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論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Experimented Measurements for Vibrations and Displacements
指導教授(外文):Shen-Haw Ju
外文關鍵詞:Data acquisitionDisplacement sensorField experimentHigh speed trainLayered soilMonitoring systemVibration propagationWireless internet
  • 被引用被引用:4
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It is important to estimate the security of structures by a vibration monitoring system to prevent the occurrence of disaster accidents. The research will save the cost of the monitoring system which is often adopted from a commercial one, and then the proposed monitoring system and remote control function can be used to perform the vibration and displacement sensor tests.
The research measured the vibration induced by high speed trains in Tainan Science Park and Taichung Hou-Li areas. Moreover, we also investigate the vibration propagation attenuation when high speed trains pass different types of soil. Another topic of this thesis is to combine the measurements systems and wireless networking technology together, and the used laptops can be connected into a local area network system. Then, one can use only one laptop to control the measurements system including a number of laptops at experimental stations. For this reason, the measurement experiment can be much more convenient and practical. The measurement system of the wireless network system can be applied to the danger community. After finishing the system installation, the surveyors can use this remote monitoring system at a safe area. In the future, it can also use the internet to link this system, and the surveyor can then monitor and get the data to analyze without considering the locations. This research also creates an experimental platform which combines the displacement sensor and data acquisition card to survey the physical phenomena and measure the displacements.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與目的 1
1.2文獻回顧 2
1.3研究方法簡述 4
第二章 基本理論介紹 6
2.1快速傅立葉轉換 6
2.2 1/3倍頻法 8
第三章 高速鐵路地表微振動量分析 11
3.1概要 11
3.2高鐵列車與微振動量測儀器介紹 11
3.3現地微振動量測程序與步驟 19
3.3.1量測環境與佈點 19
3.3.2量測步驟 27
3.4程式分析步驟 31
3.5量測結果 36
3.6實驗中常見問題與注意事項 62
第四章 無線網路應用於監測系統 65
4.1概要 65
4.2儀器介紹 66
4.3無線網路之建立程序與步驟 69
4.3.1設置電腦 69
4.3.2設置無線寬頻分享器 73
4.3.3設置IP位置 75
4.3.4設置分享資料夾 77
4.3.5設置電腦遠端桌面連線 82
4.4實際量測 84
第五章 線性可變差分變壓器應用於監測系統 90
5.1概要 90
5.2儀器介紹 91
5.3實際量測 96
第六章 結論與未來展望 100
6.1結論 100
6.2未來展望與應用 101
參考文獻 103
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