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研究生(外文):Che-Yu Cheng
論文名稱(外文):How relational involvement moderates satisfaction paradox under competition? – Case of air express customer
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chih Tsai
口試委員(外文):Ming-Huang ChiangHung-Chang Chiu
外文關鍵詞:Satisfaction paradoxRelational involvementThreshold modelAir express service
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Customers stating to be satisfied may still be lack of loyalty, and the phenomenon was defined as satisfaction paradox. However, studies on the satisfaction–loyalty link are scarce in a business-to-business context, and lagging far behind consumer marketing. Market-level competition and relational involvement are found to moderate the paradox. However, almost all of previous research has been conducted in single brand contexts. Effect of competition is grossly overlooked. Besides, relational involvement, including the number and types of relational activities, is in particular important to study for industrial satisfaction paradox. But the effect is still not systematically evaluated.
As a result, this study aims to validate satisfaction measurements and evaluate the moderating effects of relational involvement under competition using an attribute threshold multinomial logit model. Samples of 124 valid high-tech customers consuming air express service are collected for data analysis. The analysis result validates the five satisfaction measurements for customer loyalty, including price, delay compensation, customer privacy, flexible delivery, and cargo tracing. Meanwhile, five relationship investments are classed into financial, social and structural bonds according to explanatory factor analysis. They are assessed to be all effective in mitigating satisfaction paradox through the analysis of a linear regression model. Finally, in terms of customer relational behaviors, relationship breadth is most effective to identify relational involvement, followed by relational depth. Relational age on the other hand accounts for no effect.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research motivation 1
1.2 Research purpose 5
1.3 Research process 6
Chapter 2 Literature review 8
2.1 Customer satisfaction 8
2.2 Satisfaction paradox 10
2.3 The moderating effects of relational involvement 12
2.4 The moderating effects of marketplace characteristics 16
Chapter 3 The model 17
3.1 Attribute threshold multinomial logit model (ATMNL) 17
3.2 Conceptual model 19
3.3 Variable identification 24
Chapter 4 The data 28
4.1 Empirical study 28
4.2 Survey profile 30
4.3 Sample profile 31
Chapter 5 Analysis results 33
5.1 Model testing and parameter calibrating 33
5.2 Exploratory factor analysis 36
5.3 Moderating effects on thresholds 38
Chapter 6 Findings and managerial implications 39
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