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論文名稱(外文):Amperometric sensing of bilirubin via an imprinted polymer modified electrode doped with a room-temperature ionic liquid
指導教授(外文):Mei-Jywan Syu
外文關鍵詞:bilirubinmolecularly imprinted polymersroom-temperature ionic liquidamperometric sensing
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膽紅素 (Bilirubin),為人體血紅蛋白代謝產物之一,大部分膽紅素來自於衰老紅血球中血紅素的分解代謝,而血紅素的濃度可反映肝功能是否異常。因此血清中膽紅素的濃度常是作為判斷肝臟疾病的重要生理指標。
本研究是以分子模印 (molecular imprinting) 技術,結合室溫離子液體 (room-temperature ionic liquid, RTIL),以發展具特異性吸附,且具有電化學感電性之膽紅素模版高分子薄膜,以此製備對膽紅素具專一性的電流式感測電極,並進行相關探討。
混摻室溫離子液體混摻之模版高分子 (room-temperature ionic liquid doped molecularly imprinting polymer, RTIL-MIP) 薄膜修飾電極之製備,乃是以膽紅素為模版分子,以單體methacrylic acid (MAA) 與交聯劑 ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate (EGDMA),搭配1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoro-methylsulfonyl)imide ([BMIM][Tf2N]) 室溫離子液體,在 2,2-azo-bis-isobutyronitrile (AIBN) 起始劑 作用下,進行熱聚合,於金電極表面形成膽紅素模版高分子薄膜,經SEM影像觀察可知,薄膜厚度相當均勻;平均厚度約為1.98 ± 0.03 μm。經萃洗移除膽紅素,此高分子薄膜表面即可留下對膽紅素分子具辨識性之孔洞 (cavity)。因膽紅素在適當電位下,具有電化學反應活性,因此就可利用電流感測方式分析其濃度。
本研究亦探討膽紅素感測訊號與模印因子 (imprinting factor) 之關係及影響模印效果之變數。RTILs有助於提升模版高分子電極之感測訊號,且此電極在低濃度膽紅素範圍下 (0.2 ~ 1.0 mg/dL) 具有相當好的模印效果,模印因子可達5.52 ± 0.09,靈敏度為0.367 ± 0.019 μA/cm2/mg/dL。而RTIL-MIP電極在膽綠素共存下對膽紅素之選擇性約為2.13 ± 0.02。在干擾性測試中,儘管在小牛血清的環境下,仍可偵測出膽紅素,且靈敏度與未添加膽紅素時差異不大,證實本實驗所製備的RTIL-MIP電極具有抗血清干擾的能力。
Bilirubin is the metabolite of human hemoglobin. The concentration of bilirubin in serum is often regarded as an important physiological indicator of liver diseases.
The electrochemical sensing of bilirubin was developed the molecularly imprinted polymer film modified electrode doped with room-temperature ionic liquids (RTILs) is investigation of fabricated in this work for the specific binding and electrochemical properties.
For the preparation of the imprinted polymer, bilirubin was the template molecule, by using molecular imprinting methacrylic acid (MAA) and ethylene glycol dimethylacrylate (EGDMA) were used as functional monomer and cross-linker, respectively. RTIL, 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoro-methylsulfonyl)imide ([BMIM][TF2N]) for the synthesis of bilirubin imprinted polymer film by heated polymerization in the presence of the initiator 2,2-azo-bis-isobutyronitrile (AIBN). The scanning electron microscopic image show that the imprinted polymer film thus synthesized was rather uniform and the average thickness was approximate 1.98 ± 0.03 m。After extraction, a large portion of bilirubin templates was removed. Therefore, the polymer film would be left with cavity specific for the binding of bilirubin. Via which, the electrochemical detection of bilirubin could be possible to carry out.
In summary, RTILs may improve the signals of the MIP electrodes. The imprinting factor of 5.52 ± 0.09 and the sensitivity of 0.367 ± 0.019 μA/cm2/mg/dL cound be achieved at the low concentration range (0.2-1.0 mg/dL) from the RTIL-MIP electrode fabricated in this work. The selectivity of bilirubin against biliverdin is 2.13 ± 0.02. For interference test, bilirubin was further detected by the RTIL-MIP electrode in the presence of bovine calf serum (BCS) and the sensitivity was nearly the same as the background to background of water. Thus, it confirms the RTIL-MIP electrode may avoid the interference from serum. The results indicate the feasibility of using the RTIL-MIP electrode for the detection of bilirubin in serum.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1生物化學感測器 1
1-1-1 生化接收元件 (Bioreceptor) 2
1-1-1-1 抗體-抗原 2
1-1-1-2 酵素 2
1-1-1-3 DNA 2
1-1-1-4 微生物 3
1-1-1-5 仿生物受體 3
1-1-2 訊號轉換器 (Transducer) 3
1-1-2-1 光學式感測器 3
1-1-2-2 質量式感測器 5
1-1-2-3 電化學式感測器 5
1-2 分子模版高分子 (Molecularly imprinted polymer, MIP) 10
1-2-1 發展歷史 10
1-2-2 製備流程 11
1-2-2-1 非共價鍵型 (Non-covalent bond) 12
1-2-2-2 共價鍵型 (Covalent bond) 12
1-2-2-3 半共價鍵型 (Cocktail) 12
1-2-2-4 金屬離子螯合型 (Metal ions chelation) 13
1-2-3 材料組成 13
1-2-3-1 模版分子 (Template) 13
1-2-3-2 功能性單體 (Functional monomer) 14
1-2-3-3 交聯劑 (Cross-linker) 14
1-2-3-4 溶劑 (Solvent) 14
1-3 膽紅素 (Bilirubin) 15
1-3-1 代謝過程 15
1-3-2 黃疸症狀 (Jaundice) 16
1-3-3 量測方法 16
1-3-4 電化學機制 18
1-4 室溫離子液體 (Room-temperature ionic liquids) 18
1-5 文獻回顧 19
1-6 研究動機 20
第二章 實驗方法與材料 21
2-1 膽紅素濃度之測定法 21
2-1-1 配製試劑 21
2-1-2 測定方法 21
2-2 混摻離子液體之模版高分子薄膜修飾電極製備流程 23
2-2-1 氧化鋁板之濺鍍 23
2-2-2 製備混摻室溫離子液體之模版高分子薄膜修飾電極 23
2-2-3 RTIL-MIP 電極與RTIL-NIP 電極之萃洗 23
2-3 膽紅素模版高分子薄膜修飾電極之電化學分析 24
2-3-1 定電位 I-t 電流式感測膽紅素 24
2-3-2 定電位 I-t 電流式感測不同膽紅素濃度範圍 26
2-3-3 循環伏安法對電極之電化學性質探討 26
2-3-4 電化學阻抗分析 27
2-3-5 選擇性測試 27
2-3-6 干擾性測試 27
2-3-7 重複使用性 27
2-3-8 保存性測試 28
2-4 膽紅素模版高分子薄膜修飾電極之表面分析 28
2-5 傅立葉紅外線光譜儀分析 (FT-IR) 28
2-6 實驗藥品 29
2-7 實驗儀器 30
第三章 結果與討論 31
3-1 膽紅素模版高分子材料 31
3-2 探討模版高分子材料組成之參數 32
3-2-1 電流式感測分析法 33
3-2-2 聚合溫度之影響 35
3-2-3 交聯劑之影響 35
3-2-4 離子液體之影響 35
3-2-5 聚合液體積之影響 36
3-3 模版高分子薄膜修飾電極之FT-IR圖譜分析 41
3-4 模版高分子薄膜修飾電極之SEM分析 43
3-5 探討模版高分子薄膜修飾電極之電化學性質 46
3-5-1 循環伏安法 46
3-5-2 線性掃描伏安法 49
3-5-3 阻抗分析 49
3-6 模版高分子薄膜修飾電極之效能探討 53
3-6-1 感測濃度範圍之探討 53
3-6-2 重複使用性測試 57
3-6-3 保存性測試 58
3-7 選擇性測試 59
3-8 干擾性測試 61
第四章 結論 65
參考文獻 66
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