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研究生(外文):Po Chuan Chan
論文名稱(外文):Design and analysis of a open-uniform nonrational B-spline horn
外文關鍵詞:B-Spline hornUltrasonic actuationDisplacement amplification
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A new horn for high displacement amplification is developed. The profile of the horn is a open uniform nonrational B-Spline curve. The ultrasonic actuation of the horn exploits the first longitudinal displacement mode of the horn. The horn is designed by an optimization scheme. Prototypes of the horns are manufactured by a numerical control machining process. Performances of the proposed horn were evaluated by experiments. Experimental results of the fabricated horn confirm the effectiveness of the design method. The displacement amplification of the proposed horn is higher than that of the traditional catenoidal and Bézier horn with the same length and end surface diameters.
致謝 II
摘要 III
目錄 V
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言1
1-2 超音波變幅桿原理1
1-2-1 超音波的產生1
1-2-2 超音波換能器2
1-2-3 超音波變幅桿3
1-3 實驗目的4
1-4 論文架構4
第二章 變幅桿設計15
2-1 設計原理15
2-1-1 階梯型變幅桿15
2-1-2 錐型變幅桿16
2-1-3 懸鏈曲面型變幅桿17
2-1-4 貝茲曲線型變幅桿18
2-1-5 B-splein曲線型變幅桿18
2-2 變幅桿輪廓改善21
2-2-1 演化運算法22
2-2-2 改善程序24
第三章 變幅桿模擬31
3-1 有限元素32
3-1-1 ANSYS 32
3-1-2 模型建立33
3-2 數值分析33
3-2-1 模態頻率分析34
3-2-2 演化運算的改善分析35
3-2-3 放大位移與應力分析36
3-2-4 歸一化頻率分析36
第四章 變幅桿製作與分析47
4-1變幅桿的影響 48
4-1-1 影響因素48
4-2 變幅桿的製作50
4-3 變幅桿的分析50
4-3-1 阻抗分析50
4-3-2 驅動電壓比較51
4-3-3 模擬與實驗分析51
第五章 結論59
5-1 結論 59
5-2 未來展望 59
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