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論文名稱(外文):Studies on preparation of novel aliphatic polyoxalate and aliphatic polycarbonate by melt-polycondensation and its mechanical properties
指導教授(外文):Chuh-Yung Chen
外文關鍵詞:melt polymerizationaliphatic polyoxalatealiphatic polycarbonatehydorlysis
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本研究使用高溫熔融聚合法合成出一系列的脂肪族聚草酸酯與脂肪族聚碳酸酯。在脂肪族聚草酸酯方面,首先利用NMR光譜與 GC/MS探討聚草酸酯的降解機制,證明脂肪族聚草酸酯降解機制為草酸酯基的斷鏈。接著,藉由馬來酸酐(MA)與己內醯胺(CPL)的導入合成一系列的聚草酸共聚酯。在MA共聚酯系統中,以NMR光譜分析在6.2 ppm位置有雙鍵的化學位移;在CPL共聚酯系統中,由FT-IR光譜分析中出現了3400 cm-1與1525 cm-1的N-H吸收峰,分別顯示成功的合成出一系列的聚草酸共聚酯。由DSC圖的分析結果發現,隨著MA與CPL添加量的提高,會破壞原本聚草酸酯的結晶程度,並降低其玻璃轉移溫度分別從降低42℃下降至25℃與15℃。在拉力實驗證明了破壞結晶之後,對聚草酸共聚酯的延展性與彈性有大幅的提升,從6%提升至348%,使其變為一種彈性體高分子。另外,在水解測試方面同樣地以NMR光譜與 GC/MS證實是草酸酯基的斷裂造成其分子量下降;而在草酸酯基的含量減少之後,可使草酸酯基被攻擊斷鍵的機率降低,故提升了共聚酯的耐水解能力。
另一方面以本實驗室已開發出碳酸二甲酯和脂環族雙醇1,4-二甲醇環己烷直接合成脂肪族聚碳酸酯的技術,同樣地,藉由MA與CPL的導入合成出一系列的脂肪族聚碳酸共聚酯。由DSC圖得知,此系列聚碳酸共聚酯皆為非結晶性的高分子。隨著MA與CPL添加量的提高,玻璃轉移溫度分別從降低42℃下降至15℃與8℃。其機械性質的探討中也都為一種具有延展性與彈性的高分子,延展性由126%提升至無法拉斷的程度。水解實驗結果顯示,脂肪族聚碳酸共聚酯在八週水解之後,分子量都無明顯變化,為一相當穩定的聚酯高分子。進一步地,以含有CPL的脂肪族聚碳酸共聚酯與工業上雙酚A型聚碳酸酯的熔融混摻實驗,以DSC與方程式Flory-fox equation證明兩者高分子相容程度相當好,並且在機械性質的分析結果,得到添加量為10 wt%CPL的脂肪族聚碳酸共聚酯之延展性效果為最佳,楊氏模數顯示還擁有一定的強度。

In our study, we use high-temperature melt poly-condensation polymerization to prepare a series of aliphatic polyoxalate and aliphatic polycarbonate.
First, we study the polyoxalate its degradation mechanism and use NMR spectrum and GC / MS prove its degradation mechanism that is oxalate group chain scission. Then synthesis co-polyoxlate respectively contain C=C and amides functional group by maleic anhydride and caprolactam.With NMR spectrum analysis of its unsaturated bond at 6.2 ppm chemical shift and by the FT-IR spectra appeared in 3400 cm-1 and 1525 cm-1 absorption peak of amide groups that showing success synthesized a series of aliphatic polyoxalate. The molecular weight and crystallization behavior were characterized by GPC and DSC, as MA and CPL content increase, it will be the non-crystalline polymer. And the mechanical properties experiment proves its extension and flexibility has improved substantially, from 6% to 348%, so that it becomes an elastomers. In the hydrolysis test also identified by NMR spectrum and GC / MS prove to the oxalate group fracture caused by decreased its molecular weight ; while reducing oxalate group cam improve the stability and anti-hydrolysis ability.
The other hand, using the technology by dimethyl carbonate and alicyclic diols of 1,4 - cyclohexane dimethanol direct synthesis aliphatic polycarbonate that by maleic anhydride and caprolactam to synthesis of a series of aliphatic co-polycarbonate. In the DSC chart of the co-polycarbonate that are non-crystalline polymer, and in the mechanical properties are also proves its extension and flexibility has improved substantially as a polymer. In the hydrolysis experiments in that no molecular weight change after eight weeks that proves its stability. And then use the PCCPL-10 copolyester and a bisphenol A polycarbonate by melt-mixing at different additive volume .we also use DSC and flory-fox equation to prove the compatibility between each other. The results suggest that preparation of the polymer at 10 wt% is preferred, and it also has a certain strength by calculate the Young's modulus .

中文摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
總目錄 VII
Table X
Figure XII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 草酸與草酸二乙酯的製備 3
1-2-1 植物中的草酸 3
1-2-2 草酸的性質 4
1-2-3 工業上製備草酸 5
1-3 碳酸二甲酯的介紹 7
第二章 文獻回顧 10
2-1 聚草酸酯 10
2-1-1 聚草酸酯的發展 10
2-1-2 聚草酸酯的熱穩定性 16
2-2 聚碳酸酯 19
2-2-1 聚碳酸酯的簡介及發展 19
2-2-2 脂肪族聚碳酸酯及其應用 26
2-3 研究動機 28
第三章 實驗內容 29
3-1 實驗藥品 29
3-2 實驗儀器 29
3-3 實驗步驟 30
3-3-1 聚酯槽操作步驟 30
3-3-2聚草酸1,4-環己烷二甲酯之合成 31
3-3-3 聚草酸共聚酯之合成 32
3-3-4 脂肪族聚碳酸酯之合成 34
3-3-5 聚碳酸共聚酯之合成 35
3-3-6 樣品純化步驟 37
3-3-7 水解測試 37
3-4 樣品分析方式 38
第四章 結果與討論 41
4-1 聚草酸酯 41
4-1-1 聚草酸酯的合成 41
4-1-1-1 聚草酸酯之 1H-NMR分析 41
4-1-1-2 聚草酸酯之熱穩定性 42
4-1-1-3 聚草酸酯之水解性質比較與降解機制探討 43
4-1-2 聚草酸共聚酯的合成與鑑定 51
4-1-2-1 聚草酸共聚酯之1H-NMR分析 52
4-1-2-2 聚草酸共聚酯之熱穩定性 61
4-1-2-2-1 聚草酸共聚酯之TGA分析 61
4-1-2-2-2 聚草酸共聚酯之DSC分析 62
4-1-2-3 聚草酸酯共聚酯之物性比較 65
4-1-2-4 聚草酸酯共聚酯之水解測試 67
4-2 聚碳酸酯 73
4-2-1 聚碳酸酯與聚碳酸共聚酯之合成與鑑定 73
4-2-1-1 聚碳酸酯聚碳酸1,4-環己烷二甲酯之合成與1H-NMR 分析 73
4-2-1-2 聚碳酸共聚酯之1H-NMR分析 74
4-2-2 聚碳酸酯與聚碳酸共聚酯之熱穩定性 81
4-2-3 聚碳酸酯與聚碳酸共聚酯之物性比較 84
4-2-4 聚碳酸酯與聚碳酸共聚酯水解測試 86
4-2-3 聚碳酸共聚酯系統與芳香族聚碳酸酯混摻 89
4-2-3-1 聚碳酸酯混煉後熱穩定性分析 89
4-2-3-2 聚碳酸酯混煉後機械性質分析 91
第五章 結論 94
第六章 參考文獻 95

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