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論文名稱(外文):Stress Analysis of an Elastic Support of a Cantilever Beam
指導教授(外文):Jian-Chuen Sung
外文關鍵詞:wedgestress singularity
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This paper consider the problem of a cantilever beam with partially fixed-support. . The partially fixed-support is treated as an elastic body with different elastic material. Therefore, the local stress behavior of the corner of the cantilever beam may be viewed as a wedge problem. First, the stress singularity of the wedge is analyzed by regarding the wedge as being composed by a single or bi-layer materials with wedge’ s surface subjected to different boundary conditions. Second, the intensities of stress singularity at the corner of the cantilever beam are analyzed with ABAQUS software. Three different support conditions are modeled in this thesis and results are presented.
目 錄
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 本文綱要 3
第二章 基本公式 4
2-1 單一材料之楔形體( Wedge )的公式介紹與推演 4
2-1-1 兩個表面曳引力均為零(Traction free)的問題 6
2-1-2 兩個表面位移均為零(固定)的問題(Fixed end) 10
2-1-3 一表面為零曳引力 (Traction free),另一表面為零位移 14
(Fixed end) 14
2-2 雙層材料之楔形體( Wedge )公式的介紹與推演 16
2-2-1 曳引力為零(Traction free) 17
2-2-2 位移均為零(固定) (Fixed-end) 23
第三章 楔形體應力奇異性分析 30
3-1 單一材料之楔形體( Wedge ) 30
3-1-1 楔形體兩表面之邊界條件皆為曳引力為零(Traction free) 30
3-1-2 楔形體兩表面之邊界條件皆為位移固定(Fixed-end) 35
3-1-3 楔形體之表面一為曳引力為零另一為固定端 36
3-2 雙層材料之楔形體( Wedge ) 39
3-2-1 楔形體兩表面邊界條件皆為零曳引力 (Traction free) 39
3-2-2 楔形體兩表面之邊界條件皆為固定(Fixed-end) 50
第四章 數值結果與討論 53
4-1 套裝軟體:ABAQUS 6.10-1 53
4-1-1 數值模擬分析之步驟與流程 54
4-1-2 有限元素法理論簡介 56
4-2 有限元素法範例分析 57
4-2-1範例一數值結果與討論 59
4-2-2範例二數值結果與討論 69
4-2-3範例三數值結果與討論 79
第五章 結論 88
參考文獻 90

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