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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Using Mesoporous Silica as Polymer Filler and Ag Nanoparticles@Mesoporous Silica as Antibacteria Material
指導教授(外文):Hong-Ping Lin
外文關鍵詞:Mesoporous SilicaAg NanoparticlesPVCPOMPVAAntibacteria Material
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Porous silica has extensive applications in many materials. For example, to use as the absorbent, the solid state template, the catalyzed load body, the electrode material, the polymer material filler and so on. It has been concerned for many reaches. The theory will study the mesoporous silica on polymer material blending and Ag Nanoparticles @ Mesoporous Silica as Antibacteria Material.
It starts with mesoporous silica. First, to blend mesoporous silica with high crystalline polyoxymethylene. The mesoporous silica is dispersed in the polyoxymethylene with mechanical melt mixing. In the experiment, the results shows that it can enhance the rigidity of polyoxymethylene, but it will decrease the toughness at the same time.
Secondly, during the polymerization of vinyl chloride to make mesoporous silica involved in the reaction. The retreat to the mechanical melt blending, is mainly intended to enhance the mesoporous material dispersion in polymer. According to the comparisons of mesoporous silica and solid nano-silica in the experiment, mesoporous silica makes PVC tensile strength slightly decreased, but does significationly increase in elongation.
The solid nano silica would also enable the tensile strength of PVC slightly decreased, but no obvious benefit in the elongation. Shows that the mesoporous silica materials for the rigid PVC does not affect, but is enhance in toughness efficiency.
Finally, using nano silver@mesoporous silica as an antibacterial material. To apply vinyl acetate-ethylene emulsion of surfactants (PVA) in the antibacterial test. The experimental results show that the nano silver@mesoporous silica gel state have significant antibacterial effect. If we apply this material on the white of emulsion, it will not be suitable because the color is cinnamon. But it we put this into 800℃, we can have white powder. In the antibacterial experiment, it shows less effect of antibacterial.

第一章 緒論 ................................................1
1.1 研究動機與目的........................................1
1.2 孔洞材料介紹 .........................................1
1.2.1 中孔洞氧化矽材料的介紹 .............................2
1.2.2 中孔洞金屬氧化矽抗菌材 .............................3 抗菌材料.....................................3 銀及其殺菌機制................................5 含奈米銀的中孔洞氧化矽材料......................6
1.3 矽酸鹽的基本概念......................................6
1.4 高分子材料介紹........................................8
1.4.1 聚縮醛樹脂介紹....................................9
1.4.2 聚氯乙烯樹脂介紹 .................................10
1.4.3 醋酸乙烯-乙烯共聚乳液 .............................12
1.5 高分子混摻...........................................13
第二章 實驗部份.............................................16
2.1 實驗材料 ............................................16
2.2 實驗設備與儀器 .......................................17
2.3 實驗流程.............................................17
2.3.1 中孔洞氧化矽材料合成...............................17
2.3.2 含奈米銀的中孔洞氧化物材料合成 ......................18
2.3.3 以中孔洞二氧化矽作為聚縮醛樹脂填充材之測試 ............18 聚摻合物的製備................................18 成型加工條件 .................................19
2.3.4 以中孔洞二氧化矽作為聚氯乙烯樹脂填充材之研究...........19
2.3.5 以中孔洞氧化劑/銀作為PVA之抗菌材之研究...............20
2.4 儀器鑑定分析..........................................20
2.4.1 熱重分析儀.......................................20
2.4.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡..................................21
2.4.3 拉伸強度試驗機....................................21
2.4.4 耐衝擊強度試驗機..................................21
2.4.5 硬度測試儀.......................................21
2.4.6 摩擦係數試驗機....................................22
2.4.7 TABER磨耗試驗機..................................22
2.4.8 積分球式分光儀....................................22
2.4.9 抗菌評估方法......................................23
第三章 以PEG高分子為模板合成中孔洞二氧化矽材料...................24
3.1 研究動機及目的........................................24
3.2 結果與討論...........................................26
3.2.1 以不同pH值進行孔洞氧化矽之合成對產物的影響的確認.......26
3.2.2 不同水熱pH值對孔洞氧化矽的影響......................27
第四章 以中孔洞氧化矽作為聚縮醛填充材之研究 .....................30
4.1 研究動機與目的........................................30
4.2 結果與討論...........................................30
4.2.1 合成後的氧化矽依不同的處理步驟對聚縮醛塑膠的影響 .......30
4.2.2 以不同模板合成的中孔洞氧化矽對聚縮醛塑膠的影響.........31
4.2.3 合成孔洞氧化矽不同熟化時間對聚縮醛塑膠的影響...........32
4.2.4 中孔洞氧化矽添加於聚縮醛塑膠對摩擦及磨耗性質的影響......32
4.3 結論................................................33
第五章 以中孔洞氧化矽作為聚氯乙烯填充材之研究....................34
5.1 研究動機與目的........................................34
5.2 結果與討論...........................................34
5.2.1 中孔洞氧化矽對聚氯乙烯色澤之影響.....................34
5.2.2 中孔洞氧化矽對聚氯乙烯拉伸性質之影響..................35
5.2.3 中孔洞氧化矽與實心奈米二氧化矽對聚氯乙烯拉伸性質之比較...36
5.3 結論................................................36
第六章 以含奈米銀之中孔洞氧化矽作為抗醋酸乙烯-乙烯乳液抗菌材料之研究.37
6.1 研究動機與目的 .......................................37
6.2 結果與討論...........................................37
6.2.1 不同奈米銀對聚乙烯醇(PVA)水溶液的抗菌效果.............38
6.3 結論................................................40
第七章 結論 ................................................41

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