. Implementation 32
5.4.3. Query Type 32
5.4.4. Formal View 32
5.4.5. Performance 33
Chapter 6. Grammar-Based Matching of Multiple Continuous Queries 34
6.1. Overview of GCQ 34
6.2. Query Analyzer 35
6.3. Production-Split for Recognizing an SPP 38
6.4. SPP Concatenation by Semantic Actions 40
6.5. Commonality among SPPs 42
6.6. Grammar Generation of GCQ 45
6.7. Analysis of GCQ 48
6.7.1. Complexity Analysis of GCQ 48
6.7.2. Correctness of GCQ 50
Chapter 7. Experiments 54
7.1. Performance Evaluation of STQM 55
7.1.1. Experiment 1: Varying Queries 56
7.1.2. Experiment 2: Varying Document Sizes 57
7.1.3. Experiment 3: Varying Branch Degrees in Twig Queries 59
7.2. Performance Evaluation of GCQ 60
7.2.1. Experiment 4: Varying Numbers of Queries 61
7.2.2. Experiment 5: Varying Document Sizes 63
7.2.3. Experiment 6: Comparison of GCQ and STQM 64
Chapter 8. Conclusions and Future Work 66
8.1. Conclusions 66
8.2. Future Work 67
References 68
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