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論文名稱(外文):Reinforced Slope Displacement Analyses considering pull-out of Reinforcement
指導教授(外文):Ching-Chan Huang
外文關鍵詞:Slope displacementLimit equilibriumSlice methodSlope stability analysisPullout testHyperbolic model
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邊坡破壞是許多天然土石災害的起源之一,時常造成我們生命財產及大的損失,為了可以更了解邊坡破壞的發生及預測,本研究導入了Huang(2013)所推導的改良之變位模式切片分析法。此法是以傳統二度空間(2-D) 之極限平衡切片分析法為基礎,導入位移相容性以及剪應力-剪動位移雙曲線構成模式,擴充成能計算滑動變位的邊坡穩定分析法。
本研究共可分為二大部份,第一部分為確立現地土壤以及實驗室鋼針拉拔試驗之參數適用範圍,根據雙曲線理論建立土壤及鋼針試驗剪應力-位移之模型。以迴歸分析求其雙曲線之應力-變位模型之控制參數K、n與Rf 。迴歸分析的結果:在現地土壤分析中,K值範圍為50~300,n值範圍大部分介於0.1~0.6,Rf值範圍為0.74~0.94,而在實驗室鋼針模型分析中,K值範圍為5~53,n值範圍為-0.223~0.766,Rf值範圍為0.93~0.98。
第二部分根據兩個有實際監測變位紀錄的案例以及鋼針抬升試驗之變位量測值,以Huang(2013)之電腦程式進行驗證分析,輸入適當的土壤凝聚力c、土壤摩擦角 、雙曲線模擬參數K、n、Rf算五個分析主要變數。在有效的參數範圍內,計算結果符合現地的量測值,證明了此改良法在工程上應用的可行性,以及說明了我們只要計算參數符合第一次滑動事件後就可以追蹤後續經由降雨發生事件所觸發的滑動。相較於以往的分析方法,此法把土壤的複雜性簡單化,試算結果也符合期待,實為一實用且可靠之分析法。

To better predict slope displacements and failures, a force-equilibrium-based finite displacement method (FFDM) proposed by Huang (2013) is used to analyze slope displacements measured in two highway slopes. This method is based on the traditional two-dimensional (2-D) limit equilibrium, incorporating displacement compatibility and shear stress - displacement relationships as the constitutive laws. An extended version of Huang’s method is also used to analyze slope displacements , taking into account reinforcement and pseudo-static seismic forces.
This study includes three parts. First, some element test results for an idealized two-dimensional test medium consisting of 1.96 mm-diameter steel rod assembly is modeled. Results of hyperbolic curve fitting show that in-situ soils are with values of K range between 50 ~ 300; values of n range between 0.1 ~ 0.6; values of Rf range between 0.74 to 0.94. For the steel rod assembly, values of K range between 5 ~ 53; values of n range between -0.223 ~ 0.766; and values of Rf range between 0.93 to 0.98. In the second part of the study, some reinforcement pullout tests are performed. The results of pullout force-displacement relationship are modeled using hyperbolic models. The concept of “effective pullout length” is introduced to model the pullout force at failure condition. Results of curve fitting show that values of KT range between 5~53; values of nT range between -0.13~0.766; values of RT range between 0.93~0.98. These parameters are dependent on reinforcement lengths, and can be expressed as linear function of reinforcement lengths. In the third part of the study, two highway slopes subjected to long-term periodic rainfall-induced displacements are analyzed using computer program SLICE-DISP. A new procedure for estimating cumulative slope displacements due to rainfall-induced groundwater table rises is proposed. The new procedure encompasses a calibration using the first event of slope movement to obtain representative soil parameters for the slip surface. It is found that the soil parameters obtained from the calibration of the first event of slope sliding, can be used to predict the slope displacements in subsequent groundwater-table-rise-induced slope displacement. Analytical results for some reinforced model slopes subjected to pseudo-static seismic forces using an extended version of SLICE-DISP indicate that both slope displacements and reinforcement forces can be computed with marginal errors. The extended SLICE-DISP overcomes a major shortcoming in existing limit equilibrium methods in which provides no displacement-related information and reinforcement forces as output. Formulation for the extended SLICE-DISP is to be reported elsewhere.

摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究內容 2
1-4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 邊坡破壞原因 4
2-2 邊坡破壞之種類 5
2-3 邊坡之安全係數及穩定分析時條件之簡化 8
2-4 邊坡穩定分析法之分類 8
2-4-1 總應力分析法 8
2-4-2 有效應力分析法 9
2-4-3 短期穩定問題 9
2-4-4 長期穩定問題 9
2-5 邊坡穩定計算方法之分類 10
2-5-1 極限平衡法(Limit Equilibrium Method) 10
2-5-2 岩石邊坡穩定的分析方法 18
2-5-3 極限分析法 (Limit Analysis) 21
2-5-4 數值方法 24
2-6 土壤雙曲線模型Duncan-Chang hyperbolic model (1970) 29
2-6-1 土壤排水狀況下之雙曲線模式 29
2-6-2 土壤不排水狀況下之雙曲線模式 33
第三章 雙曲線材料力學模型建立 34
3-1 土壤之剪應力-變位雙曲線模型 34
3-2 拉拔試驗力學模式建立 38
3-2-1 加勁材在鋼針中的拉拔試驗 38
3-2-2 背填材料-鋼針 38
3-2-3 加勁材之應變計校正 42
3-2-4 拉拔試驗介紹 44
3-3 試驗步驟 45
3-4 試驗結果 48
3-4-1 拉拔力與位移關係 48
3-4-2 試驗加勁材應變 54
3-4-3 鋼針雙曲線模擬參數 58
3-4-4 極限拉拔力理論值 60
3-4-5 模擬曲線 62
第四章 案例分析 68
4-1 案例簡介 68
4-1-1 邊坡剖面 70
4-1-2 滑動破壞面 71
4-1-3 地下水位面 74
4-2 分析結果 77
4-2-1 繪製邊坡幾何條件 78
4-2-2 界定分析案例適用參數 79
4-2-3 各參數對計算結果之影響 81
4-2-4 滑動前後之各切片局部資料變化 84
第五章 結果與討論 96
5-1 阿里山地滑案例 96
5-1-1 水位條件界定 96
5-1-2 水平計算變位區間 98
5-1-3 滑動歷程 102
5-2 五彎仔地滑案例 106
5-2-1 水位條件界定 106
5-2-2 水平計算變位區間 108
5-2-3 滑動歷程 113
5-3 參數極值分析結果 118
5-3-1 阿里山地滑案例 118
5-3-2 五彎仔地滑案例 122
第六章 加勁邊坡試驗分析 126
6-1 材料準備及模型邊坡組立 126
6-2 試驗結果 129
6-3 分析結果 131
6-3-1 繪製邊坡幾何條件 131
6-3-2 界定適用參數 131
6-3-3 分析結果 132
第七章 結論與建議 137
7-1 結論 137
7-2 建議 138
參考文獻 139
附錄A 改良之變位模式-切片分析法 142

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