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研究生(外文):Sheng-Lin Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Modeling, Estimation and Interception of Tactical Ballistic Target with Variable Trajectory
指導教授(外文):Chun-Liang Lin
外文關鍵詞:variable trajectorymiss distancespline guidanceextended state observer
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The objective of this research is to intercept tactical ballistic missiles with variable trajectories. We first construct a guidance law to generate variable trajectories for the tactical ballistic target. For the interceptor, an extended state observer (ESO) is designed for estimating the target evasive acceleration. Finally, a terminal guidance is proposed for the interceptor to against the evasive ballistic target by utilizing the target evasive information provided by the ESO.
For the ballistic target, the spline guidance is proposed to construct variable trajectories by setting two middle points. A variety of variable flight trajectories of the target maneuver is investigated and evaluated. As for the interceptor, the target trajectory estimation algorithm is developed based on a 2nd –order ESO using the information acquired from the seeker on the interceptor. Finally, the ESO is incorporated with the guidance law to fulfill the anti-evasive ballistic target’s guidance law design.

誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables ix
Nomenclature x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 TBM Target 1
1.2 Trajectory Estimation and Interception 1
Chapter 2 System Description 4
2.1 Definition of Coordinate System 4
2.1.1 Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed (ECEF) Coordinate System 4
2.1.2 World Geodetic System (WGS-84) 4
2.1.3 Transformation between ECEF and WGS-84 5
2.2 TBM Target Dynamics 6
Chapter 3 Generation of Variable Trajectory 8
3.1 Introduction 8
3.2 Spline Guidance Law 8
3.3 derivation of S-4 Guidance 9
Chapter 4 Estimation Using Extended State Observer 14
4.1 TBM Model in Reentry Phase 14
4.2 Derivation of the Equations of Motion 15
4.3 Derivation of ESO Equations 18
4.4 ESO with Fal filter 20
4.5 Estimation of evasive acceleration 22
Chapter 5 Interception Based on MPNG 25
5.1 Guidance Laws for Engagement 25
5.1.1 First –Stage Midcourse Guidance 25
5.1.2 Coast Stage 27
5.1.3 Second-Stage Midcourse Guidance 27
5.1.3 Terminal Guidance 28
Chapter 6 Simulation Results and Analysis 31
6.1 Results of TBM Target 31
6.1.1 Changing Destination after Varying Trajectory 31
6.1.2 Same Destination after Varying Trajectory 37
6.1.3 Circular Error Probability (CEP) 43
6.1.3 Effect of the Earth’s Rotation 46
6.2 Trajectory Estimation 47
6.2.1 Comparison of the estimation results with and without coupling terms 47
6.2.2 The effect of Fal filter and ESO parameters 51
6.2.3 A Complete simulation result based on parts 1 and 2 56
6.3 Interceptor 57
Chapter 7 Conclusion 66
Acknowledgment 67
Reference 68

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