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研究生(外文):Min-Chun Huang
論文名稱(外文):Using TRIZ Theory and Grey Relational Analysis to Develop the Marketing Strategies of Domestic Agriculture Products
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Ru Lee
外文關鍵詞:Internet Marketing of Domestic Agricultural ProductICDT ModelGray Relational AnalysisTRIZ Theory
  • 被引用被引用:3
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With the development of science and technology, the business model of Internet marketing gradually appears which forms a new type of Internet marketing channel. The domestic agricultural dealers hereby can break through the inherent domestic agricultural sales model. To the whole agricultural industry, Internet marketing is not only an opportunity but also a challenge in the networking age. This study used ICDT model to compile all the factors customers consider in buying domestic agricultural products on the Internet and extracted the key factors through gray relational analysis (GRA). In addition, this study also conducted a survey of the domestic agricultural dealers. Through gray relational analysis (GRA), this study extracts the key problems they face through the Internet marketing channel and the key marketing mix strategies which influence the domestic agricultural products’ sales volume and balance between product and marketing.

Moreover, this study used TRIZ theory to develop nine Internet marketing strategies of domestic agricultural products. The nine strategies are as follows:

1.Increase the transparency of information.
2.Establish a comprehensive Internet marketing specification of domestic agricultural products.
3.Integrate Taiwanese farmers, providing a comprehensive logistics and distribution
4.Explore new channels and markets for domestic agriculture products
5.Organize a farmer guild who sells domestic agriculture products on the Internet
6.Farmland partition
7.Gather every excellent farmer together, group them, and cultivate them to be the experts of planting domestic agriculture
8.Outsource works to professional platform units or entrust them to Agriculture Organization
9.Deepen the grading and rating classification system of the domestic agricultural products─ the dynamic classification system

This research also fits the outcomes of key factors which consumers consider in purchasing agricultural products and the key marketing mix strategies which influence the sales volume of domestic agricultural products, composing "Strategic Management Matrix." And in which, the matrix grids correspond to the 23 specific practices of Internet marketing.

Finally, we combine the nine Internet marketing strategies of domestic agricultural products and the 23 specific practices which domestic agricultural dealers and agricultural authorities can practically implement as they executing the nine Internet marketing strategies.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 網路行銷定義 5
第二節 農產品網路行銷面臨的問題 8
第三節 ICDT模式: 10
第四節 消費者透過網路購買國產農產品之考慮因素 13
壹、購物網站與產品特性 13
貳、購物網站的知覺特性 14
參、消費者的特性 15
第五節 行銷組合策略 21
壹、產品策略 22
貳、價格策略 24
參、通路 26
肆、促銷 27
第六節 灰關聯分析 30
第七節 TRIZ理論 32
第三章 問卷設計 35
第一節 「消費者透過網路購買國產農產品之關鍵因素」之問卷設計 35
壹、基本資料 35
貳、虛擬資訊空間 35
貳、虛擬溝通空間 38
參、虛擬配銷空間 40
肆、虛擬交易空間 42
第二節 「國產農產品網路行銷及關鍵問題與策略」之問卷設計 43
壹、基本資料 43
貳、國產農產品網路行銷面臨之問題 43
參、行銷策略(4P)對國產農產品銷售與產銷平衡之幫忙程度 45
第三節 小結 48
第四章 問卷分析 49
第一節 消費者問卷結果分析 49
壹、抽樣方法 49
貳、敘述性統計分析 50
參、信效度分析 54
肆、灰關聯分析 55
伍、小結 66
第二節 國產農產品業者問卷結果分析 69
壹、抽樣方法 69
貳、敘述性統計分析 69
參、信效度分析 74
肆、灰關聯分析 75
伍、小結 87
第五章 發展國產農產品網路行銷策略 90
第一節 國產農產品網路行銷之關鍵問題與策略擬定 90
第二節 發展策略管理矩陣 97
一、虛擬資訊空間(I) 98
二、虛擬溝通空間(C) 100
三、虛擬配銷空間(D) 102
四、虛擬交易空間(T) 104
第三節 小結 106
第六章 結論與建議 109
第一節 研究結果 109
第二節 研究限制 116
第三節 後續研究之建議 116
參考文獻 117
附件一 消費者問卷 122
附件二 國產農產品業者問卷 127
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