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論文名稱(外文):Extended Production Quantity Models under Stochastic Demand
指導教授(外文):Shine-Der Lee
外文關鍵詞:production lot sizinginventorystochastic processoutsourcing
  • 被引用被引用:1
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In this thesis, an extended Economic Production Quantity (EPQ) model under stochastic demand is investigated, where a fixed lot sizing policy is implemented to reduce the complexity of production planning and inventory control, and outsourcing with a secondary facility is used to supplement the lot sizing policy and to cope with the random demand. The considered cost includes: setup cost for the batch production, inventory carrying cost, backorder cost when the demand cannot be met immediately during the production period, and outsourcing cost when the total demand is greater than the lot size in one replenishment cycle.
For the general case where production rate is larger than demand rate, both backorder and outsourcing may occur in one replenishment cycle. A per unit time expected cost model is developed. Under some mild conditions, it can be shown that the cost function is convex. The computational study has demonstrated that significant cost savings can be achieved by deploying the proposed production lot sizing policy with an outsourcing strategy when the mean demand rate is high.
For the simplified case where production rate is significantly larger than demand rate, the probability or the amount of outsourcing becomes negligible. A reduced per unit time expected cost model is developed. Under some mild conditions, the per unit time cost model is shown to be convex. Extensive computational tests have illustrated that the average cost reduction of the proposed model is significant when compared with that of the classical lot sizing policy.
The main contributions of this thesis are two folds. An extended EPQ model with two different operating strategies to deal with shortages is developed and analyzed. The computational tests have illustrated that the optimal lot sizes in the proposed models are consistently larger than the ones in the classical EPQ. The average cost reduction of the proposed models is significant when compared with those of the classical lot sizing policy. In addition, the impact of various parameters on the expected cost models and the lot sizing policies is illustrated.

摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 2
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制 3
1.4 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 古典經濟生產批量模式 5
2.1.1 需求為已知固定常數型系統 6
2.1.2 需求為已知不定型系統 7
2.2 延伸型經濟生產批量模式 7
2.2.1 不可靠生產型系統 8
2.2.2 不完美生產型系統 9
2.2.3 隨機需求型系統 10
2.3 可缺貨型經濟生產批量模式 11
2.3.1 缺貨後補型系統 11
2.3.2 銷售損失型系統 12
2.3.3 部分銷售損失型系統 13
第三章 生產批量模式發展 17
3.1 問題描述 17
3.2 生產期之期望成本分析 24
3.3 消耗期之期望成本分析 27
3.4 一般型最佳生產批量決策模式 30
3.5 簡化型最佳生產批量決策模式 33
第四章 演算實驗分析 39
4.1 演算法發展 39
4.2 一般型最佳生產批量決策模式之演算實驗 42
4.2.1 演算範例 42
4.2.2 演算實驗與分析 44
4.3 簡化型最佳生產批量決策模式之演算實驗 47
4.3.1 演算範例 47
4.3.2 演算實驗與分析 49
4.4 小結 51
第五章 研究成果與後續研究議題 52
5.1 研究成果 52
5.2 後續研究議題 53
參考文獻 54
附錄 59
附錄一:卜瓦松分配理論性質證明 59
附錄二:生產期中產生暫態缺貨之發生機率分析 64

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