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論文名稱(外文):A Meaningful Learning-based Evaluation Method for Ubiquitous Learning
指導教授(外文):Yueh-Min Huang
外文關鍵詞:Evaluation methodMeaningful learningUbiquitous learningLearning effectivenessAHP
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In recent years, the ubiquitous learning systems, which have great potential to be developed in the burgeoning domain of learning approaches, have been applied to different fields of discipline and have become a popular research issue. However, the inadequate application of this novel technology in education may lead to meaningless learning of operating techniques rather than practically getting involved in learning activities. Thus, assessment should be done to evaluate and verify the meaningfulness of the ubiquitous learning systems so as to ensure meaningful learning which enables learners to transform their prior learning into personal knowledge instead of mere memorization.
This research aims to develop a meaningful learning based ubiquitous learning evaluation method, through which the ubiquitous learning system can be improved and further utilized to promote learning effectiveness. Last, quasi-experimental design is employed in the experiment. The post-assessment and refined ubiquitous learning activities serve as the experimental group while pre-assessment ubiquitous learning activities are the control group. By means of posttest evaluation, no significant difference in learning effectiveness is found between the experimental and control groups; nevertheless, in the analysis based on high-scoring and low-scoring pretest groups, the experimental group in low-scoring posttest group significantly performs better than the control group. Therefore, the ubiquitous learning environment assessed by the meaningful learning evaluation method is proved to be effective in uplifting learning effectiveness for low scorers.
Table of content
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
Table of content v
List of figures vii
List of tables viii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Meaningful learning 5
2.2 Ubiquitous learning 6
2.3 AHP 9
2.4 FAHP 14
3. Design of the Meaningful Learning-based Evaluation for Ubiquitous Learning 16
3.1 The model of meaningful learning-based evaluation for ubiquitous learning 16
3.2 The processes of meaningful learning-based evaluation for ubiquitous learning 20
3.3 The tools of meaningful learning-based evaluation for ubiquitous learning 22
3.4 The tool for macro view 23
3.5 The tool for micro view 23
3.5.1. Hierarchy structure 26
3.5.2. AHP questionnaire 26
3.5.3. Pair-wise comparison matrix 27
3.5.4. Calculating eigenvector and eigenvalue 28
3.5.5. Consistency ratio test 29
3.5.6. Calculating weight 30
4. Implement of meaningful learning-based evaluation for ubiquitous learning 31
4.1 Pre-assessment ubiquitous vegetation learning system 31
4.2 Pre-assessment u-learning practice 33
4.3 The evaluation of the ubiquitous vegetation learning system 37
4.4 Post-assessment ubiquitous vegetation learning system 39
5. Experimental Design 43
6. Results and Discussion 45
7. Conclusions 48
Appendix A. The questionnaire of macro view 51
Appendix B. The questionnaire of micro view 52
Acknowledgements 55
Reference 56
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